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Cheeky Weekly ™ REBELLION PUBLISHING LTD, COPYRIGHT © REBELLION PUBLISHING LTD, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED was a British children's comic with cover dates spanning 22 October 1977 to 02 February 1980.
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Thursday, 30 June 2011
Mini Comics - Whizzer and Chips
TV advertising was expensive, and was therefore reserved for publicising comic launches. The brief ads, occupying the teatime TV slot and aimed at the just-home-from-school brigade, were intended to lure potential readers who were unaware of IPC's comic offerings into becoming regular purchasers of their latest comic title. New comics were also publicised in IPC's existing titles, often in the form of advertising supplements (or 'flyers') in the centre of their comics.
Having ensnared the nascent comic fan into the habit of buying a title regularly, IPC hoped to entice them to expand their reading by including in their titles ads for other comics from the IPC line. Humour and humour/adventure comics, which were generally aimed at the lower age range of the comic-reading audience, carried ads for comics of a similar type, with the implication that 'if you like the comic you're reading, you can enjoy twice the fun by also buying comic X'. However, the comics aimed at a younger audience also periodically carried ads for titles whose target audience consisted of the upper age ranges of the comic-reading demographic. These older-reader-title ads were aimed at those who were starting to feel that they were getting a little too old for the younger end of the comic spectrum, but who IPC were desperate to retain as loyal readers for as long as possible.
IPC also employed tasters to tempt youngsters to explore their other output. One such was the 'Star Guest' feature which ran from time to time in their younger-audience titles, featuring strips from other comics, giving a flavour of what might be found in adjacent comics on the newsagent's shelf.
This series of posts will look at another taster feature, the Mini Comic.
IPC periodically ran a series of mini comics across their younger-reader titles. One mini comic campaign occurred during July 1978 and as well as the toothy funster's own comic, the promotion encompassed Buster, Whoopee!, Whizzer and Chips and Mickey Mouse. Under the banner, 'Try 'em for size!', this promotion was announced in Cheeky Weekly dated 24 June 1978 (and in other IPC titles published the same week).
As the name implies, the mini comic was a condensed version of a particular title featuring, presumably, the most popular strips from the comic being promoted. The pages would be printed sideways to allow 2 pages-worth of strip to fit on a single page of the host comic. Readers would be invited to cut out the mini comic pages, then fold and compile them into a small-sized replica of the comic being featured. The intrusion of a mini comic into one's regular title of course meant that some of the usual content would be temporarily absent. IPC evidently felt that the annoyance caused to their readers would be offset by a gain in circulation that made it worthwhile.
The reduced page size would mean that most of the artwork was specially prepared for the mini comic, since printing artwork intended for a normal sized comic at such a reduced scale would render it at best hard to read. Strips featured in the mini comics would often be drawn by artists other than those who drew the strip regularly in the 'guest' comic, presumably because the usual artist had a heavy workload.
Let's have a look at the first mini comic to feature in Cheeky Weekly, namely the Whizzer and Chips mini comic from the 01 July 1978 issue.
On the combined front/back cover are Shiner and Sid's Snake, both drawn by Mike Lacey, who was the regular artist on these strips in Whizzer and Chips.
Page 2 contains the adventures of confectionary-guzzling Sweet Tooth, drawn by Dick Millington for the mini comic, but usually rendered by Trevor Metcalfe. Sweet Tooth is coupled with a Paws strip by Artie Jackson, standing in for usual artist Styx (Leslie Harding). Sweet Tooth would return to Cheeky weekly in the issue dated 21 April 1979, where he was the subject of the Star Guest feature (another circulation-boosting ploy), and Paws was the Star Guest in the 23 June 1979 issue.
Joker and Fuss Pot are both drawn by Tom Williams, but their usual artists were Sid Burgon and Norman Mansbridge respectively. Fuss Pot would later feature in the second Star Guest strip to appear in Cheeky Weekly, in the comic dated 07 April 1979, and Joker would be the Star Guest in the 07 July 1979 comic.
12 1/2p Buytonic Boy (the only strip in the mini comic to feature a character who had moved into Whizzer and Chips from the recently-defunct Krazy) is drawn by Ed McHenry, in place of usual artist Robert Nixon. The Buytonic Boy made another appearance, as the Star Guest, in Cheeky Weekly dated 05 May 1979.
Further Mini Comics from this promotion can be seen here.
Monday, 27 June 2011
Cheeky Weekly cover date 03 June 1978

6 Million Dollar Gran comes to the aid of a hot air balloonist in this week's episode, and half of page 8 is taken up with a list of winners of the Basil Brush competition that appeared in the 11 March 1978 issue.
This is the issue where Six-Gun Sam attempts to demonstrate his shooting skills, assisted by Goalie Cat who launches tin-can targets for Sam to aim at with his pop-gun. Sam vows to attempt this feat every day until he hits a can, so of course he and his furry feline friend are seen every day.
On Tuesday, we are left asking the question - who is Neil Martin, then?
This week's Old Comic feature sees Cheeky perusing one of his Grandad's comic's - a copy of Jester, 1929. This is the oldest title to appear in the run of the Old Comic feature.
The Mustapha Million story owes something of a debt to The Beano's General Jumbo, as Mustapha's remote-controlled military men and vehicles bring a burglar to justice. One would expect that Mustapha's unlimited funds would result in him having the latest technology at his disposal, yet the controls for his models are housed in a cabinet the size of a large fridge/freezer, while Jumbo's control device is a much more practical wrist-mounted panel.
Let joy be unconfined - pages 26 and 27 carry the final Road Runner strip to appear in Cheeky Weekly.
There's no Pin-Up Pal poster this week as the back cover contains a colour ad for Rotaplane, 'The great new flying machine'.
Sadly there is no pure Frank McDiarmid art in this issue. Frank McDiarmid Pencils provide 8 Cheeky's Week elements, Jim Watson delivers 4, and Barrie Appleby furnishes us with the Wednesday conclusion.
