Welcome to the Cheeky Weekly blog!
Cheeky Weekly ™ REBELLION PUBLISHING LTD, COPYRIGHT © REBELLION PUBLISHING LTD, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED was a British children's comic with cover dates spanning 22 October 1977 to 02 February 1980.
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Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Cheeky Weekly cover date 21 October 1978

Rather surprisingly, no mention is made of the anniversary in this week's cover strip.
The writer of the Cheeky's Week script for this issue seems to have taken inspiration from the 1950 film Harvey, starring James Stewart; as during the week Cheeky has multiple encounters with a human-size rabbit that is apparently only visible to the toothy funster.

Inside The Mystery Comic, The Man In The Plastic Mac isn't fooled by our Elephant chum's deft disguise dodges and, like Gran, Mustapha Million's story is truncated by having one page less than normal.
On page 22, back within the Cheeky Weekly section, our Calculator Kid pals are beset by that recurring problem for comic characters; the old meanie who won't give kids back their footballs. Needless to say, Calculator soon has the balls bouncing back to their rightful owners.
Space seems to be at a premium in this issue, as even our perplexing pal Paddywack is reduced to a single row of panels this week.
On Saturday a relieved Cheeky finds out that the giant rabbit he's been seeing all week wasn't the result of a mental aberration brought on by the strain of a year's worth of jokes and japes. It is in fact Presto The Magic Rabbit, who Cheeky's pals have hired for a special show at the cinema, to celebrate Cheeky Weekly's first birthday. Not only that, but Ursula the usherette is giving away all the goodies on her tray for free.
Cheeky Weekly | Cover Date: 21-Oct-1978, Issue 53 of 117 |
Page | Details |
1 | Cover Feature 'Happy 1st Birthday'\Cheeky's Week - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils (first art on feature) |
2 | Sunday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
3 | 6 Million Dollar Gran - Art Nigel Edwards |
4 | 6 Million Dollar Gran - Art Nigel Edwards |
5 | Ad: IPC 'Whoopee' 3 of 9 Ad: 'Look and Learn' 11 of 16 |
6 | Monday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
7 | Laugh and Learn - Art Brian Walker - Art Barrie Appleby |
8 | Ad: Kellogg's |
9 | Tuesday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
10 | Skateboard Squad - Art Jimmy Hansen |
11 | Ad: IPC '2000AD'Ad: 'Shiver and Shake' |
12 | Wednesday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
13 | Tub 'Mystery Comic' 4 of 34 - Art Nigel Edwards |
14 | Why, Dad, Why? 'Mystery Comic' 4 of 28 - Art John K. Geering |
15 | Mystery Boy reprint from Whizzer and Chips 'Mystery Comic' 4 of 37 - Art John Richardson |
16 | Elephant On The Run 'Mystery Comic' 4 of 34 - Art Robert Nixon |
17 | Elephant On The Run 'Mystery Comic' 4 of 34 - Art Robert Nixon |
18 | Mustapha Million 'Mystery Comic' 4 of 34 - Art Joe McCaffrey |
19 | Ad: Weetabix |
20 | Disaster Des 'Mystery Comic' 4 of 30 - Art Mike Lacey |
21 | Thursday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
22 | Calculator Kid - Art Terry Bave |
23 | Friday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
24 | Paddywack - Art Jack Clayton |
25 | Ad: Trebor 'Chews Music Centre Competition & Free Jeans Badges' 2 of 3 |
26 | Saturday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
27 | Hey Presto! Magic Show (single appearance) - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils (single art on feature) |
28 | Hey Presto! Magic Show (single appearance) - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils (single art on feature) |
29 | Interval - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils |
30 | The Terrible Trail to Taggart's Treasure reprint from Shiver and Shake - Art Eric Bradbury |
31 | The Terrible Trail to Taggart's Treasure reprint from Shiver and Shake - Art Eric Bradbury |
32 | Saturday - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils\Cheeky's Pal Puzzle 'Presto' - Art Frank McDiarmid pencils (first art on feature) |
Artist | Elements |
Frank McDiarmid pencils | 10 |
Saturday, 17 March 2012
A summery Cheeky summary
This is one of my favourite publications featuring Cheeky, although outside the scope of this blog which concentrates on the weekly comic, so I couldn't resist mentioning it a while back.
Friday, 16 March 2012
Cheeky Weekly Index - Artist Key
See also The Cheeky Weekly Artist Index.
Most recent update 23 October 2018 - added Keith Reynolds
Update 15 June 2016 - added Jimmy Hansen
Update 10 March 2015 - added Robert MacGillivray
Update 15 July 2013 - added John Richardson
Update 27 June 2013 - added Colin Whittock
ID | Artist |
AJ | Artie Jackson |
AN | Angel Nadal |
BA | Barrie Appleby |
BB | Brian Bolland |
BG | Barry Glennard |
BH | Bob Hill |
BW | Brian Walker |
CAP | Cut and Paste |
CW | Colin Whittock |
DH | Dicky Howett |
DM | Dick Millington |
EB | Eric Bradbury |
EM | Ed McHenry |
FM | Frank McDiarmid |
FMP | Frank McDiarmid pencils |
IK | Ian Knox |
JC | Jack Clayton |
JG | John K. Geering |
JH | Jimmy Hansen |
JM | Joe McCaffrey |
JP | Jim Petrie |
JR | John Richardson |
JW | Jim Watson |
KR | Ken Reid |
KR1 | Keith Reynolds |
LH | Leslie Harding (Styx) |
LO | Lopez |
MB | Massimo Belardinelli |
MB1 | Mike Brown |
ML | Mike Lacey |
MW | Mike White |
MW1 | Mike Western |
NB | Nick Baker |
NE | Nigel Edwards |
NM | Norman Mansbridge |
PA | Paul Ailey |
PD | Peter Davidson |
PM | Peter Maddocks |
RL | Rob Lee |
RM | Robert MacGillivray |
RN | Robert Nixon |
RP | Reg Parlett |
RT | Ron Turner |
SB | Sid Burgon |
SB1 | Steve Bell |
SM | Stan McMurtry |
TB | Terry Bave |
TM | Trevor Metcalfe |
TP | Tom Paterson |
TW | Tom Williams |
UCA1 | Unknown Cheeky Artist 1 |
UK | Not known |
VN | Vic Neill |
Cheeky Weekly Index
Welcome to The Cheeky Weekly Index, showing all the elements to appear in the comic (except adverts of less than half a page), the issue dates in which they can be found, and (where known and applicable) a key indicating the artist or artists who produced the work.
The key to artist initials can be found here. Please note that as of posting this is an ongoing project so not all the artist data is yet complete. I expect to update the index periodically until it is as complete as I can make it.
Please note that those features which appeared in the Mystery Comic have two entries in the table below; one, containing the text 'Mystery Comic' in the Description column, lists the issue dates in which the strip appeared within the pages of the Mystery Comic. Episodes to appear after the Mystery Comic concept was dropped (and before in the case of Mustapha Million) are listed with no Description text.
See also the Cheeky Annuals and Specials Index.
Most recent update 25 October 2020 - Blog link to Giant Cheeky Poster added. Artwork Credit on 'Free Badge, Skateboard booklet part 1' announcement on the cover of the 05 November 1977 issue reassigned from Mike Lacey to Jimmy Hansen (I missed this item when doing a major update of artwork credits in 2016).
Update 15 September 2020 - Artwork Credit on 'Great News for Skateboarders!' announcement on the cover of the 29 April 1978 issue reassigned from Mike Lacey to Jimmy Hansen (I missed this item when doing a major update of artwork credits in 2016).
Update 06 September 2020 - Artwork credit on 'Skateboard Issue' cover feature and Skateboard Snap game in the 04 February 1978 issue reassigned from Mike Lacey to Jimmy Hansen (I missed this item when doing a major update of artwork credits in 2016).
Update 29 November 2018 - when I applied the updates on 22 November I forgot to assign John Richardson as the artist for the two Mystery Boy Cover Features - now done.
Update 22 November 2018 - Thanks to Lew Stringer's post I have been able to assign John Richardson as the Mystery Boy artist.
Update 19 November 2018 - Assigned artist Keith Reynolds to Cover Features promoting Creepy Sleepy Tale on the front pages of the 18 February and 03 June 1978 issues.
Update -23 October 2018: Assigned artist Keith Reynolds to 34 episodes of Creepy Sleepy Tale and the Creepy Pantomime variant.
Update - 13 October 2017: I had previously named the feature in the 21 April 1979 issue which gave assembly details for the Top Ten poster as 'Poster instructions', whereas all the other 3 appearances of the same feature I had named 'Top Ten poster instructions'. Changed the name of the 21 April 1979 instance to match the others.
Update - 04 October 2017: Realised that when I reassigned art credits from Mike Lacy to Jimmy Hansen, I forgot to include the Cheeky Hustle booklet. Correction now applied
Update 29 September 2017: I had previously individually named each of the joke booklets which commenced in Cheeky Weekly dated 17 November 1979. For example 'Farmer Giles booklet', 'Knock-Knock booklet' etc. I have now given them all the name Cheeky's Cut-Out Comedy Catalogue, since that's the name under which they appeared.
Update 28 August 2017: Reassigned artwork credit on Mustapha Million 17 November 1979 from Joe McCaffrey to Colin Whittock
Update 06 June 2017: Changed 'Spot the Difference' (19 January 1980) to '6 Million Dollar Gran Spot the Difference'.
Update 04 June 2017: Added more detail to the Trebor advertisements.
Update: 27 June 2016 - reassigned artwork credit on front cover of 15 September 1979 issue from Frank McDiarmid to Frank McDiarmid pencils.
Update: 19 June 2016 - 128 Cheeky Weekly elements that were previously attributed to Mike Lacey have now been assigned to Jimmy Hansen. 2 episodes of Speed Squad that previously had no artwork credit have been attributed to Colin Whittock.
Update: 04 February 2016 - reassigned art credit on two Snail of the Century episodes to Barrie Appleby.
Update: 16 June 2015 - added links to relevant blog posts where available.
Update: 10 March 2015 - added artist initials on The Gang ([RM] = Robert MacGillivray).
Update: 24 May 2014 - I had previously omitted the Cheeky Chuckles filler which appeared in the 15 December 1979 issue.
Update 23 March 2014 - I had incorrectly recorded the Spotter Book that appeared in issues 19 May 1979 to 09 June 1979 as 'The Cheeky Spotter Book of Fun'. It should have been 'Cheeky Spotter Book of Town and Around'. Now fixed.
Update 15 July 2013 - Added artist initials on Space Family Robinson between 22 October 1977 and 25 March 1978 (subsequent artists were different and remain unknown to me at present).
Update 30 June 2013 - Ad on page 8 of 17 March 1979 issue was incorrectly recorded as being for Pacific Flyers - has been changed to North Pacific Flyers.
Update 27 June 2013 - added artist initials to Star Guest appearances of Lazy Bones and Paws. Star Guest feature overview can be seen here.
The key to the artist initials can be found here.
You may like to open that link in another window to allow easy comparison with the data below.
Element Title | Element Type | Description | Appeared in issues/Artist |
4 Comics competition | Feature | 28-Jan-1978 | |
5 Papers Competition | Feature | 22-Jul-1978 | |
500 T-Shirt Winners | Feature | 11-Mar-1978 | |