Cheeky Weekly | Cover Date: 03-Jun-1978, Issue 33 of 117 |
Page | Details |
1 | Cover Feature 'Creepy Sleepy Tale' 3 of 3 - Art Keith Reynolds (final art on feature)\What a Cheek - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
2 | Sunday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
3 | Skateboard Squad - Art Jimmy Hansen |
4 | Sunday evening - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
5 | 6 Million Dollar Gran - Art Ian Knox |
6 | 6 Million Dollar Gran - Art Ian Knox |
7 | 6 Million Dollar Gran - Art Ian Knox |
8 | Basil Brush competition winners (single appearance)\Ad: IPC 'Tiger' 4 of 10 |
9 | Monday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
10 | James Bold 'The Frightened Village' 6 of 9 - Art Mike White |
11 | James Bold 'The Frightened Village' 6 of 9 - Art Mike White |
12 | Suddenly - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils (final art on feature) |
13 | Tuesday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
14 | Old Comic reprint from The Jester 'Sandy and Dusty' |
15 | Wednesday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
16 | Creepy Sleepy Tale - Art Keith Reynolds |
17 | Creepy Sleepy Tale - Art Keith Reynolds\Wednesday (conclusion) - Art Barrie Appleby |
18 | Ad: IPC 'Buster Holiday Fun Special' 1 of 3 Ad: 'Shoot Scotland Souvenir' |
19 | Thursday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
20 | Home Movie 'Australian Adventure' - Art Jack Clayton |
21 | Friday - Art Jim Watson |
22 | Mustapha Million - Art Reg Parlett |
23 | Mustapha Million - Art Reg Parlett |
24 | Ad: Weetabix |
25 | Saturday - Art Jim Watson |
26 | Road Runner (final appearance) 'Trombone Boo Boo' |
27 | Road Runner (final appearance) 'Trombone Boo Boo' |
28 | Interval - Art Jim Watson |
29 | Space Family Robinson 'Ambush' |
30 | Space Family Robinson 'Ambush' |
31 | Saturday - Art Jim Watson\What's New, Kids |
32 | Ad: Rotaplane (first appearance) |
Cheeky's Week Artists Cover Date 03-Jun-1978
Artist | Elements |
Frank McDiarmid pencils | 8 |
Jim Watson | 4 |
Barrie Appleby | 1 |
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Profile - Goalie Cat
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First Cheeky Weekly appearance |
Not only did the Goalie Cat sequence give Cheeky the opportunity to display his questionable footie skills, he regularly delivered the feed line for a cat-type joke while doing so. The cat would 'think' the reply (a talking cat would be ridiculous, obviously), but Cheeky could evidently read moggy-thoughts, as in the 08 December 1979 issue the roles were reversed; Goalie Cat 'thought' the riddle and Cheeky provided the answer. As well as the tag-line to the gag, Goalie Cat's thought-balloon reply would also contain a less than complimentary remark directed at Cheeky.
A pig substituted for an injured Goalie Cat in the 13 May 1978 issue (I presume the writer couldn't think of a cat joke that week).
The soccer-mad moggy got his first extended moment in the spotlight in the comic dated 03 June 1978, as he assisted in demonstrating Six-Gun Sam's gunslinging skills (or lack thereof) across the whole week. Sam told Cheeky "The Goalie Cat is gonna throw a can in the air for me every day until I hit it!" (presumably he meant the can, not the cat). By Saturday, Sam was so frustrated at being unable to hit the target that he tossed his gun over his shoulder, fetching Goalie Cat a nasty blow on his furry noggin.
Just over a month later, the 22 July 1978 issue saw Goalie Cat featured throughout the week again, as Cheeky vowed to get a can past the moggy if it took him all week. After a week (except Thursday) of cat jokes and failed shots, Goalie Cat and the local moggies ganged up on the toothy funster, booting a selection of tin cans and discarded footwear in Cheeky's direction.
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Stripeless |
It seems that by the 25 November 1978 issue, the Cheeky Weekly Inconsistent Hair Colour Syndrome had leapt the species boundary from human to feline, as Goalie Cat was missing his stripes.
Goalie Cat saved The Mystery Comic in the 03 March 1979 issue, and in the comic dated 22 December 1979 the football mad moggy caught the Christmas card that Cheeky lobbed at him.
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Goalie Cat recycles a Cheeky/Disco Kid joke |
The furry feline footballer made a brief appearance in the Skateboard Squad strip dated 13 May 1978.
Character | Total Issues | First Appearance | Final Appearance |
Goalie Cat | 71 | 22-Oct-1977 | 05-Jan-1980 |
Element | Number of Appearances |
Tuesday | 42 |
Saturday | 11 |
Wednesday | 9 |
Thursday | 8 |
Friday | 7 |
Monday | 3 |
Sunday | 2 |
Ash Wednesday | 1 |
Suddenly | 1 |
Sunday evening | 1 |
Page | Number of Appearances |
12 | 25 |
10 | 8 |
13 | 8 |
15 | 5 |
21 | 4 |
31 | 4 |
9 | 3 |
11 | 3 |
19 | 3 |
22 | 3 |
23 | 3 |
25 | 3 |
30 | 3 |
2 | 2 |
16 | 2 |
26 | 2 |
4 | 1 |
7 | 1 |
8 | 1 |
29 | 1 |
Character | Artist | Total Elements |
Goalie Cat | Frank McDiarmid | 36 |
Goalie Cat | Frank McDiarmid pencils | 18 |
Goalie Cat | Barrie Appleby | 11 |
Goalie Cat | Mike Lacey | 10 |
Goalie Cat | Jim Watson | 4 |
Goalie Cat | Unknown Cheeky Artist 1 | 4 |
Goalie Cat | Dick Millington | 2 |
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Hello Cheeky
It's relevant here in my opinion because Cheeky's first starring strip in Krazy, which was the template for the Cheeky's Week strips in Cheeky Weekly, was called 'Ello, It's Cheeky and I suspect this title was a nod to radio's Hello Cheeky.