6 Million Dollar Gran | Feature | 22-Oct-1977[IK]/29-Oct-1977[IK]/05-Nov-1977[IK]/12-Nov-1977[IK]/19-Nov-1977[IK]/26-Nov-1977[IK]/03-Dec-1977[IK]/10-Dec-1977[IK]/17-Dec-1977[IK]/24-Dec-1977[IK]/31-Dec-1977[IK]/07-Jan-1978[IK]/14-Jan-1978[IK]/21-Jan-1978[IK]/28-Jan-1978[IK]/04-Feb-1978[IK]/11-Feb-1978[IK]/18-Feb-1978[IK]/25-Feb-1978[IK]/04-Mar-1978[IK]/11-Mar-1978[IK]/18-Mar-1978[IK]/25-Mar-1978[NE]/01-Apr-1978[IK]/08-Apr-1978[IK]/15-Apr-1978[IK]/22-Apr-1978[IK]/29-Apr-1978[IK]/06-May-1978[IK]/13-May-1978[IK]/20-May-1978[IK]/27-May-1978[IK]/03-Jun-1978[IK]/10-Jun-1978[IK]/17-Jun-1978[IK]/24-Jun-1978[ML]/01-Jul-1978[NE]/08-Jul-1978[IK]/15-Jul-1978[IK]/22-Jul-1978[ML]/29-Jul-1978[IK]/05-Aug-1978[IK]/12-Aug-1978[IK]/19-Aug-1978[IK]/26-Aug-1978[IK]/02-Sep-1978[IK]/09-Sep-1978[IK]/16-Sep-1978[IK]/23-Sep-1978[IK]/30-Sep-1978[IK]/07-Oct-1978[IK]/14-Oct-1978[IK]/21-Oct-1978[NE]/28-Oct-1978[NE]/04-Nov-1978[IK]/11-Nov-1978[IK]/18-Nov-1978[IK]/25-Nov-1978[IK]/06-Jan-1979[NE]/13-Jan-1979[NE]/20-Jan-1979[IK]/27-Jan-1979[IK]/03-Feb-1979[IK]/10-Feb-1979[IK]/17-Feb-1979[IK]/24-Feb-1979[IK]/03-Mar-1979[IK]/10-Mar-1979[IK]/17-Mar-1979[IK]/24-Mar-1979[IK]/31-Mar-1979[NE]/07-Apr-1979[IK]/14-Apr-1979[IK]/21-Apr-1979[IK]/28-Apr-1979[NE]/05-May-1979[IK]/12-May-1979[IK]/19-May-1979[IK]/26-May-1979[IK]/02-Jun-1979[NE]/09-Jun-1979[IK]/16-Jun-1979[IK]/23-Jun-1979[IK]/30-Jun-1979[IK]/07-Jul-1979[IK]/14-Jul-1979[NE]/21-Jul-1979[NE]/28-Jul-1979[IK]/04-Aug-1979[IK]/11-Aug-19 79[IK]/18-Aug-1979[IK]/25-Aug-1979[IK]/01-Sep-1979[IK]/08-Sep-1979[NE]/15-Sep-1979[IK]/22-Sep-1979[IK]/29-Sep-1979[IK]/06-Oct-1979[NE]/13-Oct-1979[NE]/20-Oct-1979[NE]/27-Oct-1979[NE]/03-Nov-1979[IK]/10-Nov-1979[IK]/17-Nov-1979[IK]/24-Nov-1979[IK]/01-Dec-1979[NE]/08-Dec-1979[IK]/15-Dec-1979[IK]/22-Dec-1979[IK]/29-Dec-1979[IK]/05-Jan-1980[IK]/12-Jan-1980[IK]/26-Jan-1980[IK]/02-Feb-1980[NE] | |
6 Million Dollar Gran Spot the Difference | Feature | 19-Jan-1980[IK] | |
Action Man | Advert | 30-Jun-1979/01-Dec-1979 | |
Alpha Man competition results | Feature | 18-Aug-1979 | |
Archie's Angels | Feature | 12-Aug-1978[RT]/19-Aug-1978[RT]/26-Aug-1978[RT]/02-Sep-1978[RT]/09-Sep-1978[RT]/16-Sep-1978[RT] | |
Arena Swimwear | Advert | 29-Apr-1978/20-May-1978 | |
Ash Wednesday | Feature | 03-Mar-1979[FM] | |
Bam Splat and Blooie | Feature | 29-Oct-1977/05-Nov-1977/12-Nov-1977/31-Dec-1977/04-Feb-1978/25-Feb-1978/04-Mar-1978/15-Apr-1978/17-Jun-1978 | |
Barratt | Advert | Oran-gee-tang | 15-Sep-1979/22-Sep-1979 |
Basil Brush competition | Feature | 11-Mar-1978 | |
Basil Brush competition winners | Feature | 03-Jun-1978 | |
Bassett's | Advert | 22-Jul-1978/05-Aug-1978/09-Sep-1978/14-Oct-1978/18-Nov-1978 | |
Big Four Saint Competition | Feature | 02-Dec-1978 | |
Birds Eye Mousse | Advert | 24-Jun-1978/15-Jul-1978/22-Jul-1978 | |
Booklet instructions | Feature | 17-Nov-1979 | |
Boxing Day | Feature | 31-Dec-1977[FM] | |
Bubbly | Advert | 22-Jul-1978/12-Aug-1978/19-Aug-1978 | |
Burton's | Advert | 12-Aug-1978 | |
Buster mini comic | Feature | All this and Leopard Boy too! | 08-Jul-1978[MW1] |
Buster mini comic | Feature | Buster's Diary | 08-Jul-1978[AN] |
Buster mini comic | Feature | Faceache | 08-Jul-1978[KR] |
Buster mini comic | Feature | Kid Gloves | 08-Jul-1978[RL] |
Buster mini comic | Feature | Kid Kong | 08-Jul-1978[RL] |
Buster mini comic | Feature | Stan Still's Stopwatch | 08-Jul-1978[RP] |
Buster mini comic | Feature | Tin Teacher | 08-Jul-1978[PD] |
Buster mini comic | Feature | X-Ray Specs | 08-Jul-1978[ML] |
Calculator Kid | Feature | 01-Jul-1978[TB]/08-Jul-1978[TB]/15-Jul-1978[TB]/22-Jul-1978[TB]/29-Jul-1978[TB]/05-Aug-1978[TB]/12-Aug-1978[TB]/19-Aug-1978[TB]/26-Aug-1978[TB]/02-Sep-1978[TB]/09-Sep-1978[TB]/16-Sep-1978[TB]/23-Sep-1978[TB]/30-Sep-1978[TB]/07-Oct-1978[TB]/14-Oct-1978[TB]/21-Oct-1978[TB]/28-Oct-1978[TB]/04-Nov-1978[TB]/11-Nov-1978[TB]/18-Nov-1978[TB]/25-Nov-1978[TB]/02-Dec-1978[TB]/09-Dec-1978[TB]/06-Jan-1979[TB]/13-Jan-1979[TB]/20-Jan-1979[TB]/27-Jan-1979[TB]/03-Feb-1979[TB]/10-Feb-1979[TB]/17-Feb-1979[TB]/24-Feb-1979[TB]/03-Mar-1979[TB]/10-Mar-1979[TB]/17-Mar-1979[TB]/24-Mar-1979[TB]/31-Mar-1979[TB]/14-Apr-1979[TB]/28-Apr-1979[TB]/05-May-1979[TB]/12-May-1979[TB]/19-May-1979[TB]/02-Jun-1979[TB]/09-Jun-1979[TB]/16-Jun-1979[TB]/23-Jun-1979[TB]/30-Jun-1979[TB]/07-Jul-1979[TB]/14-Jul-1979[TB]/21-Jul-1979[TB]/28-Jul-1979[TB]/04-Aug-1979[TB]/11-Aug-1979[TB]/18-Aug-1979[TB]/25-Aug-1979[TB]/01-Sep-1979[TB]/08-Sep-1979[TB]/15-Sep-1979[TB]/22-Sep-1979[TB]/29-Sep-1979[TB]/06-Oct-1979[TB]/13-Oct-1979[TB]/20-Oct-1979[TB]/27-Oct-1979[TB]/03-Nov-1979[TB]/10-Nov-1979[TB]/17-Nov-1979[TB]/24-Nov-1979[TB]/01-Dec-1979[TB]/08-Dec-1979[TB]/15-Dec-1979[TB]/22-Dec-1979[TB]/29-Dec-1979[TB]/05-Jan-1980[TB]/12-Jan-1980[TB]/19-Jan-1980[TB]/26-Jan-1980[TB]/02-Feb-1980[TB] | |
Cheeky Chuckles | Feature | 15-Dec-1979[ML] | |
Cheeky Hustle | Feature | 16-Jun-1979[JH] | |
Cheeky Spotter Book of Town and Around | Feature | 19-May-1979/26-May-1979/02-Jun-1979/09-Jun-1979 | |
Cheeky's Cut-Out Comedy Catalogue | Feature | Christmas Jokes | 29-Dec-1979 |
Cheeky's Cut-Out Comedy Catalogue | Feature | Constable Chuckle Jokes | 22-Dec-1979 |
Cheeky's Cut-Out Comedy Catalogue | Feature | Doctor Jokes | 01-Dec-1979 |
Cheeky's Cut-Out Comedy Catalogue | Feature | Farmer Giles Jokes | 12-Jan-1980 |
Cheeky's Cut-Out Comedy Catalogue | Feature | Jogging Jeremy Jokes | 05-Jan-1980 |
Cheeky's Cut-Out Comedy Catalogue | Feature | Knock-Knock Door Jokes | 17-Nov-1979 |
Cheeky's Cut-Out Comedy Catalogue | Feature | Manhole Man Jokes | 24-Nov-1979 |
Cheeky's Cut-Out Comedy Catalogue | Feature | Mechanic Jokes | 15-Dec-1979 |
Cheeky's Cut-Out Comedy Catalogue | Feature | Mr Chips Jokes | 26-Jan-1980 |
Cheeky's Cut-Out Comedy Catalogue | Feature | Petula Jokes | 19-Jan-1980 |
Cheeky's Cut-Out Comedy Catalogue | Feature | Six-Gun Sam Jokes | 08-Dec-1979 |
Cheeky's Jersey Pattern | Feature | 31-Mar-1979 | |
Cheeky's Pal Puzzle | Feature | Baby Burpo | 28-Oct-1978[FM]/02-Dec-1978[ML] |
Cheeky's Pal Puzzle | Feature | Dan-Dan The Lavender Man | 07-Oct-1978[ML] |
Cheeky's Pal Puzzle | Feature | Disco Kid | 18-Nov-1978[FMP] |
Cheeky's Pal Puzzle | Feature | Granny Gumdrop | 14-Oct-1978[FM] |
Cheeky's Pal Puzzle | Feature | Herman | 30-Sep-1978[FM] |
Cheeky's Pal Puzzle | Feature | Presto | 21-Oct-1978[FMP] |
Cheeky's Pal Puzzle | Feature | Sherlock | 04-Nov-1978[ML] |
Cheeky's Pal Puzzle | Feature | Sid the Street Sweeper | 11-Nov-1978[FM] |
Cheeky's Pal Puzzle | Feature | Ursula | 25-Nov-1978[FM] |
Cheeky's Week | Feature | 30-Sep-1978[FM]/07-Oct-1978[ML]/14-Oct-1978[FM]/21-Oct-1978[FMP]/28-Oct-1978[FM]/04-Nov-1978[ML]/11-Nov-1978[FM]/18-Nov-1978[FMP]/25-Nov-1978[FM]/02-Dec-1978[ML]/09-Dec-1978[FM]/06-Jan-1979[FMP]/13-Jan-1979[FM]/20-Jan-1979[FM]/27-Jan-1979[ML]/03-Feb-1979[FM]/10-Feb-1979[BA]/17-Feb-1979[FM]/24-Feb-1979[ML]/03-Mar-1979[FM]/10-Mar-1979[FM]/17-Mar-1979[ML]/24-Mar-1979[FM]/07-Apr-1979[FM]/14-Apr-1979[FM]/21-Apr-1979[FM]/28-Apr-1979[FM]/05-May-1979[FM]/12-May-1979[FM]/19-May-1979[FM]/26-May-1979[BA]/02-Jun-1979[FM]/09-Jun-1979[FM]/16-Jun-1979[ML]/23-Jun-1979[DM]/30-Jun-1979[FM] | |
Chimp on a skateboard photo | Feature | 04-Feb-1978 | |
Chit-Chat | Feature | 09-Dec-1978/06-Jan-1979/13-Jan-1979/20-Jan-1979/27-Jan-1979/03-Feb-1979/10-Feb-1979/17-Feb-1979/24-Feb-1979/03-Mar-1979/10-Mar-1979/17-Mar-1979/24-Mar-1979/31-Mar-1979/07-Apr-1979/14-Apr-1979/21-Apr-1979/28-Apr-1979/05-May-1979/12-May-1979/19-May-1979/26-May-1979/02-Jun-1979/09-Jun-1979/16-Jun-1979/23-Jun-1979/30-Jun-1979/07-Jul-1979/14-Jul-1979/21-Jul-1979/28-Jul-1979/04-Aug-1979/11-Aug-1979/18-Aug-1979/25-Aug-1979/01-Sep-1979/08-Sep-1979/15-Sep-1979/22-Sep-1979/29-Sep-1979/06-Oct-1979/13-Oct-1979/20-Oct-1979/27-Oct-1979/03-Nov-1979/10-Nov-1979/17-Nov-1979/24-Nov-1979/01-Dec-1979/08-Dec-1979/15-Dec-1979/22-Dec-1979/29-Dec-1979/05-Jan-1980/12-Jan-1980/19-Jan-1980/26-Jan-1980/02-Feb-1980 | |
Christmas Card | Feature | 29-Dec-1979[FM] | |
Christmas Day | Feature | 31-Dec-1977[FM] | |
Christmas Dinner | Feature | 31-Dec-1977[FM] | |
Christmas Morning | Feature | 31-Dec-1977[FM] | |
Christmas Quiz | Feature | 29-Dec-1979 | |
Chutes Away competition winners | Feature | 06-Jan-1979 | |
Cocky Doodle | Feature | 29-Oct-1977/05-Nov-1977/12-Nov-1977/31-Dec-1977/04-Mar-1978 | |
Cover Feature | Feature | 30 Gyro-Tennis sets to be won | 24-Jun-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | 5 Papers competition | 22-Jul-1978 |
Cover Feature | Feature | 50 Smurf LPs to be won | 09-Dec-1978 |
Cover Feature | Feature | 6 Million Dollar Gran | 12-Nov-1977[IK]/29-Jul-1978[IK]/21-Jul-1979[IK] |
Cover Feature | Feature | 6 Skateboard sets to be won | 17-Jun-1978[CAP] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Auntie Daisy | 25-Mar-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Basil Brush competition | 11-Mar-1978 |
Cover Feature | Feature | Bump-Bump Bernie | 23-Sep-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Buster mini comic | 08-Jul-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Calculator Kid | 05-Aug-1978[FM]/18-Nov-1978 |
Cover Feature | Feature | Cheeky T-Shirt Competition | 26-Nov-1977[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Cheeky's Dad | 15-Sep-1979[FMP] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Cheeky's Jersey | 31-Mar-1979[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Christmas Issue | 31-Dec-1977[FM]/29-Dec-1979[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Constable Chuckle | 13-May-1978[FM]/22-Dec-1979[ML] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Corgi Saint competition | 02-Dec-1978 |
Cover Feature | Feature | Crack-A-Joke Game part 1 | 02-Sep-1978 |
Cover Feature | Feature | Creepy Sleepy Tale | 10-Dec-1977[FM]/18-Feb-1978[KR1]/03-Jun-1978[KR1] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Crystal Belle | 12-Aug-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Diary part 1 | 03-Dec-1977[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Disaster Des | 25-Nov-1978[ML] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Dr Braincell | 28-Jul-1979[DM]/13-Oct-1979[FM]/15-Dec-1979[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Eagle Eye | 06-Jan-1979/24-Feb-1979 |
Cover Feature | Feature | Farmer Giles | 26-Aug-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Free Badge, Skateboard booklet part 1 | 05-Nov-1977[JH][PM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Free Milkshake and Spotter Book part 1 | 19-May-1979 |
Cover Feature | Feature | Free gift inside: Red Jet Rattler | 22-Oct-1977[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Friends of Cheeky Snap Game | 13-Jan-1979[FM]/20-Jan-1979[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Gloomy Glad | 10-Jun-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Granny Gumdrop | 08-Apr-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Great news for skateboarders | 29-Apr-1978[JH] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Gunga Jim | 11-Aug-1979[FM]/01-Sep-1979[FM]/29-Sep-1979[FM]/17-Nov-1979[BA]/01-Dec-1979[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Happy 1st Birthday | 21-Oct-1978 |
Cover Feature | Feature | Happy Leap Year | 05-Jan-1980[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | It pays to read Cheeky Weekly | 14-Jul-1979 |
Cover Feature | Feature | Jogging Jeremy | 24-Dec-1977[FMP] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Jogging Jeremy and Manhole Man | 06-Oct-1979[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Joke-Box Jury | 11-Feb-1978[FM]/17-Feb-1979[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Kite Competition | 28-Jan-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Libby | 17-Dec-1977[FMP] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Lily and Ursula | 14-Jan-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Manhole Man | 01-Apr-1978[FM]/07-Jul-1979[FM]/08-Sep-1979[ML]/22-Sep-1979[FM]/20-Oct-1979[JH]/27-Oct-1979[FM]/03-Nov-1979[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Manhole Man and Disco Kid | 08-Dec-1979[ML] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Marx Toys competition and Cut-Out Game part 3 | 16-Sep-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Mechanic | 04-Aug-1979[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Menace of the Alpha Man | 03-Mar-1979[EB] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Moonraker Guns to be won | 08-Sep-1979 |
Cover Feature | Feature | Mustapha Million | 21-Jan-1978[RP]/04-Nov-1978[RP] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Mystery Boy | 07-Oct-1978[JR]/10-Feb-1979[JR] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Mystery Comic | 30-Sep-1978 |
Cover Feature | Feature | Name Snail results | 22-Apr-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | New Look: Stage School and The Gang | 07-Jul-1979 |
Cover Feature | Feature | Old Comic | 18-Mar-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Petula | 06-May-1978[FM]/21-Jul-1979[ML]/19-Jan-1980[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Posh Claude | 20-May-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Poster part 1 | 07-Apr-1979[FM]/18-Aug-1979 |
Cover Feature | Feature | Six-Gun Sam | 15-Apr-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Skateboard Issue | 04-Feb-1978[JH] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Skateboarders! Super News | 28-Jan-1978[JH] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Space Family Robinson | 19-Nov-1977 |
Cover Feature | Feature | Spook | 24-Nov-1979[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Spotter Book of Fun | 07-Jan-1978[CAP][JP] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Super gift for you - Fun Wallet | 29-Oct-1977[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Taff the Laff | 12-Jan-1980[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Tarzan of the Apes | 26-Jan-1980[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | The Elephant | 14-Oct-1978[RN] |
Cover Feature | Feature | The Ghost Highwayman | 25-Feb-1978[MW] |
Cover Feature | Feature | The Terrible Trail to Taggart's Treasure | 28-Oct-1978[EB] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Tub | 27-Jan-1979[NE] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Uncle Hamish | 10-Nov-1979[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Ursula | 04-Mar-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | What does Hid Kid look like? | 27-May-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | What's Going On? | 02-Feb-1980[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Whizzer and Chips mini comic | 01-Jul-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Who's this? | 19-Aug-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Whoopee! mini comic | 15-Jul-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Why Dad Why | 11-Nov-1978[JG] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Win money with Joke-Box Jury | 09-Sep-1978[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Win money with Paddywack | 09-Sep-1978[JC] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Win £2 plus Cheeky Badge | 03-Feb-1979[FM] |
Cover Feature | Feature | Yikky-Boo | 14-Jul-1979[ML]/25-Aug-1979[FM] |
Crack-A-Joke Game | Feature | 02-Sep-1978/09-Sep-1978/16-Sep-1978/23-Sep-1978 | |
Creepy Pantomime | Feature | 31-Dec-1977[KR1] | |
Creepy Sleepy Tale | Feature | 22-Oct-1977[MB1]/29-Oct-1977[MB1]/05-Nov-1977[MB1]/12-Nov-1977[MB1]/19-Nov-1977[MB1]/26-Nov-1977[MB1]/03-Dec-1977[MB1]/10-Dec-1977[KR1]/17-Dec-1977[KR1]/24-Dec-1977[KR1]/07-Jan-1978[KR1]/14-Jan-1978[KR1]/21-Jan-1978[KR1]/28-Jan-1978[KR1]/11-Feb-1978[KR1]/18-Feb-1978[KR1]/25-Feb-1978[KR1]/04-Mar-1978[KR1]/11-Mar-1978[KR1]/18-Mar-1978[KR1]/25-Mar-1978[KR1]/01-Apr-1978[KR1]/08-Apr-1978[KR1]/15-Apr-1978[KR1]/22-Apr-1978[KR1]/29-Apr-1978[KR1]/06-May-1978[KR1]/13-May-1978[KR1]/20-May-1978[KR1]/27-May-1978[KR1]/03-Jun-1978[KR1]/10-Jun-1978[KR1]/17-Jun-1978[KR1]/24-Jun-1978[KR1]/01-Jul-1978[KR1]/08-Jul-1978[KR1]/15-Jul-1978[TP]/22-Jul-1978[KR1]/29-Jul-1978[KR1]/05-Aug-1978[ML]/12-Aug-1978[KR1]/19-Aug-1978[KR1]/26-Aug-1978[KR1] | |
Daffy Duck | Feature | Daffy's Diner | 24-Dec-1977 |
Daffy Duck | Feature | Ducking Out | 28-Jan-1978 |
Daffy Duck | Feature | Lucky Break | 11-Feb-1978 |
Daffy Duck | Feature | Snack Time | 11-Mar-1978 |
Department of Transport | Advert | Green Cross Code - Football Crazy | 14-Jul-1979/01-Sep-1979 |
Department of Transport | Advert | Sarah and Tim Learn the Green Cross code | 24-Jun-1978/15-Jul-1978 |
Diary | Feature | 03-Dec-1977[JP]/10-Dec-1977[JP]/17-Dec-1977[JP]/24-Dec-1977[JP] | |
Disaster Des | Feature | Mystery Comic | 30-Sep-1978[ML]/07-Oct-1978[ML]/14-Oct-1978[ML]/21-Oct-1978[ML]/28-Oct-1978[ML]/04-Nov-1978[ML]/11-Nov-1978[ML]/25-Nov-1978[ML]/02-Dec-1978[ML]/09-Dec-1978[ML]/06-Jan-1979[ML]/13-Jan-1979[ML]/20-Jan-1979[ML]/27-Jan-1979[ML]/03-Feb-1979[ML]/10-Feb-1979[ML]/17-Feb-1979[ML]/24-Feb-1979[ML]/03-Mar-1979[ML]/10-Mar-1979[ML]/31-Mar-1979[ML]/07-Apr-1979[ML]/14-Apr-1979[ML]/28-Apr-1979[ML]/12-May-1979[ML]/19-May-1979[ML]/09-Jun-1979[ML]/16-Jun-1979[ML]/23-Jun-1979[ML]/30-Jun-1979[ML] |
Disaster Des | Feature | 07-Jul-1979[ML]/14-Jul-1979[ML]/21-Jul-1979[ML]/28-Jul-1979[ML]/11-Aug-1979[ML]/18-Aug-1979[ML]/25-Aug-1979[ML]/01-Sep-1979[ML]/15-Sep-1979[ML]/22-Sep-1979[ML]/29-Sep-1979[ML]/06-Oct-1979[ML]/13-Oct-1979[JH]/20-Oct-1979[ML]/27-Oct-1979[ML]/03-Nov-1979[ML]/10-Nov-1979[ML]/17-Nov-1979[ML]/24-Nov-1979[ML]/01-Dec-1979[ML]/08-Dec-1979[ML]/15-Dec-1979[ML]/22-Dec-1979[ML]/29-Dec-1979[ML]/05-Jan-1980[ML]/19-Jan-1980[ML]/26-Jan-1980[ML]/02-Feb-1980[ML] | |
Disaster Des spot the difference | Feature | 17-Mar-1979[ML] | |
Doug's Doodle | Feature | 22-Oct-1977[TB]/29-Oct-1977[TB]/05-Nov-1977[TB]/12-Nov-1977[TB]/26-Nov-1977[TB]/03-Dec-1977[TB]/10-Dec-1977[TB]/17-Dec-1977[AJ]/24-Dec-1977[TB]/14-Jan-1978[AJ] | |
Draw Hid Kid winners | Feature | 05-Aug-1978 | |
Dunlop Playsport | Advert | 16-Jun-1979[NB]/07-Jul-1979[NB] | |
Eagle Eye | Feature | 06-Jan-1979/13-Jan-1979/20-Jan-1979/27-Jan-1979/03-Feb-1979/10-Feb-1979/17-Feb-1979/24-Feb-1979 | |
Easter Monday | Feature | 01-Apr-1978[FM]/21-Apr-1979[FM] | |
Easter Saturday | Feature | 14-Apr-1979[FMP] | |
Easter Sunday | Feature | 01-Apr-1978[FM] | |
Elephant On The Run | Feature | Mystery Comic | 30-Sep-1978[RN]/07-Oct-1978[RN]/14-Oct-1978[RN]/21-Oct-1978[RN]/28-Oct-1978[RN]/04-Nov-1978[RN]/11-Nov-1978[RN]/18-Nov-1978[RN]/25-Nov-1978[RN]/02-Dec-1978[RN]/09-Dec-1978[RN]/06-Jan-1979[RN]/13-Jan-1979[RN]/20-Jan-1979[RN]/27-Jan-1979[RN]/10-Feb-1979[RN]/17-Feb-1979[RN]/24-Feb-1979[RN]/03-Mar-1979[RN]/10-Mar-1979[RN]/17-Mar-1979[RN]/24-Mar-1979[RN]/07-Apr-1979[RN]/14-Apr-1979[RN]/21-Apr-1979[RN]/28-Apr-1979[RN]/05-May-1979[RN]/12-May-1979[RN]/26-May-1979[RN]/02-Jun-1979[RN]/09-Jun-1979[RN]/16-Jun-1979[RN]/23-Jun-1979[RN]/30-Jun-1979[RN] |
Elephant On The Run | Feature | 07-Jul-1979[RN]/21-Jul-1979[RN]/28-Jul-1979[RN]/04-Aug-1979[RN]/11-Aug-1979[BG]/18-Aug-1979[RN]/25-Aug-1979[RN]/08-Sep-1979[RN]/15-Sep-1979[RN]/22-Sep-1979[RN]/29-Sep-1979[RN]/06-Oct-1979[VN]/13-Oct-1979[RN]/20-Oct-1979[RN]/27-Oct-1979[RN]/03-Nov-1979[RN]/10-Nov-1979[RN]/17-Nov-1979[VN]/24-Nov-1979[RN]/01-Dec-1979[VN]/08-Dec-1979[RN]/15-Dec-1979[RN]/22-Dec-1979[RN]/29-Dec-1979[RN]/05-Jan-1980[RN]/12-Jan-1980[VN]/19-Jan-1980[RN]/26-Jan-1980[RN]/02-Feb-1980[RN] | |
Father's Day Messages | Feature | 17-Jun-1978 | |
Feature Omitted | Feature | 02-Dec-1978 | |
Friday | Feature | 22-Oct-1977[FM]/29-Oct-1977[FM]/05-Nov-1977[FM]/12-Nov-1977[FMP]/19-Nov-1977[FMP]/26-Nov-1977[FMP]/03-Dec-1977[FMP]/10-Dec-1977[FM]/17-Dec-1977[DM]/24-Dec-1977[FMP]/31-Dec-1977[FM]/07-Jan-1978[FMP]/14-Jan-1978[UCA1]/21-Jan-1978[FMP]/28-Jan-1978[UCA1]/04-Feb-1978[FM]/11-Feb-1978[UCA1]/18-Feb-1978[UCA1]/25-Feb-1978[FM]/04-Mar-1978[UCA1]/11-Mar-1978[BA]/18-Mar-1978[FMP]/25-Mar-1978[BA]/01-Apr-1978[FMP]/08-Apr-1978[UCA1]/15-Apr-1978[FMP]/22-Apr-1978[BA]/29-Apr-1978[JW]/06-May-1978[BA]/13-May-1978[FMP]/20-May-1978[JW]/27-May-1978[DM]/03-Jun-1978[JW]/10-Jun-1978[JW]/17-Jun-1978[ML]/24-Jun-1978[FMP]/01-Jul-1978[FM]/08-Jul-1978[FMP]/15-Jul-1978[ML]/22-Jul-1978[BA]/29-Jul-1978[FM]/05-Aug-1978[FM]/12-Aug-1978[FMP]/19-Aug-1978[FM]/26-Aug-1978[ML]/02-Sep-1978[FMP]/09-Sep-1978[FM]/16-Sep-1978[FM]/23-Sep-1978[FMP]/30-Sep-1978[FM]/07-Oct-1978[ML]/14-Oct-1978[FM]/21-Oct-1978[FMP]/28-Oct-1978[FM]/04-Nov-1978[ML]/11-Nov-1978[FM]/18-Nov-1978[FMP]/25-Nov-1978[FM]/02-Dec-1978[ML]/09-Dec-1978[FM]/06-Jan-1979[FMP]/13-Jan-1979[FM]/20-Jan-1979[FM]/27-Jan-1979[ML]/03-Feb-1979[ML]/10-Feb-1979[BA]/17-Feb-1979[FM]/24-Feb-1979[ML]/03-Mar-1979[FM]/10-Mar-1979[FM]/17-Mar-1979[ML]/24-Mar-1979[FM]/31-Mar-1979[FM]/07-Apr-1979[ML]/21-Apr-1979[FM]/28-Apr-1979[BA]/05-May-1979[FM]/12-May-1979[ML]/19-May-1979[FM]/26-May-1979[FMP]/02-Jun-1979[FM]/09-Jun-1979[FMP]/16-Jun-1979[ML]/23-Jun-1979[FM]/30-Jun-1979[DM]/07- Jul-1979[FM]/14-Jul-1979[ML]/21-Jul-1979[FMP]/28-Jul-1979[DM]/04-Aug-1979[FM]/11-Aug-1979[FM]/18-Aug-1979[FMP]/25-Aug-1979[FM]/01-Sep-1979[ML]/08-Sep-1979[FM]/15-Sep-1979[ML]/22-Sep-1979[UK]/29-Sep-1979[FM]/06-Oct-1979[JH]/13-Oct-1979[FM]/20-Oct-1979[ML]/27-Oct-1979[FM]/03-Nov-1979[ML]/10-Nov-1979[BH]/17-Nov-1979[FM]/24-Nov-1979[FM]/01-Dec-1979[ML]/08-Dec-1979[FM]/15-Dec-1979[FM]/22-Dec-1979[ML]/29-Dec-1979[FM]/05-Jan-1980[FM]/12-Jan-1980[ML]/19-Jan-1980[FM]/26-Jan-1980[ML]/02-Feb-1980[FM] | |
Friends of Cheeky Snap Game | Feature | 13-Jan-1979/20-Jan-1979/27-Jan-1979/03-Feb-1979 | |
Friends of Cheeky competition | Feature | 26-Nov-1977 | |
Fun-Maker | Advert | 12-May-1979 | |
Funny Faces | Advert | 29-Apr-1978/13-May-1978 | |
Ghouldilocks | Feature | 14-Oct-1978[SM] | |
Giant Cheeky Poster | Feature | 18-Aug-1979/25-Aug-1979/01-Sep-1979/08-Sep-1979 | |
Glo-Putty and Glo-Doh | Advert | 02-Jun-1979 | |
Gold Spinner | Advert | 08-Jul-1978/22-Jul-1978 | |
Good Friday | Feature | 14-Apr-1979[FMP] | |
Goonburger Maze | Feature | 20-Jan-1979[SB1] | |
Hello again | Feature | 29-Oct-1977 | |
Henery Hawk | Feature | A Peachy Idea | 10-Dec-1977 |
Henery Hawk | Feature | Little Orphan Henery | 26-Nov-1977 |
Henery Hawk | Feature | The Flower Pot | 04-Feb-1978 |
Hey Presto! Magic Show | Feature | 21-Oct-1978[FMP] | |
Hickory Dickory Doc | Feature | 16-Sep-1978[JW] | |
Hid Kid what does he look like | Feature | 27-May-1978 | |
Hiya I'm Cheeky | Feature | 22-Oct-1977 | |
Hoi! What do you get up to all week? | Feature | 30-Sep-1978 | |
Home Movie | Feature | 2001 A Space Oddity | 18-Mar-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | A Bridge To Fear | 08-Apr-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Airship Over England | 29-Oct-1977[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp | 14-Jan-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Australian Adventure | 03-Jun-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Colditch. The Great Escape | 19-Nov-1977[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Defeat of the Spanish Armada | 25-Feb-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Dick Twerpin | 27-May-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Dr. Zuzz | 21-Jan-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | El Bullfighter | 04-Feb-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Franky Stein | 28-Jan-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Hambush at Deadmanz Gulch | 22-Oct-1977[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Mac of the Mounties | 12-Nov-1977[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Mary Popkins | 22-Apr-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Moby Dick | 13-May-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Robinson Crusoe | 10-Jun-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Rock Around the Block | 18-Feb-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Tarzan of the Apes | 17-Dec-1977[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | The Boy from Atlantis | 03-Dec-1977[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | The Case of the Missing Lollipop | 11-Feb-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | The Mummy's Curse | 05-Nov-1977[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | The Mystery of Loch Ness | 11-Mar-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | The Scarlet Pimple | 20-May-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | The Thing from Another Planet | 25-Mar-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | The Trojan Horsebox | 01-Apr-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | The Vikings | 26-Nov-1977[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Top Hat and Tails | 24-Dec-1977[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Treasure Island | 15-Apr-1978[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | When Knights Were Bold | 10-Dec-1977[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Xmas Past | 31-Dec-1977[JC] |