The major part of each Hello Cheeky episode consisted of a series of gags with no overall narrative thread, much like the Cheeky's Week format, so it seems plausible that when 'Ello, It's Cheeky was being developed, someone used Hello Cheeky as inspiration. Of course, Hello Cheeky was aimed at an adult audience, and unlike the Cheeky strips, the radio show featured very few recurring characters, but the idea of stringing together a slew of jokes of varying quality was common to the radio series and the Cheeky strips.
Anyway, you have a chance to judge for yourselves as BBC Radio 4 Extra are now repeating some of the Hello Cheeky episodes, and you can catch the current programme via the BBC iPlayer (no doubt the BBC does something devilish based on your IP address, so overseas visitors may be unable to listen). A word of caution - the vintage nature of Hello Cheeky means that some of the 'humour' would be considered inappropriate today.
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Cheeky Weekly cover date 27 May 1978

After last week's canine-themed Skateboard Squad story, there's more animal antics this issue as the terrific trio are tasked with looking after a St Bernard.
On Sunday evening Cheeky watches the synthetic senior citizen roll up lengths of railway track in order to halt a runaway train in this week's 6 Million Dollar Gran episode.
Crunching Chris gets the guest-star treatment this issue, as on Monday he tells Cheeky he's going to see if he can make his everlasting toffee-bar last until Saturday. Needless to say, the noisy nosher crunches his way through the week.
The vintage strip selected for this week's Old Comic page is a Sporty reprint from Knockout. I remember Reg Wootton's Sporting Sam strip from the Sunday Express.
Frank McDiarmid's depiction of Hid Kid-ensconced-within-a-post-box from this week's cover appears again on page 14 (although reversed and with the EIIR removed), where readers are invited to send in their drawings of Hid Kid. All pictures published will win a £2.00 prize.
For some time now I've been toying with a theory that the Creepy Sleepy Tale artist who took over from Mike Brown was Keith Reynolds, ghosting a Baxendale-ish style. The 'Crumph!' panel in this week's tale looks typical of Keith's work to me. UPDATE 23 October 2018 - I have now assigned this and 33 other Creepy Sleepy Tale episodes to Keith - my thanks to Stephen Archer for his helpful comment below.
This week's Home Movie is Dick Twerpin. This is of course a film directed by Cheeky's pal Oscar, and not the same character who appeared in Monster Fun's Badtime Bedtime Book, nor the subject of the feature which appeared in the Cheeky Annuals from 1980 to 1984.
Space Family Robinson feature in the third of their episodes to share the title 'Escape'.
Posh Claude is just about to plummet down the Manhole Man's manhole (someone really should have a word with him about leaving his aperture uncovered) in this week's back cover poster.
Dick Millington, returning to Cheeky Weekly for the first time since his work appeared in the 24 December 1977 issue, handles the majority of the Cheeky's Week features this week, contributing 11 elements. Frank McDiarmid gives us the main cover pic and What a Cheek, plus the back cover poster, while Barrie Appleby provides the Wednesday conclusion.
Cheeky Weekly | Cover Date: 27-May-1978, Issue 32 of 117 |
Page | Details |
1 | Cover Feature 'What does Hid Kid look like?' - Art Frank McDiarmid\What a Cheek - Art Frank McDiarmid |
2 | Sunday - Art Dick Millington |
3 | Skateboard Squad - Art Jimmy Hansen |
4 | Sunday evening - Art Dick Millington (final art on feature) |
5 | 6 Million Dollar Gran - Art Ian Knox |
6 | 6 Million Dollar Gran - Art Ian Knox |
7 | 6 Million Dollar Gran - Art Ian Knox |
8 | Monday - Art Dick Millington |
9 | James Bold 'The Frightened Village' 5 of 9 - Art Mike White |
10 | James Bold 'The Frightened Village' 5 of 9 - Art Mike White |
11 | Suddenly - Art Dick Millington (single art on feature) |
12 | Tuesday - Art Dick Millington |
13 | Old Comic reprint from Knockout 'Sporty' |
14 | Hid Kid what does he look like (single appearance)\Ad: IPC 'Tiger' 3 of 10 |
15 | Wednesday - Art Dick Millington |
16 | Creepy Sleepy Tale - Art Keith Reynolds |
17 | Creepy Sleepy Tale - Art Keith Reynolds\Wednesday (conclusion) - Art Barrie Appleby |
18 | Joke-Box Jury |
19 | Thursday - Art Dick Millington |
20 | Home Movie 'Dick Twerpin' - Art Jack Clayton |
21 | Friday - Art Dick Millington |
22 | Mustapha Million - Art Reg Parlett |
23 | Mustapha Million - Art Reg Parlett |
24 | What's New, Kids |
25 | Saturday - Art Dick Millington |
26 | Road Runner 'Thunder Blunder' |
27 | Road Runner 'Thunder Blunder' |
28 | Interval - Art Dick Millington (final art on feature) |
29 | Space Family Robinson 'Escape' 3 of 3 |
30 | Space Family Robinson 'Escape' 3 of 3 |
31 | Saturday - Art Dick Millington\Ad: IPC 'Jinty' 3 of 7 |
32 | Pin-up pal 'Posh Claude' - Art Frank McDiarmid |
Cheeky's Week Artists Cover Date 27-May-1978
Artist | Elements |
Dick Millington | 11 |
Frank McDiarmid | 1 |
Barrie Appleby | 1 |
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
The pages - Churn
The figures below show the total 'churn events' by page, over 116 issues (obviously, no churn occurred in the first issue).
NB - the churn totals below do not represent the total number of different features/ads to appear on each page over Cheeky Weekly's run, but the number of times the contents of the page changed from the previous week. See the second table below for an example of how churn events are assigned in respect of page 2.