Home Movie | Feature | Z Carties | 06-May-1978[JC] |
Horror Bags | Advert | 08-Jul-1978 | |
Hovis | Advert | 04-Mar-1978 | |
IPC | Advert | 2000AD | 21-Oct-1978 |
IPC | Advert | 2000AD and Starlord | 07-Oct-1978/14-Oct-1978 |
IPC | Advert | 2000AD and Tornado | 18-Aug-1979/25-Aug-1979 |
IPC | Advert | 4 Comics game and competition | 02-Sep-1978 |
IPC | Advert | 4 Comics game and competition next week | 26-Aug-1978 |
IPC | Advert | 4 Papers Competition next week | 25-Nov-1978 |
IPC | Advert | 4 Papers Kite Competition next week | 21-Jan-1978 |
IPC | Advert | 5 Papers competition next week | 15-Jul-1978 |
IPC | Advert | 5 Top Comics | 15-Sep-1979/03-Nov-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Alpha Man starts next week | 24-Feb-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Angler's Mail | 16-Jun-1979/23-Jun-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Battle Action | 24-Mar-1979/31-Mar-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Buster | 18-Feb-1978/25-Feb-1978/04-Mar-1978/11-Mar-1978/18-Mar-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Buster Book | 06-Oct-1979/13-Oct-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Buster Holiday Fun Special | 03-Jun-1978/10-Jun-1978/17-Jun-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Buster Holiday Special | 02-Jun-1979/09-Jun-1979/16-Jun-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Buster and Monster Fun Spring Special | 14-Apr-1979/21-Apr-1979/28-Apr-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Cheeky Annual | 16-Sep-1978/14-Oct-1978/11-Nov-1978/22-Sep-1979/17-Nov-1979/22-Dec-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Cheeky Summer Special | 08-Jul-1978/15-Jul-1978/22-Jul-1978/23-Jun-1979/30-Jun-1979/07-Jul-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Cheeky Weekly: Christmas Issue next week | 22-Dec-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Cheeky Weekly: Disco Issue next week | 09-Jun-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Cheeky Weekly: Free Fun Wallet next week | 22-Oct-1977 |
IPC | Advert | Cheeky Weekly: Jersey pattern next week | 24-Mar-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Cheeky Weekly: Knock-Knock Jokes Booklet next week | 10-Nov-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Cheeky Weekly: Mystery Comic next week | 23-Sep-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Cheeky Weekly: New look next week | 30-Jun-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Cheeky Weekly: Next week, you're all invited to spend Christmas with me and my pals | 24-Dec-1977 |
IPC | Advert | Cheeky Weekly: Want to win some extra cash? | 03-Mar-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Collecting promo | 06-Jan-1979/13-Jan-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Comics Go Pop promo | 07-Apr-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Comics Go Pop promo next week | 31-Mar-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Cor Annual | 23-Sep-1978/28-Oct-1978/08-Sep-1979/03-Nov-1979/08-Dec-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Cor Holiday Special | 14-Apr-1979/21-Apr-1979 |
IPC | Advert | DJ Unit competition in Whoopee and Cheeky | 02-Feb-1980 |
IPC | Advert | Do you have trouble getting copies of Cheeky Weekly | 03-Mar-1979/26-May-1979/14-Jul-1979/13-Oct-1979/12-Jan-1980 |
IPC | Advert | Fleetway Annuals | 15-Dec-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Frankie Stein Holiday Special | 05-May-1979/12-May-1979/19-May-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Free milkshake promo | 28-Apr-1979/05-May-1979/12-May-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Free milkshake promo next week | 21-Apr-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Funtastic Four comics | 28-Jan-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Have you met my comic chums | 03-Dec-1977 |
IPC | Advert | Jackpot | 05-May-1979/12-May-1979/19-May-1979/26-May-1979/02-Jun-1979/10-Nov-1979/17-Nov-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Jackpot No 1 | 28-Apr-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Jackpot Summer Special | 14-Jul-1979/21-Jul-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Jinty | 13-May-1978/20-May-1978/27-May-1978/10-Jun-1978/05-Aug-1978/12-Aug-1978/19-Aug-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Junior Jet Club Competition next week | 15-Dec-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Junior Puzzles | 17-Jun-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Knockout Annual | 30-Sep-1978/04-Nov-1978/27-Oct-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Krazy Annual | 07-Oct-1978/25-Nov-1978/20-Oct-1979/24-Nov-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Krazy Holiday Special | 06-May-1978/05-May-1979/12-May-1979/19-May-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Look and Learn | 11-Mar-1978/18-Mar-1978/25-Mar-1978/01-Apr-1978/08-Apr-1978/15-Apr-1978/22-Apr-1978/29-Apr-1978/06-May-1978/14-Oct-1978/21-Oct-1978/28-Oct-1978/26-May-1979/02-Jun-1979/01-Dec-1979/08-Dec-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Mickey Mouse | 18-Mar-1978/25-Mar-1978/01-Apr-1978/08-Apr-1978/11-Nov-1978/18-Nov-1978/25-Nov-1978/09-Dec-1978/27-Jan-1979/10-Feb-1979/10-Mar-1979/17-Mar-1979/24-Mar-1979/05-Jan-1980/12-Jan-1980/19-Jan-1980/26-Jan-1980/02-Feb-1980 |
IPC | Advert | Mini Comics promotion | 24-Jun-1978/01-Jul-1978/15-Jul-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Misty | 11-Feb-1978/18-Feb-1978/25-Feb-1978/04-Mar-1978/11-Mar-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Misty No 1 | 28-Jan-1978/04-Feb-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Monster Fun Annual | 13-Oct-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Monster Fun Holiday Special | 25-Mar-1978/01-Apr-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Order Cheeky Weekly | 03-Nov-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Penny | 29-Dec-1979/05-Jan-1980/12-Jan-1980 |
IPC | Advert | Pop Poster promo | 14-Apr-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Poster next week | 11-Aug-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Puzzle Time | 21-Jul-1979/28-Jul-1979/25-Aug-1979/01-Sep-1979/22-Sep-1979/29-Sep-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Roy of the Rovers | 31-Dec-1977/07-Jan-1978/14-Jan-1978/22-Apr-1978/29-Apr-1978/06-May-1978/13-Jan-1979/20-Jan-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Shiver and Shake | 21-Oct-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Shiver and Shake Annual | 28-Oct-1978/02-Dec-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Shoot | 31-Dec-1977/07-Jan-1978/14-Jan-1978/21-Jan-1978/28-Jan-1978/04-Feb-1978/11-Feb-1978/20-Jan-1979/29-Dec-1979/12-Jan-1980/19-Jan-1980/26-Jan-1980/02-Feb-1980 |
IPC | Advert | Shoot Scotland Souvenir | 03-Jun-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Smurfs Poster Magazine | 10-Mar-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Soccer Monthly | 09-Sep-1978/07-Oct-1978/14-Oct-1978/04-Nov-1978/02-Dec-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Soccer Monthly No 1 | 16-Sep-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Spotter Book next week | 31-Dec-1977 |
IPC | Advert | Spotter Books promo | 07-Jan-1978/14-Jan-1978 |
IPC | Advert | The Best of Krazy | 24-Jun-1978/01-Jul-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Three Great Comics | 16-Sep-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Tiger | 13-May-1978/20-May-1978/27-May-1978/03-Jun-1978/10-Jun-1978/13-Jan-1979/20-Jan-1979/19-Jan-1980/26-Jan-1980/02-Feb-1980 |
IPC | Advert | Top Soccer | 22-Sep-1979/29-Sep-1979/06-Oct-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Top Soccer No 1 | 08-Sep-1979/15-Sep-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Tornado | 31-Mar-1979/07-Apr-1979/14-Apr-1979/21-Apr-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Tornado No 1 | 17-Mar-1979/24-Mar-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Whizzer and Chips | 15-Apr-1978/29-Apr-1978/06-May-1978/13-May-1978/09-Sep-1978/23-Sep-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Whizzer and Chips 10th birthday issue | 06-Oct-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Whizzer and Chips Annual | 01-Dec-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Whizzer and Chips Holiday Special | 24-Jun-1978/01-Jul-1978/08-Jul-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Whizzer and Chips Summer Special | 23-Jun-1979/30-Jun-1979/07-Jul-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Whizzer and Chips merge with Krazy | 22-Apr-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Whoopee | 17-Dec-1977/29-Jul-1978/21-Oct-1978/11-Nov-1978/18-Nov-1978/25-Nov-1978/20-Oct-1979/08-Dec-1979/15-Dec-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Whoopee Guy Fawkes mask | 28-Oct-1978/29-Sep-1979/06-Oct-1979 |
IPC | Advert | Whoopee Holiday Special | 15-Jul-1978/22-Jul-1978 |
IPC | Advert | Whoopee Summer Special | 14-Jul-1979/21-Jul-1979 |
Interval | Feature | 22-Oct-1977[FM]/29-Oct-1977[FM]/05-Nov-1977[FM]/12-Nov-1977[FMP]/19-Nov-1977[FMP]/26-Nov-1977[FMP]/03-Dec-1977[FMP]/10-Dec-1977[FMP]/17-Dec-1977[FM]/24-Dec-1977[DM]/31-Dec-1977[FM]/07-Jan-1978[FMP]/14-Jan-1978[UCA1]/21-Jan-1978[FMP]/28-Jan-1978[UCA1]/04-Feb-1978[FM]/11-Feb-1978[UCA1]/18-Feb-1978[UCA1]/25-Feb-1978[FM]/04-Mar-1978[UCA1]/11-Mar-1978[BA]/18-Mar-1978[FMP]/25-Mar-1978[FMP]/01-Apr-1978[JW]/08-Apr-1978[JW]/15-Apr-1978[FMP]/22-Apr-1978[BA]/29-Apr-1978[JW]/06-May-1978[BA]/13-May-1978[FMP]/20-May-1978[JW]/27-May-1978[DM]/03-Jun-1978[JW]/10-Jun-1978[JW]/17-Jun-1978[ML]/24-Jun-1978[FMP]/01-Jul-1978[FM]/08-Jul-1978[FMP]/15-Jul-1978[ML]/22-Jul-1978[BA]/29-Jul-1978[FM]/05-Aug-1978[FM]/12-Aug-1978[FMP]/19-Aug-1978[FM]/26-Aug-1978[ML]/02-Sep-1978[FMP]/09-Sep-1978[FM]/16-Sep-1978[FM]/23-Sep-1978[FMP]/30-Sep-1978[FM]/07-Oct-1978[ML]/14-Oct-1978[FM]/21-Oct-1978[FMP]/28-Oct-1978[FM]/04-Nov-1978[ML]/11-Nov-1978[FM]/18-Nov-1978[FMP]/25-Nov-1978[FM]/02-Dec-1978[ML] | |
James Bold | Feature | Fangs of Fear | 22-Oct-1977[MB]/29-Oct-1977[MB]/05-Nov-1977[MB]/12-Nov-1977[MB]/19-Nov-1977[LO]/26-Nov-1977[LO]/03-Dec-1977[LO]/10-Dec-1977[LO]/17-Dec-1977[LO]/24-Dec-1977[LO]/31-Dec-1977[LO] |
James Bold | Feature | Island of Fear | 01-Jul-1978[MW]/08-Jul-1978[MW]/15-Jul-1978[MW]/22-Jul-1978[MW]/29-Jul-1978[MW]/05-Aug-1978[MW] |
James Bold | Feature | The Frightened Village | 29-Apr-1978[MW]/06-May-1978[MW]/13-May-1978[MW]/20-May-1978[MW]/27-May-1978[MW]/03-Jun-1978[MW]/10-Jun-1978[MW]/17-Jun-1978[MW]/24-Jun-1978[MW] |
James Bold | Feature | The Ghost Highwayman | 07-Jan-1978[MW]/14-Jan-1978[MW]/21-Jan-1978[MW]/28-Jan-1978[MW]/04-Feb-1978[MW]/11-Feb-1978[MW]/18-Feb-1978[MW]/25-Feb-1978[MW]/04-Mar-1978[MW] |
James Bold | Feature | Tower of Terror | 18-Mar-1978[MW]/25-Mar-1978[MW]/01-Apr-1978[MW]/08-Apr-1978[MW]/15-Apr-1978[MW]/22-Apr-1978[MW] |
James Bond competition | Feature | 08-Sep-1979 | |
Jogging Jeremy's Weakly Exercise Routine | Feature | 19-Jan-1980 | |
John Menzies | Advert | 18-Nov-1978/25-Nov-1978 | |
Joke-Box Jury | Feature | 10-Dec-1977/17-Dec-1977/24-Dec-1977/31-Dec-1977/07-Jan-1978/14-Jan-1978/21-Jan-1978/28-Jan-1978/04-Feb-1978/11-Feb-1978/18-Feb-1978/25-Feb-1978/04-Mar-1978/11-Mar-1978/18-Mar-1978/25-Mar-1978/01-Apr-1978/08-Apr-1978/15-Apr-1978/22-Apr-1978/29-Apr-1978/06-May-1978/20-May-1978/27-May-1978/10-Jun-1978/17-Jun-1978/24-Jun-1978/01-Jul-1978/22-Jul-1978/29-Jul-1978/12-Aug-1978/19-Aug-1978/26-Aug-1978/02-Sep-1978/09-Sep-1978/16-Sep-1978/23-Sep-1978/30-Sep-1978/14-Oct-1978/28-Oct-1978/04-Nov-1978/11-Nov-1978/25-Nov-1978/09-Dec-1978/06-Jan-1979/13-Jan-1979/20-Jan-1979/27-Jan-1979/03-Feb-1979/10-Feb-1979/17-Feb-1979/24-Feb-1979/03-Mar-1979/10-Mar-1979/17-Mar-1979/24-Mar-1979/31-Mar-1979/07-Apr-1979/14-Apr-1979/21-Apr-1979/28-Apr-1979/05-May-1979/12-May-1979/19-May-1979/26-May-1979/09-Jun-1979/16-Jun-1979/23-Jun-1979/30-Jun-1979/07-Jul-1979/14-Jul-1979/21-Jul-1979/28-Jul-1979/04-Aug-1979/11-Aug-1979/18-Aug-1979/25-Aug-1979/01-Sep-1979/08-Sep-1979/15-Sep-1979/22-Sep-1979/29-Sep-1979/06-Oct-1979/13-Oct-1979/20-Oct-1979/27-Oct-1979/03-Nov-1979/10-Nov-1979/17-Nov-1979/24-Nov-1979/01-Dec-1979/08-Dec-1979/15-Dec-1979/22-Dec-1979/05-Jan-1980/12-Jan-1980/19-Jan-1980/26-Jan-1980/02-Feb-1980 | |
Junior Jet Club Competition | Feature | 22-Dec-1979 | |
KP | Advert | Hula Hoops Hulk promo | 24-Feb-1979 |
KP | Advert | Outer Spacers | 14-Apr-1979 |
KP | Advert | Outer Spacers Star Wars promotion | 11-Mar-1978/13-May-1978 |
Kellogg's | Advert | 17-Jun-1978/24-Jun-1978/21-Oct-1978/04-Nov-1978 | |
Kite Competition winners | Feature | 13-May-1978 | |
Knit Stitcher | Advert | 19-Nov-1977 | |
Laugh and Learn | Feature | 07-Oct-1978[BA][BW]/21-Oct-1978[BA][BW]/04-Nov-1978[BA][BW]/02-Dec-1978[BA][BW]/09-Dec-1978[BA][BW] | |
Lego | Advert | 11-Nov-1978/25-Nov-1978 | |
Marx Toys Competition | Feature | 16-Sep-1978 | |
Menace of the Alpha Man | Feature | 03-Mar-1979[EB]/10-Mar-1979[EB]/17-Mar-1979[EB]/24-Mar-1979[EB]/31-Mar-1979[EB]/07-Apr-1979[EB]/14-Apr-1979[EB]/21-Apr-1979[EB]/28-Apr-1979[EB]/05-May-1979[EB]/12-May-1979[EB]/19-May-1979[EB]/26-May-1979[EB]/02-Jun-1979[EB]/09-Jun-1979[EB]/16-Jun-1979[EB]/23-Jun-1979[EB]/30-Jun-1979[EB] | |
Mickey Mouse Mini Comic | Feature | Cover | 22-Jul-1978 |
Mickey Mouse Mini Comic | Feature | Donald | 22-Jul-1978 |
Mickey Mouse Mini Comic | Feature | Goofy | 22-Jul-1978 |
Mickey Mouse Mini Comic | Feature | Meet all your Disney favourites in Mickey Mouse | 22-Jul-1978 |
Mickey Mouse Mini Comic | Feature | Mickey | 22-Jul-1978 |
Mickey Mouse Mini Comic | Feature | Quickstrips | 22-Jul-1978 |
Mickey Mouse Mini Comic | Feature | The Magic of Walt Disney | 22-Jul-1978 |
Monday | Feature | 22-Oct-1977[FM]/29-Oct-1977[FM]/05-Nov-1977[FM]/12-Nov-1977[FMP]/19-Nov-1977[FM]/26-Nov-1977[FMP]/03-Dec-1977[FMP]/10-Dec-1977[FM]/17-Dec-1977[FMP]/24-Dec-1977[DM]/07-Jan-1978[FMP]/14-Jan-1978[UCA1]/21-Jan-1978[FM]/28-Jan-1978[FMP]/04-Feb-1978[FM]/11-Feb-1978[FMP]/18-Feb-1978[FM]/25-Feb-1978[FMP]/04-Mar-1978[FM]/11-Mar-1978[UCA1]/18-Mar-1978[FM]/25-Mar-1978[UCA1]/08-Apr-1978[BA]/15-Apr-1978[FM]/22-Apr-1978[FM]/29-Apr-1978[FM]/06-May-1978[FM]/13-May-1978[FM]/20-May-1978[BA]/27-May-1978[DM]/03-Jun-1978[FMP]/10-Jun-1978[BA]/17-Jun-1978[ML]/24-Jun-1978[BA]/01-Jul-1978[FM]/08-Jul-1978[FMP]/15-Jul-1978[ML]/22-Jul-1978[BA]/29-Jul-1978[FM]/05-Aug-1978[FM]/12-Aug-1978[FMP]/19-Aug-1978[FM]/26-Aug-1978[ML]/02-Sep-1978[FMP]/09-Sep-1978[FM]/16-Sep-1978[FM]/23-Sep-1978[FMP]/30-Sep-1978[FM]/07-Oct-1978[ML]/14-Oct-1978[FM]/21-Oct-1978[FMP]/28-Oct-1978[FM]/04-Nov-1978[ML]/11-Nov-1978[FM]/18-Nov-1978[FMP]/25-Nov-1978[FM]/02-Dec-1978[ML]/09-Dec-1978[FM]/06-Jan-1979[FMP]/13-Jan-1979[FM]/20-Jan-1979[FM]/27-Jan-1979[ML]/03-Feb-1979[FM]/10-Feb-1979[BA]/17-Feb-1979[FM]/24-Feb-1979[ML]/03-Mar-1979[FM]/10-Mar-1979[FM]/17-Mar-1979[ML]/24-Mar-1979[FM]/31-Mar-1979[BA]/07-Apr-1979[FM]/14-Apr-1979[FMP]/28-Apr-1979[FM]/05-May-1979[FM]/12-May-1979[FM]/19-May-1979[FM]/26-May-1979[JH]/02-Jun-1979[FM]/09-Jun-1979[FMP]/16-Jun-1979[ML]/23-Jun-1979[FM]/30-Jun-1979[DM]/07-Jul-1979[FM]/14-Jul-1979[ML]/21-Jul-1979[FM]/28-Jul- 1979[DM]/04-Aug-1979[FM]/11-Aug-1979[FM]/18-Aug-1979[FM]/25-Aug-1979[FMP]/01-Sep-1979[ML]/08-Sep-1979[FM]/15-Sep-1979[JH]/22-Sep-1979[FMP]/29-Sep-1979[FM]/06-Oct-1979[ML]/13-Oct-1979[FM]/20-Oct-1979[JH]/27-Oct-1979[FM]/03-Nov-1979[DM]/10-Nov-1979[BA]/17-Nov-1979[FM]/24-Nov-1979[FM]/01-Dec-1979[ML]/08-Dec-1979[FM]/15-Dec-1979[FM]/22-Dec-1979[FM]/29-Dec-1979[FM]/05-Jan-1980[FM]/12-Jan-1980[ML]/19-Jan-1980[FM]/26-Jan-1980[FM]/02-Feb-1980[FM] | |
More joke strips | Feature | 12-Nov-1977 | |
Mr Bellamy's | Advert | 26-May-1979/09-Jun-1979/23-Jun-1979/07-Jul-1979/22-Sep-1979/13-Oct-1979/20-Oct-1979/10-Nov-1979 | |
Mustapha Million | Feature | Mystery Comic | 30-Sep-1978[RP]/07-Oct-1978[RP]/14-Oct-1978[JM]/21-Oct-1978[JM]/28-Oct-1978[RP]/04-Nov-1978[RP]/11-Nov-1978[RP]/18-Nov-1978[RP]/25-Nov-1978[RP]/02-Dec-1978[RP]/09-Dec-1978[RP]/06-Jan-1979[JM]/13-Jan-1979[JM]/20-Jan-1979[JM]/03-Feb-1979[JM]/10-Feb-1979[RP]/17-Feb-1979[RP]/24-Feb-1979[JM]/03-Mar-1979[JM]/10-Mar-1979[JM]/17-Mar-1979[JM]/24-Mar-1979[JM]/31-Mar-1979[JM]/07-Apr-1979[JM]/14-Apr-1979[JM]/21-Apr-1979[JM]/05-May-1979[JM]/12-May-1979[JM]/19-May-1979[JM]/26-May-1979[JM]/02-Jun-1979[JM]/09-Jun-1979[JM]/23-Jun-1979[JM]/30-Jun-1979[JM] |
Mustapha Million | Feature | 22-Oct-1977[RP]/29-Oct-1977[RP]/05-Nov-1977[RP]/12-Nov-1977[RP]/19-Nov-1977[RP]/26-Nov-1977[RP]/03-Dec-1977[RP]/10-Dec-1977[RP]/17-Dec-1977[RP]/24-Dec-1977[RP]/31-Dec-1977[RP]/07-Jan-1978[RP]/14-Jan-1978[JM]/21-Jan-1978[RP]/28-Jan-1978[RP]/04-Feb-1978[RP]/11-Feb-1978[RP]/18-Feb-1978[RP]/25-Feb-1978[RP]/04-Mar-1978[RP]/11-Mar-1978[RP]/18-Mar-1978[RP]/25-Mar-1978[RP]/01-Apr-1978[RP]/08-Apr-1978[RP]/15-Apr-1978[RP]/22-Apr-1978[RP]/29-Apr-1978[RP]/06-May-1978[RP]/13-May-1978[RP]/20-May-1978[RP]/27-May-1978[RP]/03-Jun-1978[RP]/10-Jun-1978[RP]/17-Jun-1978[RP]/24-Jun-1978[RP]/01-Jul-1978[JC1][RP]/08-Jul-1978[JM]/15-Jul-1978[RP]/22-Jul-1978[JM]/29-Jul-1978[RP]/05-Aug-1978[RP]/12-Aug-1978[JM]/19-Aug-1978[RP]/26-Aug-1978[RP]/02-Sep-1978[RP]/09-Sep-1978[RP]/16-Sep-1978[RP]/23-Sep-1978[RP]/07-Jul-1979[JM]/14-Jul-1979[JM]/21-Jul-1979[JM]/28-Jul-1979[JM]/04-Aug-1979[JM]/11-Aug-1979[JM]/18-Aug-1979[JM]/25-Aug-1979[JM]/01-Sep-1979[JM]/08-Sep-1979[JM]/15-Sep-1979[JM]/22-Sep-1979[JM]/29-Sep-1979[JM]/06-Oct-1979[JM]/13-Oct-1979[JM]/20-Oct-1979[JM]/27-Oct-1979[JM]/03-Nov-1979[JG]/10-Nov-1979[JM]/17-Nov-1979[CW]/24-Nov-1979[JM]/01-Dec-1979[JM]/08-Dec-1979[JM]/15-Dec-1979[JM]/22-Dec-1979[JM]/29-Dec-1979[JM]/05-Jan-1980[JM]/12-Jan-1980[JM]/19-Jan-1980[JM]/26-Jan-1980[JM]/02-Feb-1980[JM] | |
My favourite Cheeky pals (character/feature popularity poll) | Feature | 04-Aug-1979 | |
Mystery Boy | Feature | Mystery Comic | 30-Sep-1978[JR]/07-Oct-1978[JR]/14-Oct-1978[JR]/21-Oct-1978[JR]/28-Oct-1978[JR]/04-Nov-1978[JR]/11-Nov-1978[JR]/18-Nov-1978[JR]/25-Nov-1978[JR]/02-Dec-1978[JR]/09-Dec-1978[JR]/06-Jan-1979[JR]/13-Jan-1979[JR]/20-Jan-1979[JR]/27-Jan-1979[JR]/03-Feb-1979[JR]/10-Feb-1979[JR]/17-Feb-1979[JR]/24-Feb-1979[JR]/03-Mar-1979[JR]/10-Mar-1979[JR]/17-Mar-1979[JR]/24-Mar-1979[JR]/31-Mar-1979[JR]/07-Apr-1979[JR]/14-Apr-1979[JR]/21-Apr-1979[JR]/28-Apr-1979[JR]/05-May-1979[JR]/12-May-1979[JR]/19-May-1979[JR]/26-May-1979[JR]/02-Jun-1979[JR]/09-Jun-1979[JR]/16-Jun-1979[JR]/23-Jun-1979[JR]/30-Jun-1979[JR] |
Mystery Boy | Feature | 07-Jul-1979[JR]/14-Jul-1979[JR]/21-Jul-1979[JR]/28-Jul-1979[JR]/04-Aug-1979[JR]/11-Aug-1979[JR]/18-Aug-1979[JR]/25-Aug-1979[JR]/01-Sep-1979[JR]/08-Sep-1979[JR]/15-Sep-1979[JR]/22-Sep-1979[JR]/29-Sep-1979[JR]/06-Oct-1979[JR]/13-Oct-1979[JR] | |
Name the Snail results | Feature | 22-Apr-1978 | |
New Year's Eve | Feature | 31-Dec-1977[FM]/07-Jan-1978[FMP] | |
North Pacific Flyers | Advert | 17-Mar-1979/05-May-1979/02-Jun-1979/30-Jun-1979/28-Jul-1979 | |
Oi! What is My Name? | Feature | 11-Feb-1978 | |
Old Comic | Feature | Abbott and Costello | 29-Oct-1977/20-May-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Alfie the Air Tramp | 18-Mar-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Artie | 24-Dec-1977 |
Old Comic | Feature | Casey Court | 18-Mar-1978/06-May-1978/10-Jun-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Champ | 26-Aug-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Daisy | 11-Mar-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Deed-a-Day Danny | 05-Nov-1977 |
Old Comic | Feature | Dickie Duffer | 07-Jan-1978/04-Feb-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Dilly Dreem | 14-Jan-1978/29-Apr-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Dodger Caine | 26-Nov-1977/25-Mar-1978/17-Jun-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Eric Eccles | 24-Jun-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Frank Randle | 31-Dec-1977 |
Old Comic | Feature | Happy Family | 08-Apr-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Jimmy Joy | 06-May-1978/10-Jun-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Little Jim Jolly | 19-Nov-1977 |
Old Comic | Feature | Merry Moments at Sunnyside School | 21-Jan-1978/08-Apr-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Mick and Montmorency | 10-Dec-1977/18-Feb-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Norman Wisdom | 17-Dec-1977 |
Old Comic | Feature | Our Gang | 28-Jan-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Our Jean | 24-Dec-1977 |
Old Comic | Feature | Red Skelton | 03-Dec-1977 |
Old Comic | Feature | Reg Varney | 25-Feb-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Roddy the Road Scout | 11-Mar-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Rudolf the Red Nosed Ranger | 07-Jan-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Rudolf the Red-Nosed Ranger | 04-Feb-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Sally Sunshine | 15-Apr-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Sammy Sprockett | 15-Apr-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Sandy and Dusty | 03-Jun-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Sheriff Shucks | 24-Jun-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Shorty the Deputy Sheriff | 11-Feb-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | The Happy Family | 21-Jan-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | The Topple Twins | 11-Mar-1978 |
Old Comic | Feature | Weary Willie and Tired Tim | 12-Nov-1977 |
Paddywack | Feature | 08-Jul-1978[JC]/15-Jul-1978[JC]/22-Jul-1978[JC]/29-Jul-1978[JC]/05-Aug-1978[JC]/12-Aug-1978[JC]/19-Aug-1978[JC]/26-Aug-1978[JC]/02-Sep-1978[JC]/09-Sep-1978[JC]/16-Sep-1978[JC]/23-Sep-1978[JC]/30-Sep-1978[JC]/07-Oct-1978[JC]/14-Oct-1978[JC]/21-Oct-1978[JC]/28-Oct-1978[JC]/04-Nov-1978[JC]/11-Nov-1978[JC]/18-Nov-1978[JC]/25-Nov-1978[JC]/02-Dec-1978[JC]/09-Dec-1978[JC]/06-Jan-1979[JC]/13-Jan-1979[JC]/20-Jan-1979[JC]/27-Jan-1979[JC]/03-Feb-1979[JC]/10-Feb-1979[JC]/17-Feb-1979[JC]/24-Feb-1979[JC]/03-Mar-1979[JC]/10-Mar-1979[JC]/17-Mar-1979[JC]/24-Mar-1979[JC]/31-Mar-1979[JC]/07-Apr-1979[JC]/14-Apr-1979[JC]/21-Apr-1979[JC]/28-Apr-1979[JC]/05-May-1979[JC]/12-May-1979[JC]/19-May-1979[JC]/26-May-1979[JC]/02-Jun-1979[JC]/09-Jun-1979[JC]/16-Jun-1979[JC]/23-Jun-1979[JC]/30-Jun-1979[JC]/07-Jul-1979[JC]/14-Jul-1979[JC]/21-Jul-1979[JC]/28-Jul-1979[JC]/04-Aug-1979[JC]/11-Aug-1979[JC]/18-Aug-1979[JC]/25-Aug-1979[JC]/08-Sep-1979[JC]/15-Sep-1979[JC]/22-Sep-1979[JC]/29-Sep-1979[JC]/06-Oct-1979[JC]/13-Oct-1979[JC]/20-Oct-1979[JC]/27-Oct-1979[JC]/03-Nov-1979[JC]/10-Nov-1979[JC]/17-Nov-1979[JC]/24-Nov-1979[JC]/01-Dec-1979[JC]/15-Dec-1979[JC]/22-Dec-1979[JC]/29-Dec-1979[JC]/05-Jan-1980[JC]/12-Jan-1980[JC]/19-Jan-1980[JC]/26-Jan-1980[JC] | |
Palitoy | Advert | Pippa | 15-Jul-1978/28-Apr-1979/05-May-1979/04-Aug-1979 |
Palitoy | Advert | Star Wars Collection | 29-Sep-1979/27-Oct-1979[BB]/24-Nov-1979 |
Palitoy | Advert | Star Wars competition | 21-Apr-1979[BB] |