1 | 45 |
2 | 9 |
3 | 16 |
4 | 20 |
5 | 32 |
6 | 36 |
7 | 43 |
8 | 79 |
9 | 54 |
10 | 40 |
11 | 83 |
12 | 49 |
13 | 49 |
14 | 85 |
15 | 39 |
16 | 46 |
17 | 49 |
18 | 68 |
19 | 57 |
20 | 52 |
21 | 58 |
22 | 58 |
23 | 53 |
24 | 66 |
25 | 61 |
26 | 54 |
27 | 61 |
28 | 42 |
29 | 41 |
30 | 18 |
31 | 31 |
32 | 36 |
29-OCT-77 | 2 | Hello again | 22-OCT-77 | Hiya I'm Cheeky | 1 |
05-NOV-77 | 2 | Sunday | 29-OCT-77 | Hello again | 1 |
12-NOV-77 | 2 | Sunday | 05-NOV-77 | Sunday | 0 |
19-NOV-77 | 2 | Sunday | 12-NOV-77 | Sunday | 0 |
26-NOV-77 | 2 | Sunday | 19-NOV-77 | Sunday | 0 |
03-DEC-77 | 2 | Sunday | 26-NOV-77 | Sunday | 0 |
10-DEC-77 | 2 | Sunday | 03-DEC-77 | Sunday | 0 |
17-DEC-77 | 2 | Sunday | 10-DEC-77 | Sunday | 0 |
24-DEC-77 | 2 | Sunday | 17-DEC-77 | Sunday | 0 |
31-DEC-77 | 2 | Christmas Morning | 24-DEC-77 | Sunday | 1 |
07-JAN-78 | 2 | New Year's Eve | 31-DEC-77 | Christmas Morning | 1 |
14-JAN-78 | 2 | Sunday | 07-JAN-78 | New Year's Eve | 1 |
21-JAN-78 | 2 | Sunday | 14-JAN-78 | Sunday | 0 |
28-JAN-78 | 2 | Sunday | 21-JAN-78 | Sunday | 0 |
04-FEB-78 | 2 | Skateboard Squad | 28-JAN-78 | Sunday | 1 |
11-FEB-78 | 2 | Sunday | 04-FEB-78 | Skateboard Squad | 1 |
18-FEB-78 | 2 | Sunday | 11-FEB-78 | Sunday | 0 |
25-FEB-78 | 2 | Sunday | 18-FEB-78 | Sunday | 0 |
04-MAR-78 | 2 | Sunday | 25-FEB-78 | Sunday | 0 |
11-MAR-78 | 2 | Sunday | 04-MAR-78 | Sunday | 0 |
18-MAR-78 | 2 | Sunday | 11-MAR-78 | Sunday | 0 |
25-MAR-78 | 2 | Sunday | 18-MAR-78 | Sunday | 0 |
01-APR-78 | 2 | Easter Sunday | 25-MAR-78 | Sunday | 1 |
08-APR-78 | 2 | Sunday | 01-APR-78 | Easter Sunday | 1 |
15-APR-78 | 2 | Sunday | 08-APR-78 | Sunday | 0 |
22-APR-78 | 2 | Sunday | 15-APR-78 | Sunday | 0 |
29-APR-78 | 2 | Sunday | 22-APR-78 | Sunday | 0 |
06-MAY-78 | 2 | Sunday | 29-APR-78 | Sunday | 0 |
13-MAY-78 | 2 | Sunday | 06-MAY-78 | Sunday | 0 |
20-MAY-78 | 2 | Sunday | 13-MAY-78 | Sunday | 0 |
27-MAY-78 | 2 | Sunday | 20-MAY-78 | Sunday | 0 |
03-JUN-78 | 2 | Sunday | 27-MAY-78 | Sunday | 0 |
10-JUN-78 | 2 | Sunday | 03-JUN-78 | Sunday | 0 |
17-JUN-78 | 2 | Sunday | 10-JUN-78 | Sunday | 0 |
24-JUN-78 | 2 | Sunday | 17-JUN-78 | Sunday | 0 |
01-JUL-78 | 2 | Sunday | 24-JUN-78 | Sunday | 0 |
08-JUL-78 | 2 | Sunday | 01-JUL-78 | Sunday | 0 |
15-JUL-78 | 2 | Sunday | 08-JUL-78 | Sunday | 0 |
22-JUL-78 | 2 | Sunday | 15-JUL-78 | Sunday | 0 |
29-JUL-78 | 2 | Sunday | 22-JUL-78 | Sunday | 0 |
05-AUG-78 | 2 | Sunday | 29-JUL-78 | Sunday | 0 |
12-AUG-78 | 2 | Sunday | 05-AUG-78 | Sunday | 0 |
19-AUG-78 | 2 | Sunday | 12-AUG-78 | Sunday | 0 |
26-AUG-78 | 2 | Sunday | 19-AUG-78 | Sunday | 0 |
02-SEP-78 | 2 | Sunday | 26-AUG-78 | Sunday | 0 |
09-SEP-78 | 2 | Sunday | 02-SEP-78 | Sunday | 0 |
16-SEP-78 | 2 | Sunday | 09-SEP-78 | Sunday | 0 |
23-SEP-78 | 2 | Sunday | 16-SEP-78 | Sunday | 0 |
30-SEP-78 | 2 | Sunday | 23-SEP-78 | Sunday | 0 |
07-OCT-78 | 2 | Sunday | 30-SEP-78 | Sunday | 0 |
14-OCT-78 | 2 | Sunday | 07-OCT-78 | Sunday | 0 |
21-OCT-78 | 2 | Sunday | 14-OCT-78 | Sunday | 0 |
28-OCT-78 | 2 | Sunday | 21-OCT-78 | Sunday | 0 |
04-NOV-78 | 2 | Sunday | 28-OCT-78 | Sunday | 0 |
11-NOV-78 | 2 | Sunday | 04-NOV-78 | Sunday | 0 |
18-NOV-78 | 2 | Sunday | 11-NOV-78 | Sunday | 0 |
25-NOV-78 | 2 | Sunday | 18-NOV-78 | Sunday | 0 |
02-DEC-78 | 2 | Sunday | 25-NOV-78 | Sunday | 0 |
09-DEC-78 | 2 | Sunday | 02-DEC-78 | Sunday | 0 |
06-JAN-79 | 2 | Sunday | 09-DEC-78 | Sunday | 0 |
13-JAN-79 | 2 | Sunday | 06-JAN-79 | Sunday | 0 |
20-JAN-79 | 2 | Sunday | 13-JAN-79 | Sunday | 0 |
27-JAN-79 | 2 | Sunday | 20-JAN-79 | Sunday | 0 |
03-FEB-79 | 2 | Sunday | 27-JAN-79 | Sunday | 0 |
10-FEB-79 | 2 | Sunday | 03-FEB-79 | Sunday | 0 |
17-FEB-79 | 2 | Sunday | 10-FEB-79 | Sunday | 0 |
24-FEB-79 | 2 | Sunday | 17-FEB-79 | Sunday | 0 |
03-MAR-79 | 2 | Sunday | 24-FEB-79 | Sunday | 0 |
10-MAR-79 | 2 | Sunday | 03-MAR-79 | Sunday | 0 |
17-MAR-79 | 2 | Sunday | 10-MAR-79 | Sunday | 0 |
24-MAR-79 | 2 | Sunday | 17-MAR-79 | Sunday | 0 |
31-MAR-79 | 2 | Sunday | 24-MAR-79 | Sunday | 0 |
07-APR-79 | 2 | Sunday | 31-MAR-79 | Sunday | 0 |
14-APR-79 | 2 | Sunday | 07-APR-79 | Sunday | 0 |
21-APR-79 | 2 | Sunday | 14-APR-79 | Sunday | 0 |
28-APR-79 | 2 | Sunday | 21-APR-79 | Sunday | 0 |
05-MAY-79 | 2 | Sunday | 28-APR-79 | Sunday | 0 |
12-MAY-79 | 2 | Sunday | 05-MAY-79 | Sunday | 0 |
19-MAY-79 | 2 | Sunday | 12-MAY-79 | Sunday | 0 |
26-MAY-79 | 2 | Sunday | 19-MAY-79 | Sunday | 0 |
02-JUN-79 | 2 | Sunday | 26-MAY-79 | Sunday | 0 |
09-JUN-79 | 2 | Sunday | 02-JUN-79 | Sunday | 0 |
16-JUN-79 | 2 | Sunday | 09-JUN-79 | Sunday | 0 |
23-JUN-79 | 2 | Sunday | 16-JUN-79 | Sunday | 0 |
30-JUN-79 | 2 | Sunday | 23-JUN-79 | Sunday | 0 |
07-JUL-79 | 2 | Sunday | 30-JUN-79 | Sunday | 0 |
14-JUL-79 | 2 | Sunday | 07-JUL-79 | Sunday | 0 |
21-JUL-79 | 2 | Sunday | 14-JUL-79 | Sunday | 0 |
28-JUL-79 | 2 | Sunday | 21-JUL-79 | Sunday | 0 |
04-AUG-79 | 2 | Sunday | 28-JUL-79 | Sunday | 0 |
11-AUG-79 | 2 | Sunday | 04-AUG-79 | Sunday | 0 |
18-AUG-79 | 2 | Sunday | 11-AUG-79 | Sunday | 0 |
25-AUG-79 | 2 | Sunday | 18-AUG-79 | Sunday | 0 |
01-SEP-79 | 2 | Sunday | 25-AUG-79 | Sunday | 0 |
08-SEP-79 | 2 | Sunday | 01-SEP-79 | Sunday | 0 |
15-SEP-79 | 2 | Sunday | 08-SEP-79 | Sunday | 0 |
22-SEP-79 | 2 | Sunday | 15-SEP-79 | Sunday | 0 |
29-SEP-79 | 2 | Sunday | 22-SEP-79 | Sunday | 0 |
06-OCT-79 | 2 | Sunday | 29-SEP-79 | Sunday | 0 |
13-OCT-79 | 2 | Sunday | 06-OCT-79 | Sunday | 0 |
20-OCT-79 | 2 | Sunday | 13-OCT-79 | Sunday | 0 |
27-OCT-79 | 2 | Sunday | 20-OCT-79 | Sunday | 0 |
03-NOV-79 | 2 | Sunday | 27-OCT-79 | Sunday | 0 |
10-NOV-79 | 2 | Sunday | 03-NOV-79 | Sunday | 0 |
17-NOV-79 | 2 | Sunday | 10-NOV-79 | Sunday | 0 |
24-NOV-79 | 2 | Sunday | 17-NOV-79 | Sunday | 0 |
01-DEC-79 | 2 | Sunday | 24-NOV-79 | Sunday | 0 |
08-DEC-79 | 2 | Sunday | 01-DEC-79 | Sunday | 0 |
15-DEC-79 | 2 | Sunday | 08-DEC-79 | Sunday | 0 |
22-DEC-79 | 2 | Sunday | 15-DEC-79 | Sunday | 0 |
29-DEC-79 | 2 | Sunday | 22-DEC-79 | Sunday | 0 |
05-JAN-80 | 2 | Sunday | 29-DEC-79 | Sunday | 0 |
12-JAN-80 | 2 | Sunday | 05-JAN-80 | Sunday | 0 |
19-JAN-80 | 2 | Sunday | 12-JAN-80 | Sunday | 0 |
26-JAN-80 | 2 | Sunday | 19-JAN-80 | Sunday | 0 |
02-FEB-80 | 2 | Sunday | 26-JAN-80 | Sunday | 0 |
Saturday, 18 June 2011
The One-Offs - Bump-Bump Bernie's Dad
Friday, 17 June 2011
Cheeky Weekly cover date 20 May 1978
Cheeky delivers a theatre-type joke in the What a Cheek strip. Readers of a similar vintage to me will get the 'Brian Haystax' joke on the theatre poster, a reference to veteran British farceur Brian Rix (haystacks = hayricks).
Skateboard Squad are at a dog show, and yes, the old plot device of having a thief on hand to steal the trophy is shamelessly employed again. Some nice Mike Lacey artwork on this strip, with a variety of canine breeds on display.

Doctor Braincell is the character to feature throughout Cheeky's Week this issue, as Cheeky and pals provide the feed lines for medical mirth.