Palitoy | Advert | 01-Dec-1979 | |
Peter Pan Playthings | Advert | 08-Jul-1978/29-Jul-1978/24-Nov-1979/08-Dec-1979 | |
Pin-up pal | Feature | 6 Million Dollar Gran | 29-Oct-1977[IK] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Auntie Daisy | 01-Apr-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Baby Burpo | 18-Mar-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Baker's Boy | 10-Feb-1979[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Bump-Bump Bernie | 29-Jul-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Buster the Busker | 25-Mar-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Calculator Kid | 16-Sep-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Cheeky | 22-Oct-1977[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Constable Chuckle | 22-Apr-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Crunching Chris | 13-Jan-1979[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Dan-Dan The Lavender Man | 03-Mar-1979[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Disaster Des | 20-Jan-1979[ML] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Disco Kid | 16-Sep-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Do-Good Dora | 10-Jun-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Dr Braincell | 24-Feb-1979[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Flash Harry | 09-Dec-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Granny Gumdrop | 20-May-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Herman | 19-Aug-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Jogging Jeremy | 25-Feb-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Libby | 05-Aug-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Lily Pop | 18-Feb-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Louise | 15-Apr-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Mustapha Million | 05-Nov-1977[RP] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Paddywack | 27-Jan-1979[JC] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Petula | 26-Aug-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Posh Claude | 27-May-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Sid the Street Sweeper | 08-Apr-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Six-Gun Sam | 13-May-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Skateboard Squad | 31-Mar-1979[JH] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Snoozin' Susan | 23-Sep-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Square Eyes | 17-Feb-1979[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Teacher | 12-Aug-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | The Commissionaire | 17-Mar-1979[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | The Elephant | 06-Jan-1979[RN] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | The Vicar | 11-Mar-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Tub | 03-Feb-1979[NE] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Uncle Hamish | 24-Mar-1979[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Ursula | 29-Apr-1978[FM] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Why Dad Why | 10-Mar-1979[JG] |
Pin-up pal | Feature | Yikky-Boo | 17-Jun-1978[FM] |
Pirelli | Advert | Hanna-Barbera slippers | 28-Oct-1978/18-Nov-1978 |
Pocket Popamatics | Advert | 10-Nov-1979 | |
Pop-A-Points | Advert | 29-Sep-1979/13-Oct-1979/03-Nov-1979/17-Nov-1979/12-Jan-1980/26-Jan-1980 | |
Poster instructions | Feature | 08-Sep-1979 | |
Readers poll | Feature | 09-Sep-1978 | |
Ringer Dinger | Feature | 06-Oct-1979[TB]/26-Jan-1980[TB]/02-Feb-1980[TB] | |
Road Runner | Feature | A Bird in Hand | 25-Feb-1978 |
Road Runner | Feature | Coyote Catcher | 29-Apr-1978 |
Road Runner | Feature | Flypaper Caper | 13-May-1978 |
Road Runner | Feature | The Cool Caper | 15-Apr-1978 |
Road Runner | Feature | The Lucky Charms | 18-Mar-1978 |
Road Runner | Feature | The Plant Plot | 01-Apr-1978 |
Road Runner | Feature | Thunder Blunder | 27-May-1978 |
Road Runner | Feature | Trombone Boo Boo | 03-Jun-1978 |
Road Runner | Feature | Ungrateful Gratitude | 18-Feb-1978 |
Rotaplane | Advert | 03-Jun-1978/29-Jul-1978 | |
Rowntree Mackintosh | Advert | 05-Aug-1978/12-Aug-1978/19-Aug-1978 | |
Saint competition results | Feature | 24-Mar-1979 | |
Saturday | Feature | 22-Oct-1977[FM]/29-Oct-1977[FM]/05-Nov-1977[FM]/12-Nov-1977[FM][FMP]/19-Nov-1977[CAP][FMP]/26-Nov-1977[FMP]/03-Dec-1977[FMP]/10-Dec-1977[CAP][FMP]/17-Dec-1977[CAP][FM]/24-Dec-1977[DM][FM]/31-Dec-1977[FM]/07-Jan-1978[FMP]/14-Jan-1978[UCA1]/21-Jan-1978[UCA1]/28-Jan-1978[UCA1]/04-Feb-1978[CAP][FM]/11-Feb-1978[UCA1]/18-Feb-1978[FMP][UCA1]/25-Feb-1978[FM][FMP]/04-Mar-1978[UCA1]/11-Mar-1978[BA]/18-Mar-1978[FMP]/25-Mar-1978[BA][UCA1]/08-Apr-1978[JW][UCA1]/15-Apr-1978[FM][FMP]/22-Apr-1978[BA]/29-Apr-1978[JW]/06-May-1978[BA]/13-May-1978[FMP]/20-May-1978[JW]/27-May-1978[DM]/03-Jun-1978[JW]/10-Jun-1978[JW]/17-Jun-1978[ML]/24-Jun-1978[FMP]/01-Jul-1978[FM]/08-Jul-1978[FMP]/15-Jul-1978[ML]/22-Jul-1978[BA]/29-Jul-1978[FM]/05-Aug-1978[FM]/12-Aug-1978[FMP]/19-Aug-1978[FM]/26-Aug-1978[ML]/02-Sep-1978[FMP]/09-Sep-1978[FM]/16-Sep-1978[FM]/23-Sep-1978[FMP]/30-Sep-1978[FM]/07-Oct-1978[ML]/14-Oct-1978[FM]/21-Oct-1978[FMP]/28-Oct-1978[FM]/04-Nov-1978[ML]/11-Nov-1978[FM]/18-Nov-1978[FMP]/25-Nov-1978[FM]/02-Dec-1978[ML]/09-Dec-1978[FM]/06-Jan-1979[FMP]/13-Jan-1979[FM]/20-Jan-1979[FM]/27-Jan-1979[ML]/03-Feb-1979[ML]/10-Feb-1979[BA]/17-Feb-1979[FM]/24-Feb-1979[ML]/03-Mar-1979[FM]/10-Mar-1979[FM]/17-Mar-1979[ML]/24-Mar-1979[FM]/31-Mar-1979[FM]/07-Apr-1979[ML]/21-Apr-1979[FM]/28-Apr-1979[BA]/05-May-1979[FM]/12-May-1979[ML]/19-May-1979[FM]/26-May-1979[FMP]/02-Jun-1979[FM]/09-Jun-1979[FMP]/16-Jun-1979[M L]/23-Jun-1979[FM]/30-Jun-1979[DM]/07-Jul-1979[FM]/14-Jul-1979[ML]/21-Jul-1979[FMP]/28-Jul-1979[DM]/04-Aug-1979[FM]/11-Aug-1979[FM]/18-Aug-1979[FMP]/25-Aug-1979[FM]/01-Sep-1979[ML]/08-Sep-1979[FM]/15-Sep-1979[ML]/22-Sep-1979[UK]/29-Sep-1979[FM]/06-Oct-1979[JH]/13-Oct-1979[FM]/20-Oct-1979[ML]/27-Oct-1979[FM]/03-Nov-1979[ML]/10-Nov-1979[BH]/17-Nov-1979[FM]/24-Nov-1979[FM]/01-Dec-1979[ML]/08-Dec-1979[FM]/15-Dec-1979[FM]/22-Dec-1979[ML]/29-Dec-1979[FM]/05-Jan-1980[FM]/12-Jan-1980[ML]/19-Jan-1980[FM]/26-Jan-1980[ML]/02-Feb-1980[FM] | |
Saturday - April Fool's Day | Feature | 01-Apr-1978[FMP][JW] | |
Send a Father's Day message | Feature | 29-Apr-1978 | |
Shredded Wheat | Advert | 04-Nov-1978/11-Nov-1978/18-Nov-1978 | |
Shreddies | Advert | 13-Jan-1979/20-Jan-1979 | |
Shrove Tuesday | Feature | 03-Mar-1979[FM] | |
Signal | Advert | Dracula promo | 08-Sep-1979 |
Silly Snaps | Feature | 02-Sep-1978/09-Sep-1978/16-Sep-1978/23-Sep-1978/30-Sep-1978/11-Nov-1978/20-Jan-1979/27-Jan-1979/03-Feb-1979/24-Feb-1979/03-Mar-1979/20-Oct-1979 | |
Skateboard Competition | Feature | 17-Jun-1978 | |
Skateboard Snap | Feature | 04-Feb-1978[JH] | |
Skateboard Squad | Feature | 22-Oct-1977[JH]/29-Oct-1977[JH]/05-Nov-1977[JH]/12-Nov-1977[JH]/19-Nov-1977[JH]/26-Nov-1977[JH]/03-Dec-1977[JH]/10-Dec-1977[JH]/17-Dec-1977[JH]/24-Dec-1977[JH]/31-Dec-1977[JH]/07-Jan-1978[JH]/14-Jan-1978[JH]/21-Jan-1978[JH]/28-Jan-1978[JH]/04-Feb-1978[JH]/11-Feb-1978[JH]/18-Feb-1978[JH]/25-Feb-1978[JH]/04-Mar-1978[JH]/11-Mar-1978[JH]/18-Mar-1978[JH]/25-Mar-1978[JH]/01-Apr-1978[JH]/08-Apr-1978[JH]/15-Apr-1978[JH]/22-Apr-1978[JH]/29-Apr-1978[JH]/06-May-1978[JH]/13-May-1978[JH]/20-May-1978[JH]/27-May-1978[JH]/03-Jun-1978[JH]/10-Jun-1978[JH]/17-Jun-1978[JH]/24-Jun-1978[JH]/01-Jul-1978[JH][PA]/08-Jul-1978[JH]/15-Jul-1978[JH]/22-Jul-1978[JH]/29-Jul-1978[JH]/05-Aug-1978[JH]/12-Aug-1978[JH]/19-Aug-1978[JH]/26-Aug-1978[JH]/02-Sep-1978[JH]/09-Sep-1978[JH]/16-Sep-1978[JH]/23-Sep-1978[JH]/30-Sep-1978[JH]/07-Oct-1978[JH]/14-Oct-1978[JH]/21-Oct-1978[JH]/28-Oct-1978[JH]/04-Nov-1978[JH]/11-Nov-1978[JH]/18-Nov-1978[JH]/25-Nov-1978[JH]/02-Dec-1978[JH]/09-Dec-1978[JH]/06-Jan-1979[JH]/13-Jan-1979[JH]/20-Jan-1979[JH]/27-Jan-1979[JH]/03-Feb-1979[JH]/10-Feb-1979[JH]/17-Feb-1979[JH]/24-Feb-1979[JH]/03-Mar-1979[JH]/10-Mar-1979[JH]/17-Mar-1979[JH]/31-Mar-1979[JH]/07-Apr-1979[JH]/21-Apr-1979[JH]/05-May-1979[JH]/12-May-1979[JH] | |
Skateboard booklet | Feature | 05-Nov-1977[PM]/12-Nov-1977[PM]/19-Nov-1977[PM]/26-Nov-1977[PM] | |
Skateboard competition | Feature | 29-Apr-1978 | |
Smax and Wagon Wheels | Advert | 01-Jul-1978 | |
Smurfs competition | Feature | 09-Sep-1978/09-Dec-1978 | |
Smurfs competition results | Feature | 24-Mar-1979 | |
Snail of the Century | Feature | 14-Jul-1979[FM]/21-Jul-1979[FM]/28-Jul-1979[FM]/11-Aug-1979[FM]/18-Aug-1979[FM]/25-Aug-1979[FM]/01-Sep-1979[FM]/08-Sep-1979[FM]/15-Sep-1979[FM]/29-Sep-1979[FM]/06-Oct-1979[FM]/13-Oct-1979[BA]/20-Oct-1979[BA]/27-Oct-1979[FM]/03-Nov-1979[FM]/17-Nov-1979[FM]/24-Nov-1979[FM]/01-Dec-1979[FM]/08-Dec-1979[FM]/15-Dec-1979[FM]/22-Dec-1979[FM]/29-Dec-1979[FM]/05-Jan-1980[FM]/12-Jan-1980[FM]/19-Jan-1980[FM]/26-Jan-1980[FM]/02-Feb-1980[FM] | |
Soggy the Sea Monster | Feature | 17-Nov-1979[TB]/24-Nov-1979[RN]/01-Dec-1979[RN]/08-Dec-1979[RN]/15-Dec-1979[RN]/22-Dec-1979[RN]/29-Dec-1979[RN]/05-Jan-1980[RN]/12-Jan-1980[RN]/19-Jan-1980[RN]/26-Jan-1980[RN]/02-Feb-1980[RN] | |
Sonny Storm | Feature | 23-Sep-1978 | |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | Ambush | 03-Jun-1978 |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | Bid For Freedom | 20-May-1978 |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | Black Menace | 24-Dec-1977[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | Captives | 10-Jun-1978 |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | Dead End | 10-Dec-1977[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | Death Leap | 17-Dec-1977[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | Eruption | 01-Apr-1978 |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | Escape | 05-Nov-1977[JR]/06-May-1978/27-May-1978 |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | Forest of Fear | 31-Dec-1977[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | Fright Flight | 11-Mar-1978[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | Homeward Bound | 24-Jun-1978 |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | King Blubber | 11-Feb-1978[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | King Blubber's Secret | 18-Mar-1978[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | March of the Icemen | 14-Jan-1978[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | Race Against Time | 03-Dec-1977[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | Spaceport | 17-Jun-1978 |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | Stampede | 04-Mar-1978[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | The Captives | 28-Jan-1978[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | The Cave | 15-Apr-1978 |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | The Chase | 29-Oct-1977[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | The Fish Men | 22-Apr-1978 |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | The Flood | 13-May-1978 |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | The Icemen | 07-Jan-1978[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | The Pit | 19-Nov-1977[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | The Plain of Bubbles | 21-Jan-1978[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | The Race | 18-Feb-1978[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | The Search | 04-Feb-1978[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | The Snatch | 22-Oct-1977[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | The Tunnel | 25-Mar-1978[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | The Tunnel of Terror | 25-Feb-1978[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | The Worm | 08-Apr-1978 |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | Trapped | 12-Nov-1977[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | Tunnel of Terror | 26-Nov-1977[JR] |