For once Cheeky isn't terrified by the Creepy Sleepy Tale, although Burpo, taking inspiration from the story of Old Nick's son's fire-breathing visit to Earth, spikes the toothy funster's post-tale sandwich with extra-hot mustard.
I like the 'art thief' gag on the Friday page, and the way Snail slides to the edge of the panel. Funny comment from him in the following panel as well.
Granny Gumdrop and her feline friend Tired Tom round off the issue on the back cover's Pin-Up Pal poster.
Barrie Appleby provides 7 Cheeky's Week elements this issue, with Jim Watson delivering 5. Frank McDiarmid draws the cover elements and the Pin-Up Pal poster.
Cheeky Weekly | Cover Date: 20-May-1978, Issue 31 of 117 |
Page | Details |
1 | Cover Feature 'Posh Claude' - Art Frank McDiarmid\What a Cheek - Art Frank McDiarmid |
2 | Sunday - Art Barrie Appleby |
3 | Skateboard Squad - Art Jimmy Hansen |
4 | Sunday evening - Art Barrie Appleby |
5 | 6 Million Dollar Gran - Art Ian Knox |
6 | 6 Million Dollar Gran - Art Ian Knox |
7 | 6 Million Dollar Gran - Art Ian Knox |
8 | Monday - Art Barrie Appleby |
9 | James Bold 'The Frightened Village' 4 of 9 - Art Mike White |
10 | James Bold 'The Frightened Village' 4 of 9 - Art Mike White |
11 | Suddenly - Art Barrie Appleby |
12 | What's New, Kids\Ad: Arena Swimwear (final appearance) |
13 | Tuesday - Art Barrie Appleby |
14 | Old Comic reprint from Film Fun 'Abbott and Costello' 2 of 2 |
15 | Wednesday - Art Barrie Appleby |
16 | Creepy Sleepy Tale - Art Keith Reynolds |
17 | Creepy Sleepy Tale - Art Keith Reynolds\Wednesday (conclusion) - Art Barrie Appleby (first art on feature) |
18 | Joke-Box Jury\Ad: IPC 'Jinty' 2 of 7 |
19 | Thursday - Art Jim Watson |
20 | Home Movie 'The Scarlet Pimple' - Art Jack Clayton |
21 | Friday - Art Jim Watson |
22 | Mustapha Million - Art Reg Parlett |
23 | Mustapha Million - Art Reg Parlett |
24 | Ad: Wall's (first appearance) 'Tom and Jerry lolly' |
25 | Saturday - Art Jim Watson |
26 | Tweety and Sylvester 'All Duded Up' |
27 | Tweety and Sylvester 'All Duded Up' |
28 | Interval - Art Jim Watson |
29 | Space Family Robinson 'Bid For Freedom' |
30 | Space Family Robinson 'Bid For Freedom' |
31 | Saturday - Art Jim Watson\Ad: IPC 'Tiger' 2 of 10 |
32 | Pin-up pal 'Granny Gumdrop' - Art Frank McDiarmid |
Cheeky's Week Artists Cover Date 20-May-1978
Artist | Elements |
Barrie Appleby | 7 |
Jim Watson | 5 |
Frank McDiarmid | 1 |
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Profile - Herman
Herman, who had a fondness for slapping tickets on the Vicar's bicycle, made his debut in Cheeky Weekly's first issue, and bowed out in the comic dated 05 January 1980, clocking up appearances in 39 issues.
The tyrannical traffic warden gave Cheeky a copy of The Mystery Comic in the issue dated 03 December 1977, and in the following week's issue Herman's moustache was mysteriously absent.
![]() |
First appearance |
Despite his depiction as an unpleasant character, Herman was a guest at Cheeky's new year's eve parties in the 07 January 1978, 13 January 1979 and 05 January 1980 comics.
The 06 May 1978 issue was the comic that featured Herman throughout Cheeky's Week (well, with the exception of Tuesday), as the petrifying parking permit patroller attempted to set the world record for the number of parking tickets issued.
Herman left Cheeky another copy of The Mystery Comic, this time under Cheeky's Dad's windscreen wiper, in the issue dated 03 June 1978
Herman threatened to slap tickets on the visiting team's cars during Krazy Town FC's football match in the 09 December 1978 issue, causing the match, in which the home team were losing 8 nil, to be abandoned. In the 12 May 1979 issue, Hypno-Tessa persuaded Herman to ignore illegally-parked cars.
In the comic dated 01 September 1979, Ursula became Herman's assistant, dragging lorries off double yellow lines (after Herman had issued them with tickets, of course).
Herman was the subject of 19 August 1978's Pin-Up Pal poster, in which he was seen gleefully slapping tickets on the carnival trucks and animals, as a circus parade passed through Krazy Town.
Character | Total Issues | First Appearance | Final Appearance |
Herman | 39 | 22-Oct-1977 | 05-Jan-1980 |
Element | Number of Appearances |
Saturday | 24 |
Thursday | 9 |
Friday | 6 |
Monday | 4 |
Wednesday | 2 |
Easter Saturday | 1 |
New Year's Eve | 1 |
Suddenly | 1 |
Sunday | 1 |
Sunday evening | 1 |
Tuesday | 1 |
Page | Number of Appearances |
21 | 7 |
31 | 7 |
19 | 5 |
25 | 5 |
30 | 5 |
24 | 3 |
2 | 2 |
6 | 2 |
8 | 2 |
15 | 2 |
22 | 2 |
32 | 2 |
4 | 1 |
7 | 1 |
11 | 1 |
20 | 1 |
26 | 1 |
27 | 1 |
28 | 1 |
Character | Artist | Total Elements |
Herman | Frank McDiarmid | 26 |
Herman | Frank McDiarmid pencils | 10 |
Herman | Mike Lacey | 6 |
Herman | Barrie Appleby | 5 |
Herman | Jim Watson | 2 |
Herman | Unknown Cheeky Artist 1 | 1 |
Herman | Not known | 1 |
Monday, 6 June 2011
The pages - page 8
Monday was then back on page 8 for 2 weeks, before Gran moved back in for a run of 7 weeks. Not to be deterred, Monday recaptured page 8 for a further 2 weeks, but in the 28 January 1978 issue the first page of the fourth instalment of James Bold's second adventure occupied page 8.
Monday was then back for a 5 week run until Joke-Box Jury occupied page 8 in the 11 March 1978 issue. Monday returned for another 2 weeks until deposed again by Joke-Box Jury on 01 April 1978, and the following week page 8 was the home of the What's New, Kids advertising feature.
Monday moved back in for a further 2 weeks until the comic dated 29 April 1978, which saw an advert for Trebor's 'get a Batman-related Corgi Junior toy' promotion. Cheeky's Monday escapades then returned to page 8 for 1 week before being deposed by an ad for Pritt's Funny Faces do-it-yourself-adhesive-cartoon-assembly thing.
Monday regained possession of page 8 for 2 more weeks before being interrupted again, this time by a page consisting of Basil Brush competition winners and an ad for one of IPC's adventure titles, Tiger.
On page 8 in the 10 June 1978 issue was an ad for Texan Bars, a confection utilising Wild West imagery on the wrapper and in the supporting ad campaign (never did Milky Bar any harm, so why not try it again). Having said that, at this time there was a promotion running which deviated somewhat from the old west elements of the product, as purchasers could collect a free dinosaur sticker from 'most sweetshops'. My memory of these bars is that consuming one was rather hazardous, since the rigid chocolate coating had a tendency to part company with the pliable, sweetly glutinous filling when a bite was taken out of it, thereby depositing chocolatey crumbs on one's clothing.
In the 17 June 1978 issue, page 8 was host to a half-page Joke-Box Jury and an ad for Buster Holiday Fun Special, after which Monday returned for 2 weeks before being deposed by an ad for Smiths' line of horror-themed salty snacks, Horror Bags. At this time they were running a promotion entitling consumers to get an Identi-Kit game, 'the gruesome game for 2-4 players, worth 75p', for a bargain 30p.
Monday enjoyed another 2 week run on page 8 before being ousted by a colour ad for Rotaplane, 'the great new flying machine'. From the accompanying illustration, I would guess that the aerial toy was constructed from polystyrene and had rotating wings, hence the name.
Monday then returned for another 3 weeks until the 26 August 1978 issue which featured an ad for the following week's issues of Cheeky Weekly, Whoopee!, Whizzer and Chips and Mickey Mouse, which would all be featuring cut-out games, and the following week an almost identical ad appeared on page 8, to tell readers that the comics in question were now on sale.
Monday then resumed its run on page 8 for a further 3 weeks, before the Silly Snaps feature moved in on 30 September 1978.
The following week the Laugh and Learn feature made its Cheeky Weekly Debut on page 8, but the next issue had a half-page Joke-Box Jury and ad for the Cheeky Annual in that location.
The 21 October 1978 issue had a Kellogg's ad on page 8. The cereal manufacturers were running a token-collection promotion which enabled enthusiastic breakfasters to receive Playpeople figures.
Joke-Box Jury was back the following week, then Laugh and Learn for 2 weeks, followed by Joke-Box Jury again.
Page 8 in the 18 November 1978 issue was home to 2 ads. The first was for Bassett's sweets, and informed readers that they could collect 12 empty sweet bags to receive a free Paddington Bear book. The second was an IPC ad for Mickey Mouse comic.
Over the next few weeks a jumble of different features and ads cropped up on page 8. In order of appearance from 25 November 1978 to 31 March 1979 these were;
Joke-Box Jury
What's New, Kids
Calculator Kid
Goonburger Maze (single appearance)
Your chance to vote (first appearance)\Ad: IPC 'Mickey Mouse' 9 of 18
Train Track Maze (single appearance)
Ad: Weetabix 'Superman promo'
Ad: KP 'Hula Hoops Hulk promo'
Joke-Box Jury
Tease Break
Ad: IPC 'Tornado No 1' 1 of 2 \Ad: Pacific Flyers (single appearance)
Ad: Trebor 'Double Agents' 4 of 6
Tease Break\Ad: IPC 'Battle Action' 2 of 2
A brief period of stability for page 8 followed, with 4 weeks of the Tuesday feature in that location, but from 05 May 1979 to 30 June 1979 a mixture of elements filled the page;
Ad: Palitoy 'Pippa' 3 of 4
Ad: IPC 'Jackpot' 2 of 7 Ad: 'Krazy Holiday Special' 3 of 4
Ad: WH Smith
Ad: Mr Bellamy's (first appearance)
Star Guest 'Smiler'
Ad: Mr Bellamy's
What's New, Kids
Ad: Mr Bellamy's
Ad: WH Smith
For the following 2 weeks Monday resumed its page 8 position, the last of its appearances there, and on 21 July 1979, page 1 of The Gang's 2-page adventure moved in, as it did for the following 5 issues.
After that, another period of turbulence ensued, with the following ads and features appearing on page 8 from 01 September 1979 to 22 December 1979;
Ad: Green Cross Code (final appearance) 'Football Crazy' 2 of 2
Ad: Signal (single appearance) 'Dracula promo'
Ad: Trebor 'Olympic competition'
Ad: Mr Bellamy's
Ad: Trebor 'Olympic Game' 1 of 2
Ad: Trebor (final appearance) 'Olympic Game' 2 of 2
Joke-Box Jury 1/2
Chit-Chat 1/2
Joke-Box Jury 1/2
Ad: Pocket Popamatics (single appearance)
What's New, Kids (final appearance)
Joke-Box Jury
Ad: Action Man (final appearance)
Ad: Tente (single appearance)
Ad: IPC 'Fleetway Annuals'
Junior Jet Club Competition (single appearance)
Page 8 in the 29 December 1979 issue featured a Soggy the Sea Monster reprint from Shiver and Shake, and in the following issue the budding thespians of Stage School moved in, and the first page of their weekly 2-page spread remained on page 8 up to and including the final issue of Cheeky Weekly, dated 02 February 1980.