Space Family Robinson | Feature | Underwater Slaves | 29-Apr-1978 |
Spaghetti Junction maze | Feature | 27-Jan-1979[SB1] | |
Speed Squad | Feature | 26-May-1979[JH]/02-Jun-1979[JH]/16-Jun-1979[JH]/23-Jun-1979[JH]/07-Jul-1979[JH]/21-Jul-1979[JH]/04-Aug-1979[JH]/11-Aug-1979[JH]/18-Aug-1979[JH]/25-Aug-1979[JH]/01-Sep-1979[JH]/08-Sep-1979[JH]/15-Sep-1979[JH]/22-Sep-1979[JH]/29-Sep-1979[JH]/06-Oct-1979[JH]/13-Oct-1979[JH]/20-Oct-1979[JH]/27-Oct-1979[JH]/03-Nov-1979[PA]/10-Nov-1979[CW]/17-Nov-1979[JH]/24-Nov-1979[JH]/01-Dec-1979[CW]/08-Dec-1979[JH]/15-Dec-1979[JH]/22-Dec-1979[JH]/05-Jan-1980[JH]/12-Jan-1980[JH]/19-Jan-1980[JH]/26-Jan-1980[JH]/02-Feb-1980[JH] | |
Sporting Aces | Advert | 05-Aug-1978/19-Aug-1978 | |
Stage School | Feature | 07-Jul-1979[RN]/14-Jul-1979[RN]/21-Jul-1979[RN]/28-Jul-1979[RN]/04-Aug-1979[RN]/11-Aug-1979[RN]/18-Aug-1979[RN]/01-Sep-1979[RN]/22-Sep-1979[RN]/06-Oct-1979[RN]/13-Oct-1979[BG]/27-Oct-1979[BG]/03-Nov-1979[RN]/10-Nov-1979[RN]/17-Nov-1979[RN]/24-Nov-1979[RN]/01-Dec-1979[RN]/08-Dec-1979[RN]/15-Dec-1979[RN]/22-Dec-1979[RN]/29-Dec-1979[RN]/05-Jan-1980[RN]/12-Jan-1980[RN]/19-Jan-1980[RN]/26-Jan-1980[RN]/02-Feb-1980[BG] | |
Standard Fireworks | Advert | 29-Oct-1977 | |
Star Guest | Feature | Bookworm | 28-Jul-1979[BG] |
Star Guest | Feature | Buytonic Boy | 05-May-1979[RN] |
Star Guest | Feature | Dads As Lads | 19-May-1979 |
Star Guest | Feature | Fuss Pot | 07-Apr-1979[NM] |
Star Guest | Feature | Happy Families | 26-May-1979[DM] |
Star Guest | Feature | Joker | 07-Jul-1979[SB] |
Star Guest | Feature | Lazy Bones | 09-Jun-1979[CW] |
Star Guest | Feature | Lolly Pop | 31-Mar-1979[SB]/14-Jul-1979[BG] |
Star Guest | Feature | Paws | 23-Jun-1979[LH] |
Star Guest | Feature | Sammy Shrink | 21-Jul-1979[TB] |
Star Guest | Feature | Scared-Stiff Sam | 28-Apr-1979[ML] |
Star Guest | Feature | Sheerluck and Son | 16-Jun-1979[BG] |
Star Guest | Feature | Smiler | 02-Jun-1979[NB] |
Star Guest | Feature | Super Store | 12-May-1979[BH] |
Star Guest | Feature | Supermum | 30-Jun-1979[DH] |
Star Guest | Feature | Sweeny Toddler | 14-Apr-1979[TP] |
Star Guest | Feature | Sweet Tooth | 21-Apr-1979[TM] |
Suddenly | Feature | 07-Jan-1978[FMP]/14-Jan-1978[UCA1]/21-Jan-1978[FM]/28-Jan-1978[CAP]/04-Feb-1978[FM]/11-Feb-1978[FMP]/18-Feb-1978[FM]/25-Feb-1978[FMP]/04-Mar-1978[FM]/11-Mar-1978[UCA1]/18-Mar-1978[FM]/25-Mar-1978[UCA1]/01-Apr-1978[FM]/08-Apr-1978[BA]/15-Apr-1978[FM]/22-Apr-1978[FM]/29-Apr-1978[FMP]/06-May-1978[FM]/13-May-1978[FM]/20-May-1978[BA]/27-May-1978[DM]/03-Jun-1978[FMP]/10-Jun-1978[BA]/17-Jun-1978[ML]/24-Jun-1978[BA] | |
Sunday | Feature | 22-Oct-1977[FM]/29-Oct-1977[FM]/05-Nov-1977[FM]/12-Nov-1977[FMP]/19-Nov-1977[FM]/26-Nov-1977[FMP]/03-Dec-1977[FM]/10-Dec-1977[FMP]/17-Dec-1977[FMP]/24-Dec-1977[DM]/07-Jan-1978[FMP]/14-Jan-1978[UCA1]/21-Jan-1978[FM]/28-Jan-1978[FMP]/04-Feb-1978[FM]/11-Feb-1978[FMP]/18-Feb-1978[FM]/25-Feb-1978[FMP]/04-Mar-1978[FM]/11-Mar-1978[UCA1]/18-Mar-1978[FM]/25-Mar-1978[UCA1]/08-Apr-1978[BA]/15-Apr-1978[FM]/22-Apr-1978[FM]/29-Apr-1978[FMP]/06-May-1978[FM]/13-May-1978[FM]/20-May-1978[BA]/27-May-1978[DM]/03-Jun-1978[FMP]/10-Jun-1978[BA]/17-Jun-1978[ML]/24-Jun-1978[BA]/01-Jul-1978[FM]/08-Jul-1978[FMP]/15-Jul-1978[ML]/22-Jul-1978[BA]/29-Jul-1978[FM]/05-Aug-1978[FM]/12-Aug-1978[FMP]/19-Aug-1978[FM]/26-Aug-1978[ML]/02-Sep-1978[FMP]/09-Sep-1978[FM]/16-Sep-1978[FM]/23-Sep-1978[FMP]/30-Sep-1978[FM]/07-Oct-1978[ML]/14-Oct-1978[FM]/21-Oct-1978[FMP]/28-Oct-1978[FM]/04-Nov-1978[ML]/11-Nov-1978[FM]/18-Nov-1978[FMP]/25-Nov-1978[FM]/02-Dec-1978[ML]/09-Dec-1978[FM]/06-Jan-1979[FMP]/13-Jan-1979[FM]/20-Jan-1979[FM]/27-Jan-1979[ML]/03-Feb-1979[FM]/10-Feb-1979[BA]/17-Feb-1979[FM]/24-Feb-1979[ML]/03-Mar-1979[FM]/10-Mar-1979[FM]/17-Mar-1979[ML]/24-Mar-1979[FM]/31-Mar-1979[BA]/07-Apr-1979[FM]/14-Apr-1979[FMP]/21-Apr-1979[FM]/28-Apr-1979[FM]/05-May-1979[FM]/12-May-1979[FM]/19-May-1979[FM]/26-May-1979[JH]/02-Jun-1979[FM]/09-Jun-1979[FMP]/16-Jun-1979[ML]/23-Jun-1979[FM]/30-Jun-1979[DM]/07-Jul-1979[FM]/14-Jul-1979[ML]/21-Jul-1 979[FM]/28-Jul-1979[DM]/04-Aug-1979[FM]/11-Aug-1979[FM]/18-Aug-1979[FM]/25-Aug-1979[FMP]/01-Sep-1979[ML]/08-Sep-1979[FM]/15-Sep-1979[JH]/22-Sep-1979[FMP]/29-Sep-1979[FM]/06-Oct-1979[ML]/13-Oct-1979[FM]/20-Oct-1979[JH]/27-Oct-1979[FM]/03-Nov-1979[DM]/10-Nov-1979[BA]/17-Nov-1979[FM]/24-Nov-1979[FM]/01-Dec-1979[ML]/08-Dec-1979[FM]/15-Dec-1979[FM]/22-Dec-1979[FM]/29-Dec-1979[FM]/05-Jan-1980[FM]/12-Jan-1980[ML]/19-Jan-1980[FM]/26-Jan-1980[FM]/02-Feb-1980[FM] | |
Sunday evening | Feature | 22-Oct-1977[FM]/29-Oct-1977[FM]/05-Nov-1977[FM]/12-Nov-1977[FMP]/19-Nov-1977[FMP]/26-Nov-1977[FMP]/03-Dec-1977[FMP]/10-Dec-1977[FM]/17-Dec-1977[FMP]/24-Dec-1977[DM]/07-Jan-1978[FMP]/14-Jan-1978[UCA1]/21-Jan-1978[FM]/28-Jan-1978[FMP]/04-Feb-1978[FM]/11-Feb-1978[FMP]/18-Feb-1978[FM]/25-Feb-1978[FMP]/04-Mar-1978[FM]/11-Mar-1978[UCA1]/18-Mar-1978[FM]/25-Mar-1978[UCA1]/01-Apr-1978[FM]/08-Apr-1978[BA]/15-Apr-1978[FM]/22-Apr-1978[FM]/29-Apr-1978[FMP]/06-May-1978[FM]/13-May-1978[FM]/20-May-1978[BA]/27-May-1978[DM]/03-Jun-1978[FMP]/10-Jun-1978[BA]/17-Jun-1978[ML]/24-Jun-1978[BA]/01-Jul-1978[FM]/08-Jul-1978[FMP]/15-Jul-1978[ML]/22-Jul-1978[BA]/29-Jul-1978[FM]/05-Aug-1978[FM]/12-Aug-1978[FMP]/19-Aug-1978[FM]/26-Aug-1978[ML]/02-Sep-1978[FMP]/09-Sep-1978[FM]/16-Sep-1978[FM]/23-Sep-1978[FMP] | |
Superkids Club | Advert | 30-Sep-1978 | |
Teacher's Teasers | Feature | 26-Aug-1978[EM]/02-Sep-1978[EM]/23-Sep-1978[EM] | |
Tease Break | Feature | 17-Feb-1979/24-Feb-1979/03-Mar-1979/10-Mar-1979/17-Mar-1979/31-Mar-1979/07-Apr-1979/19-May-1979/03-Nov-1979 | |
Tennis Competition | Feature | 24-Jun-1978 | |
Tente | Advert | 08-Dec-1979 | |
Texan bars | Advert | 10-Jun-1978/08-Jul-1978 | |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Auntie Daisy | 10-Feb-1979[FM] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Baby Burpo | 16-Jun-1979[FM] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Bump-Bump Bernie | 03-Feb-1979[ML] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Cheeky's Dad | 20-Jan-1979[FM] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Constable Chuckle | 10-Mar-1979[BA] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Crystal Belle | 23-Jun-1979[FM] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Doodle Doug | 19-May-1979[FM] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Dr Braincell | 13-Jan-1979[FM] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Farmer Giles | 14-Apr-1979[FM] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Gloomy Glad | 17-Feb-1979[FM] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Hypno-Tessa | 09-Jun-1979[ML] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Jogging Jeremy | 28-Apr-1979[ML] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Lily Pop | 09-Dec-1978[FM] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Manhole Man | 26-May-1979[FM] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Mechanic | 12-May-1979[ML] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Posh Claude | 03-Mar-1979[FM] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Sherlock | 30-Jun-1979[ML] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Spiv | 07-Apr-1979[FM] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Square Eyes | 17-Mar-1979[FM] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Teacher | 05-May-1979[ML] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Uncle Hamish | 27-Jan-1979[ML] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Ursula | 21-Apr-1979[FM] |
The Burpo Special | Feature | Yikky-Boo | 06-Jan-1979[FM] |
The Cheeky Spotter Book of Fun | Feature | 07-Jan-1978[JP]/14-Jan-1978[JP]/21-Jan-1978[JP]/28-Jan-1978[JP] | |
The Gang | Feature | 07-Jul-1979[RM]/14-Jul-1979[RM]/21-Jul-1979[RM]/28-Jul-1979[RM]/04-Aug-1979[RM]/11-Aug-1979[RM]/18-Aug-1979[RM]/25-Aug-1979[RM]/01-Sep-1979[RM]/08-Sep-1979[RM]/15-Sep-1979[RM]/22-Sep-1979[RM]/29-Sep-1979[RM]/06-Oct-1979[RM]/13-Oct-1979[RM]/20-Oct-1979[RM]/27-Oct-1979[RM]/03-Nov-1979[RM]/10-Nov-1979[RM]/17-Nov-1979[RM]/24-Nov-1979[RM]/01-Dec-1979[RM]/08-Dec-1979[RM]/15-Dec-1979[RM]/22-Dec-1979[RM]/29-Dec-1979[RM]/05-Jan-1980[RM]/12-Jan-1980[RM]/19-Jan-1980[RM]/26-Jan-1980[RM]/02-Feb-1980[RM] | |
The Great Rail Club | Advert | 04-Aug-1979 | |
The Stickits | Advert | 02-Jun-1979/16-Jun-1979/30-Jun-1979 | |
The Terrible Trail to Taggart's Treasure | Feature | 07-Oct-1978[EB]/14-Oct-1978[EB]/21-Oct-1978[EB]/28-Oct-1978[EB]/04-Nov-1978[EB]/11-Nov-1978[EB]/18-Nov-1978[EB]/25-Nov-1978[EB]/02-Dec-1978[EB] | |
Thursday | Feature | 22-Oct-1977[FM]/29-Oct-1977[FM]/05-Nov-1977[FM]/12-Nov-1977[FMP]/19-Nov-1977[FMP]/26-Nov-1977[FMP]/03-Dec-1977[FMP]/10-Dec-1977[FMP]/17-Dec-1977[FM]/24-Dec-1977[DM]/31-Dec-1977[FM]/07-Jan-1978[FMP]/14-Jan-1978[UCA1]/21-Jan-1978[FMP]/28-Jan-1978[UCA1]/04-Feb-1978[FM]/11-Feb-1978[JW]/18-Feb-1978[UCA1]/25-Feb-1978[FMP]/04-Mar-1978[UCA1]/11-Mar-1978[BA]/18-Mar-1978[FMP]/25-Mar-1978[BA]/01-Apr-1978[FMP]/08-Apr-1978[UCA1]/15-Apr-1978[FMP]/22-Apr-1978[BA]/29-Apr-1978[JW]/06-May-1978[BA]/13-May-1978[FMP]/20-May-1978[JW]/27-May-1978[DM]/03-Jun-1978[FMP]/10-Jun-1978[JW]/17-Jun-1978[ML]/24-Jun-1978[FMP]/01-Jul-1978[FM]/08-Jul-1978[FMP]/15-Jul-1978[ML]/22-Jul-1978[BA]/29-Jul-1978[FM]/05-Aug-1978[FM]/12-Aug-1978[FMP]/19-Aug-1978[FM]/26-Aug-1978[ML]/02-Sep-1978[FMP]/09-Sep-1978[FM]/16-Sep-1978[FM]/23-Sep-1978[FMP]/30-Sep-1978[FM]/07-Oct-1978[ML]/14-Oct-1978[FM]/21-Oct-1978[FMP]/28-Oct-1978[FM]/04-Nov-1978[ML]/11-Nov-1978[FM]/18-Nov-1978[FMP]/25-Nov-1978[FM]/09-Dec-1978[FM]/06-Jan-1979[FMP]/13-Jan-1979[FM]/20-Jan-1979[FM]/27-Jan-1979[ML]/03-Feb-1979[ML]/10-Feb-1979[BA]/17-Feb-1979[FM]/24-Feb-1979[ML]/03-Mar-1979[FM]/10-Mar-1979[FM]/17-Mar-1979[ML]/24-Mar-1979[FM]/31-Mar-1979[FM]/07-Apr-1979[ML]/14-Apr-1979[FMP]/21-Apr-1979[FM]/28-Apr-1979[BA]/05-May-1979[FM]/12-May-1979[ML]/19-May-1979[FM][JH]/26-May-1979[FMP]/02-Jun-1979[FM]/09-Jun-1979[FMP]/16-Jun-1979[ML]/23-Jun-1979[FM]/30-Jun-1979[DM]/07-Jul-1979[FM]/14 -Jul-1979[ML]/21-Jul-1979[FMP]/28-Jul-1979[DM]/04-Aug-1979[FM]/11-Aug-1979[FM]/18-Aug-1979[FMP]/25-Aug-1979[FM]/01-Sep-1979[ML]/08-Sep-1979[FM]/15-Sep-1979[ML]/22-Sep-1979[UK]/29-Sep-1979[FM]/06-Oct-1979[JH]/13-Oct-1979[FM]/20-Oct-1979[ML]/27-Oct-1979[FM]/03-Nov-1979[ML]/10-Nov-1979[BH]/17-Nov-1979[FM]/24-Nov-1979[FM]/01-Dec-1979[ML]/08-Dec-1979[FM]/15-Dec-1979[FM]/22-Dec-1979[ML]/29-Dec-1979[FM]/05-Jan-1980[FM]/12-Jan-1980[ML]/19-Jan-1980[FM]/26-Jan-1980[ML]/02-Feb-1980[FM] | |
Timex | Advert | 05-Nov-1977/19-Nov-1977 | |
Top Ten Poster | Feature | 07-Apr-1979/14-Apr-1979/21-Apr-1979/28-Apr-1979 | |
Top Ten Poster instructions | Feature | 07-Apr-1979/14-Apr-1979/21-Apr-1979/28-Apr-1979 | |
Train Track Maze | Feature | 03-Feb-1979[SB1] | |
Trebor | Advert | Chews Music Centre Competition & Free Jeans Badges | 14-Oct-1978/21-Oct-1978/28-Oct-1978 |
Trebor | Advert | Chews Superman competition | 19-May-1979/02-Jun-1979 |
Trebor | Advert | Corgi Batman promotion | 29-Apr-1978/06-May-1978/13-May-1978 |
Trebor | Advert | Double Agents Fingerprint Kit Promotion | 29-Jul-1978/12-Aug-1978 |
Trebor | Advert | Double Agents Identikit Promotion | 10-Mar-1979/24-Mar-1979 |
Trebor | Advert | Double Agents Night Spy Kit Promotion | 25-Aug-1979/08-Sep-1979 |
Trebor | Advert | Double Agents Super Spy Gun Promotion | 18-Nov-1978/02-Dec-1978 |
Trebor | Advert | Olympics competition | 15-Sep-1979/29-Sep-1979/06-Oct-1979 |
Tub | Feature | Mystery Comic | 30-Sep-1978[NE]/07-Oct-1978[NE]/14-Oct-1978[NE]/21-Oct-1978[NE]/28-Oct-1978[NE]/04-Nov-1978[NE]/11-Nov-1978[NE]/18-Nov-1978[NE]/25-Nov-1978[NE]/02-Dec-1978[NE]/09-Dec-1978[NE]/06-Jan-1979[NE]/27-Jan-1979[NE]/03-Feb-1979[NE]/10-Feb-1979[NE]/17-Feb-1979[NE]/24-Feb-1979[NE]/03-Mar-1979[NE]/10-Mar-1979[NE]/17-Mar-1979[NE]/24-Mar-1979[NE]/31-Mar-1979[NE]/07-Apr-1979[NE]/14-Apr-1979[NE]/21-Apr-1979[NE]/28-Apr-1979[NE]/05-May-1979[NE]/19-May-1979[NE]/26-May-1979[NE]/02-Jun-1979[NE]/09-Jun-1979[NE]/16-Jun-1979[NE]/23-Jun-1979[NE]/30-Jun-1979[NE] |