Count of Elements (or distinct combinations thereof) appearing on Page 8
Elements | Total |
Monday | 31 |
Joke-Box Jury | 7 |
The Gang 1/2 | 6 |
6 Million Dollar Gran 1/3 | 5 |
Advertisement: Trebor | 5 |
Stage School 1/2 | 5 |
Tuesday | 5 |
Advertisement: Mr Bellamy's | 4 |
What's New, Kids | 4 |
Advertisement: IPC | 3 |
6 Million Dollar Gran 3/3 | 2 |
Advertisement: WH Smith | 2 |
Joke-Box Jury 1/2 | 2 |
Joke-Box Jury\Advertisement: IPC | 2 |
Laugh and Learn 1/2 | 2 |
6 Million Dollar Gran 1/2 | 1 |
Advertisement: Action Man | 1 |
Advertisement: Bassett's\Advertisement: IPC | 1 |
Advertisement: Funny Faces | 1 |
Advertisement: Green Cross Code | 1 |
Advertisement: Horror Bags | 1 |
Advertisement: IPC\Advertisement: IPC | 1 |
Advertisement: IPC\Advertisement: Pacific Flyers | 1 |
Advertisement: KP | 1 |
Advertisement: Kellogg's | 1 |
Advertisement: Palitoy | 1 |
Advertisement: Pocket Popamatics | 1 |
Advertisement: Rotaplane | 1 |
Advertisement: Signal | 1 |
Advertisement: Tente | 1 |
Advertisement: Texan bars | 1 |
Advertisement: Weetabix | 1 |
Basil Brush competition winners\Advertisement: IPC | 1 |
Calculator Kid | 1 |
Chit-Chat 1/2 | 1 |
Goonburger Maze | 1 |
James Bold 1/2 | 1 |
Junior Jet Club Competition | 1 |
Paddywack 1/2 | 1 |
Silly Snaps 1/2 | 1 |
Soggy the Sea Monster | 1 |
Star Guest | 1 |
Tease Break | 1 |
Tease Break\Advertisement: IPC | 1 |
Train Track Maze | 1 |
Wednesday | 1 |
Your chance to vote\Advertisement: IPC | 1 |
Friday, 3 June 2011
A taste of Snail
Thursday, 2 June 2011
IPC's top toddler terror revealed!

Thanks to those of you who voted Burpo (me and two others!), and thanks to Bruce for hosting the poll.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Cheeky Weekly cover date 13 May 1978

There are a number of crossovers with Cheeky's Week characters in the Skateboard Squad strip, which features Manhole Man, Baker's Boy, Goalie Cat, Constable Chuckle (I think - he's under duress so not his usual amiable self) and Snail.
6 Million Dollar Gran foils criminal capers in a castle in this week's 2-page story. The shorter story this week appears to be due to extra adverts and a page devoted to listing the winners of the kite competition that featured in the 28 January 1978 issue.
Lily Pop's traffic-stopping appearance on the Suddenly page is described as a 'luscious-type lunge'. The same page also features a cameo appearance by TV comedian Dick Emery's 'Mandy' character.
Mustapha Million's story has a moral, showing the consequences of excessive sweet-consumption.
There is no 'Cheeky's pal throughout the week' storyline this issue, but Cheeky meets up with Doctor Braincell on Saturday, to conclude the jokes he started with the merry medic on Sunday.
A Pin-Up Pal poster featuring comical cowpoke Six-Gun Sam on the back cover brings this week's issue to a conclusion.
After an absence of 17 weeks, Parachutist returns this issue for his final appearance. The script explains that his crash-landing in Cheeky's attic is the reason that there is no Old Comic feature this week, although we know its non-appearance is actually due to the advertising/competition results.
Cheeky's Week art duties on this issue are shared by Frank McDiarmid (6 elements, plus the poster and main cover pic) and Frank McDiarmid pencils (7 elements).
Cheeky Weekly | Cover Date: 13-May-1978, Issue 30 of 117 |
Page | Details |
1 | Cover Feature 'Constable Chuckle' 1 of 2 - Art Frank McDiarmid\What a Cheek - Art Frank McDiarmid |
2 | Sunday - Art Frank McDiarmid |
3 | Skateboard Squad - Art Jimmy Hansen |
4 | Sunday evening - Art Frank McDiarmid |
5 | Ad: IPC 'Tiger' 1 of 10 Ad: 'Whizzer and Chips' 4 of 6 |
6 | 6 Million Dollar Gran - Art Ian Knox |
7 | 6 Million Dollar Gran - Art Ian Knox |
8 | Ad: Funny Faces (final appearance) |
9 | Monday - Art Frank McDiarmid |
10 | James Bold 'The Frightened Village' 3 of 9 - Art Mike White |
11 | James Bold 'The Frightened Village' 3 of 9 - Art Mike White |
12 | Suddenly - Art Frank McDiarmid (final art on feature) |
13 | Tuesday - Art Frank McDiarmid |
14 | Kite Competition winners (single appearance) |
15 | Wednesday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
16 | Creepy Sleepy Tale - Art Keith Reynolds |
17 | Creepy Sleepy Tale - Art Keith Reynolds\Wednesday (conclusion) - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
18 | Ad: KP 'Outer Spacers Star Wars promotion' 2 of 2 |
19 | Thursday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
20 | Home Movie 'Moby Dick' - Art Jack Clayton |
21 | Friday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
22 | Mustapha Million - Art Reg Parlett |
23 | Mustapha Million - Art Reg Parlett |
24 | Saturday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
25 | Ad: Trebor 'Corgi Batman promotion' 3 of 3 |
26 | Road Runner 'Flypaper Caper' |
27 | Road Runner 'Flypaper Caper' |
28 | Interval - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
29 | Space Family Robinson 'The Flood' |
30 | Space Family Robinson 'The Flood' |
31 | Saturday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils\Ad: IPC 'Jinty' 1 of 7 |
32 | Pin-up pal 'Six-Gun Sam' - Art Frank McDiarmid |
Artist | Elements |
Frank McDiarmid pencils | 7 |
Frank McDiarmid | 6 |