Tub | Feature | 07-Jul-1979[NE]/14-Jul-1979[NE]/21-Jul-1979[NE]/04-Aug-1979[NE]/18-Aug-1979[NE]/25-Aug-1979[NE]/01-Sep-1979[NE]/08-Sep-1979[NE]/15-Sep-1979[NE]/06-Oct-1979[NE]/13-Oct-1979[NE]/20-Oct-1979[NE]/27-Oct-1979[NE]/10-Nov-1979[NE]/17-Nov-1979[NE]/24-Nov-1979[NE]/01-Dec-1979[NE]/08-Dec-1979[NE]/15-Dec-1979[NE]/22-Dec-1979[NE]/29-Dec-1979[NE]/05-Jan-1980[NE]/12-Jan-1980[NE]/19-Jan-1980[NE]/26-Jan-1980[NE]/02-Feb-1980[NE] | |
Tuesday | Feature | 22-Oct-1977[FM]/29-Oct-1977[FM]/05-Nov-1977[FM]/12-Nov-1977[FMP]/19-Nov-1977[FM]/26-Nov-1977[FM][FMP]/03-Dec-1977[FMP]/10-Dec-1977[FM]/17-Dec-1977[FMP]/24-Dec-1977[DM]/07-Jan-1978[FMP]/14-Jan-1978[UCA1]/21-Jan-1978[FM]/28-Jan-1978[FMP]/11-Feb-1978[JW]/18-Feb-1978[FM]/25-Feb-1978[FMP]/04-Mar-1978[FM]/11-Mar-1978[UCA1]/18-Mar-1978[FM]/25-Mar-1978[UCA1]/08-Apr-1978[BA]/15-Apr-1978[FM]/22-Apr-1978[FM]/06-May-1978[FM]/13-May-1978[FM]/20-May-1978[BA]/27-May-1978[DM]/03-Jun-1978[FMP]/10-Jun-1978[BA]/17-Jun-1978[ML]/24-Jun-1978[BA]/08-Jul-1978[FMP]/15-Jul-1978[ML]/22-Jul-1978[BA]/29-Jul-1978[FM]/05-Aug-1978[FM]/12-Aug-1978[FMP]/19-Aug-1978[FM]/26-Aug-1978[ML]/02-Sep-1978[FMP]/09-Sep-1978[FM]/16-Sep-1978[FM]/23-Sep-1978[FMP]/30-Sep-1978[FM]/07-Oct-1978[ML]/14-Oct-1978[FM]/21-Oct-1978[FMP]/28-Oct-1978[FM]/04-Nov-1978[ML]/11-Nov-1978[FM]/18-Nov-1978[FMP]/25-Nov-1978[FM]/02-Dec-1978[ML]/09-Dec-1978[FM]/06-Jan-1979[FMP]/13-Jan-1979[FM]/20-Jan-1979[FM]/27-Jan-1979[ML]/03-Feb-1979[FM]/10-Feb-1979[BA]/17-Feb-1979[FM]/24-Feb-1979[ML]/10-Mar-1979[FM]/17-Mar-1979[ML]/24-Mar-1979[FM]/31-Mar-1979[BA]/07-Apr-1979[FM]/14-Apr-1979[FMP]/21-Apr-1979[FM]/28-Apr-1979[FM]/05-May-1979[FM]/12-May-1979[FM]/19-May-1979[FM]/26-May-1979[JH]/02-Jun-1979[FM]/09-Jun-1979[FMP]/16-Jun-1979[ML]/23-Jun-1979[FM]/30-Jun-1979[DM]/07-Jul-1979[FM]/14-Jul-1979[ML]/21-Jul-1979[FM]/28-Jul-1979[DM]/04-Aug-1979[FM]/11-Aug-1979[FM]/18-Aug-1979[F M]/25-Aug-1979[FMP]/01-Sep-1979[ML]/08-Sep-1979[FM]/15-Sep-1979[JH]/22-Sep-1979[FMP]/29-Sep-1979[FM]/06-Oct-1979[ML]/13-Oct-1979[FM]/20-Oct-1979[JH]/27-Oct-1979[FM]/03-Nov-1979[DM]/10-Nov-1979[BA]/17-Nov-1979[FM]/24-Nov-1979[FM]/01-Dec-1979[ML]/08-Dec-1979[FM]/15-Dec-1979[FM]/22-Dec-1979[FM]/29-Dec-1979[FM]/05-Jan-1980[FM]/12-Jan-1980[ML]/19-Jan-1980[FM]/26-Jan-1980[FM]/02-Feb-1980[FM] | |
Tweety | Feature | 14-Jan-1978 | |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | A Bird Can Fly But Can A Fly Bird | 22-Apr-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | A Gift For Granny | 08-Apr-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | All Duded Up | 20-May-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Beaned by a Bell | 07-Oct-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Bowled Over | 09-Sep-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Brain Drain | 12-Aug-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Crime and Punishment | 29-Jul-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Fat Cat | 02-Sep-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Flight School | 26-Aug-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Getting Cagey | 08-Jul-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Getting his Goat | 22-Jul-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Hang It All | 04-Nov-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Ivan the Terrible | 02-Dec-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Midnight Stroll | 15-Jul-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Pet Getter | 06-May-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Ring Around A Ring | 19-Aug-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Showdown at Granny's | 25-Mar-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Surprise Package | 28-Oct-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Tabs Keeping Tabby | 30-Sep-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | The Howl Larious Cat | 11-Nov-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | The Stalking Cat | 01-Jul-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Those Little Ups and Downs | 05-Aug-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Too Many Grannies | 04-Mar-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Treatment Traders | 18-Nov-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | What a Racket | 23-Sep-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf | 25-Nov-1978 |
Tweety and Sylvester | Feature | 21-Jan-1978/10-Jun-1978 | |
Twirly | Advert | 17-Jun-1978/24-Jun-1978 | |
WH Smith | Advert | Annuals | 29-Sep-1979 |
WH Smith | Advert | 15-Apr-1978/05-Aug-1978/07-Apr-1979/21-Apr-1979/28-Apr-1979/19-May-1979/30-Jun-1979/04-Aug-1979/11-Aug-1979 | |
WH Smith and Spear's Games | Advert | 01-Sep-1979 | |
Wall's | Advert | Tom and Jerry and Skateboard Surfer lollies | 10-Jun-1978 |
Wall's | Advert | Tom and Jerry lolly | 20-May-1978 |
Wall's | Advert | lollies | 15-Jul-1978 |
Wednesday | Feature | 22-Oct-1977[FM]/29-Oct-1977[FM]/05-Nov-1977[FM]/12-Nov-1977[FMP]/19-Nov-1977[FM]/26-Nov-1977[FMP]/03-Dec-1977[FMP]/10-Dec-1977[FM]/17-Dec-1977[FMP]/24-Dec-1977[DM]/31-Dec-1977[FM]/07-Jan-1978[FMP]/14-Jan-1978[UCA1]/21-Jan-1978[FM]/28-Jan-1978[UCA1]/04-Feb-1978[FM]/11-Feb-1978[JW]/18-Feb-1978[FM]/25-Feb-1978[FMP]/04-Mar-1978[FM]/11-Mar-1978[BA]/18-Mar-1978[FMP]/25-Mar-1978[BA]/01-Apr-1978[FMP]/08-Apr-1978[UCA1]/15-Apr-1978[FM]/22-Apr-1978[FM]/29-Apr-1978[FMP]/06-May-1978[FM]/13-May-1978[FMP]/20-May-1978[BA]/27-May-1978[DM]/03-Jun-1978[FMP]/10-Jun-1978[BA]/17-Jun-1978[ML]/24-Jun-1978[BA]/01-Jul-1978[FM]/08-Jul-1978[FMP]/15-Jul-1978[ML]/22-Jul-1978[BA]/29-Jul-1978[FM]/05-Aug-1978[FM]/12-Aug-1978[FMP]/19-Aug-1978[FM]/26-Aug-1978[ML]/02-Sep-1978[FMP]/09-Sep-1978[FM]/16-Sep-1978[FM]/23-Sep-1978[FMP]/30-Sep-1978[FM]/07-Oct-1978[ML]/14-Oct-1978[FM]/21-Oct-1978[FMP]/28-Oct-1978[FM]/04-Nov-1978[ML]/11-Nov-1978[FM]/18-Nov-1978[FMP]/25-Nov-1978[FM]/09-Dec-1978[FM]/06-Jan-1979[FMP]/13-Jan-1979[FM]/20-Jan-1979[FM]/27-Jan-1979[ML]/03-Feb-1979[FM]/10-Feb-1979[BA]/17-Feb-1979[FM]/24-Feb-1979[ML]/10-Mar-1979[FM]/17-Mar-1979[ML]/24-Mar-1979[FM]/31-Mar-1979[BA]/07-Apr-1979[FM]/14-Apr-1979[FMP]/21-Apr-1979[FM]/28-Apr-1979[FM]/05-May-1979[FM]/12-May-1979[FM]/19-May-1979[FM]/26-May-1979[JH]/02-Jun-1979[FM]/09-Jun-1979[FMP]/16-Jun-1979[ML]/23-Jun-1979[FM]/30-Jun-1979[DM]/07-Jul-1979[FM]/14-Jul-1979[ ML]/21-Jul-1979[FM]/28-Jul-1979[DM]/04-Aug-1979[FM]/11-Aug-1979[FM]/18-Aug-1979[FMP]/25-Aug-1979[FM]/01-Sep-1979[ML]/08-Sep-1979[FM]/15-Sep-1979[JH]/22-Sep-1979[UK]/29-Sep-1979[FM]/06-Oct-1979[ML]/13-Oct-1979[FM]/20-Oct-1979[JH]/27-Oct-1979[FM]/03-Nov-1979[DM]/10-Nov-1979[BA]/17-Nov-1979[FM]/24-Nov-1979[FM]/01-Dec-1979[ML]/08-Dec-1979[FM]/15-Dec-1979[FM]/22-Dec-1979[FM]/29-Dec-1979[FM]/05-Jan-1980[FM]/12-Jan-1980[ML]/19-Jan-1980[FM]/26-Jan-1980[FM]/02-Feb-1980[FM] | |
Wednesday (conclusion) | Feature | 22-Oct-1977[FM]/29-Oct-1977[FM]/05-Nov-1977[FM]/12-Nov-1977[FM]/19-Nov-1977[FM]/26-Nov-1977[FMP]/03-Dec-1977[FMP]/10-Dec-1977[FM]/17-Dec-1977[FMP]/24-Dec-1977[DM]/31-Dec-1977[FM]/07-Jan-1978[FMP]/14-Jan-1978[UCA1]/21-Jan-1978[FM]/28-Jan-1978[FM]/11-Feb-1978[FMP]/18-Feb-1978[FM]/25-Feb-1978[FM]/04-Mar-1978[FM]/11-Mar-1978[FMP]/18-Mar-1978[FMP]/25-Mar-1978[FM]/01-Apr-1978[UCA1]/08-Apr-1978[FMP]/15-Apr-1978[FM]/22-Apr-1978[UCA1]/29-Apr-1978[UCA1]/06-May-1978[UCA1]/13-May-1978[FMP]/20-May-1978[BA]/27-May-1978[BA]/03-Jun-1978[BA]/10-Jun-1978[BA]/17-Jun-1978[BA]/24-Jun-1978[FM]/01-Jul-1978[BA]/08-Jul-1978[BA]/15-Jul-1978[FMP]/22-Jul-1978[BA]/29-Jul-1978[FMP]/05-Aug-1978[ML]/12-Aug-1978[BA]/19-Aug-1978[BA]/26-Aug-1978[BA] | |
Weetabix | Advert | DC Comics promotion | 10-Nov-1979/02-Feb-1980 |
Weetabix | Advert | Superman promo | 17-Feb-1979 |
Weetabix | Advert | 18-Mar-1978/03-Jun-1978/29-Jul-1978/21-Oct-1978/14-Jul-1979 | |
What a Cheek | Feature | 22-Oct-1977[FM]/29-Oct-1977[FM]/05-Nov-1977[FM]/12-Nov-1977[FMP]/19-Nov-1977[FM]/26-Nov-1977[FMP]/03-Dec-1977[FM]/10-Dec-1977[FMP]/17-Dec-1977[FMP]/24-Dec-1977[DM]/14-Jan-1978[UCA1]/21-Jan-1978[FM]/11-Feb-1978[UCA1]/18-Feb-1978[FMP]/25-Feb-1978[FMP]/04-Mar-1978[FM]/11-Mar-1978[UCA1]/18-Mar-1978[FM]/25-Mar-1978[FMP]/01-Apr-1978[FM]/08-Apr-1978[FM]/15-Apr-1978[FM]/22-Apr-1978[FMP]/29-Apr-1978[FM]/06-May-1978[FM]/13-May-1978[FM]/20-May-1978[FM]/27-May-1978[FM]/03-Jun-1978[FMP]/10-Jun-1978[FM]/24-Jun-1978[FM]/01-Jul-1978[FMP]/08-Jul-1978[BA]/15-Jul-1978[BA]/22-Jul-1978[FM]/29-Jul-1978[FM]/05-Aug-1978[FM]/12-Aug-1978[FM]/26-Aug-1978[FM]/02-Sep-1978[FM]/23-Sep-1978[FM] | |
What's New, Kids | Feature | 22-Oct-1977/29-Oct-1977/05-Nov-1977/12-Nov-1977/19-Nov-1977/26-Nov-1977/03-Dec-1977/10-Dec-1977/17-Dec-1977/24-Dec-1977/07-Jan-1978/14-Jan-1978/21-Jan-1978/04-Feb-1978/11-Feb-1978/18-Feb-1978/25-Feb-1978/04-Mar-1978/11-Mar-1978/18-Mar-1978/25-Mar-1978/01-Apr-1978/08-Apr-1978/22-Apr-1978/06-May-1978/20-May-1978/27-May-1978/03-Jun-1978/17-Jun-1978/29-Jul-1978/05-Aug-1978/12-Aug-1978/19-Aug-1978/26-Aug-1978/02-Sep-1978/16-Sep-1978/23-Sep-1978/07-Oct-1978/09-Dec-1978/06-Jan-1979/27-Jan-1979/10-Feb-1979/16-Jun-1979/07-Jul-1979/14-Jul-1979/28-Jul-1979/04-Aug-1979/11-Aug-1979/18-Aug-1979/08-Sep-1979/15-Sep-1979/29-Sep-1979/06-Oct-1979/13-Oct-1979/20-Oct-1979/27-Oct-1979/03-Nov-1979/17-Nov-1979 | |
Whiz Kids | Advert | 01-Sep-1979 | |
Whizzer and Chips mini comic | Feature | 12 1/2p Buytonic Boy | 01-Jul-1978[EM] |
Whizzer and Chips mini comic | Feature | Fuss Pot | 01-Jul-1978[TW] |
Whizzer and Chips mini comic | Feature | Joker | 01-Jul-1978[TW] |
Whizzer and Chips mini comic | Feature | Paws | 01-Jul-1978[AJ] |
Whizzer and Chips mini comic | Feature | Shiner | 01-Jul-1978[ML] |
Whizzer and Chips mini comic | Feature | Sid's Snake | 01-Jul-1978[ML] |
Whizzer and Chips mini comic | Feature | Sweet Tooth | 01-Jul-1978[DM] |
Who Is The Alpha Man? | Feature | 16-Jun-1979 | |
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? | Feature | 24-Jun-1978/30-Sep-1978 | |
Who's your Super-Star? | Feature | 18-Nov-1978 | |
Whoopee mini comic | Feature | Bumpkin Billionaires | 15-Jul-1978[EM] |
Whoopee mini comic | Feature | Claws | 15-Jul-1978[AJ] |
Whoopee mini comic | Feature | Frankie Stein | 15-Jul-1978[UK] |
Whoopee mini comic | Feature | Supermum | 15-Jul-1978[JC] |
Whoopee mini comic | Feature | Sweeny Toddler | 15-Jul-1978[PA] |
Why, Dad, Why? | Feature | Mystery Comic | 30-Sep-1978[JG]/07-Oct-1978[JG]/14-Oct-1978[JG]/21-Oct-1978[JG]/04-Nov-1978[JG]/11-Nov-1978[JG]/18-Nov-1978[JG]/09-Dec-1978[JG]/06-Jan-1979[JG]/27-Jan-1979[JG]/03-Feb-1979[JG]/10-Feb-1979[JG]/17-Feb-1979[JG]/24-Feb-1979[JG]/03-Mar-1979[JG]/10-Mar-1979[JG]/17-Mar-1979[JG]/24-Mar-1979[JG]/31-Mar-1979[JG]/21-Apr-1979[JG]/28-Apr-1979[JG]/05-May-1979[JG]/12-May-1979[JG]/26-May-1979[JG]/09-Jun-1979[JG]/16-Jun-1979[JG]/23-Jun-1979[JG]/30-Jun-1979[JG] |
Why, Dad, Why? | Feature | 14-Jul-1979[JG]/21-Jul-1979[JG]/28-Jul-1979[JG]/04-Aug-1979[JG]/18-Aug-1979[JG]/25-Aug-1979[JG]/01-Sep-1979[JG]/08-Sep-1979[JG]/15-Sep-1979[JG]/22-Sep-1979[JG]/29-Sep-1979[JG]/13-Oct-1979[JG]/20-Oct-1979[JG]/27-Oct-1979[JG]/03-Nov-1979[JG]/10-Nov-1979[JG]/24-Nov-1979[JG]/01-Dec-1979[JG]/08-Dec-1979[JG]/15-Dec-1979[JG]/22-Dec-1979[JG]/29-Dec-1979[JG]/19-Jan-1980[JG]/02-Feb-1980[JG] | |
Wile E Coyote | Feature | Dear Diary | 19-Nov-1977 |
Wile E Coyote | Feature | Extra Long Division | 07-Jan-1978 |
Wile E Coyote | Feature | Poll Fault | 03-Dec-1977 |
Wile E Coyote | Feature | Rage In A Cage | 17-Dec-1977 |
Wile E Coyote | Feature | Space Ace Chase | 22-Oct-1977 |
Winners of Skateboard and Tennis competitions | Feature | 28-Oct-1978 | |
Woodcraft Village | Advert | 17-Jun-1978/14-Oct-1978/25-Nov-1978 | |
World Cup Aces | Advert | 01-Jul-1978 | |
Your chance to vote | Feature | 27-Jan-1979/10-Feb-1979/17-Feb-1979 |