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Cheeky Weekly ™ REBELLION PUBLISHING LTD, COPYRIGHT ©  REBELLION PUBLISHING LTD, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED was a British children's comic with cover dates spanning 22 October 1977 to 02 February 1980.

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Friday, 6 December 2024

Whizzer and Chips - The Cheeky Raids Part 62

New readers start here... After Cheeky Weekly folded and was incorporated into Whoopee as of February 1980 six strips that had originated in the toothy funster's title survived the merge and continued to appear in the amalgamated comic. Whoopee itself foundered in March 1985 and was merged into Whizzer and Chips. Three of the surviving Cheeky Weekly strips successfully negotiated this second merge and went on to appear in the newly combined publication, rather inelegantly titled 'Whizzer and Chips now including Whoopee'. The survivors were Mustapha Million, Calculator Kid and (appearing only twice) Stage School. Cheeky continued to appear, but as a member of The Krazy Gang, who had moved into W&C when Krazy, the comic in which the Gang originated, expired in April 1978. However, the Krazy Gang's Whizzer and Chips run ended in the issue dated 08 February 1986. Calculator Kid survived a little longer, his run of reprints coming to an end in the 26 July 1986 edition and leaving Mustapha Million as the sole Cheeky Weekly survivor.

The previous post in this series focused on Whizzer and Chips dated 10 March 1990, and I have been able to eliminate the two following editions from being relevant to documentation here as neither featured ex-Cheeky Weekly characters as raider or raided.

Thus we arrive at Whizzer and Chips' 31 March 1990 edition, and I'm able to report that not only have I identified raiders into both Whizzer and Chips (this has not always been the case in recent months), but Mustapha Million is one of those involved.

Fuss Pot is the Chip-ite intruder into Whizzer. Readers of my previous post will be aware that Fuss pot traversed the Whizzer/Chips boundary on occasion, but she had been firmly ensconced within Chips (except when mounting cross-border raids) since the 22 October 1998 issue. The fastidious female perpetrated a raid on Sweeny Toddler in the 31 March 1990 comic. Mustapha Million suffered an interloper in the same issue. Can you spot the trespasser? Scroll down the learn the identity of the iniquitous invader.


Art: Frank McDiarmid






Yes, it's the dentally deficient Sweet-Tooth, a character mostly associated with Whizzer, but who on occasion crossed the divide into Chips, although in this particular issue the confectionery consuming cove's page was lodged inside Whizzer territory on page 25.

I have identified raiders and raided in the 4 issues published after that examined above (i.e. up to and including the edition cover-dated 28 April 1990), and none of those raids are Cheeky-related. This means that this is the final post in this series, since the 28 April 1990 edition of Whizzer and Chips was the last to include a raid, at least in the classic sense. The following week the comic was reduced from 32 to 24 pages and the concept of  Whizzer and Chips being '2 comics in one' was dropped (although the title remained the same), so there was no longer a defined Whizzer or Chips section.

Instead of identifying Whizz-kids raiding Chip-ites and vice versa, commencing with the 05 May 1990 issue, readers were challenged to search the whole comic for a cameo appearance by Little Devil, whose feature had been appearing in Whizzer and Chips since the issue dated 06 January 1990 (although I suspect this was a run of reprints, so the satanic scamp could well have been featured earlier). As of the 05 May 1990 edition, the rather oddly worded message 'Can you find Little Devil on one of these pages?' appeared at the foot of each LD episode. The answer to this question would of course be 'Yes, in the strip above'. Readers should instead have been asked 'Can you find Little Devil on another page?'. For his inaugural infernal intrusion, Little Devil demonically possessed Memory Banks.

Whizzer and Chips 05 May 1990
Art: Murray Ball (I think)

Whizzer and Chips 05 May 1990
Art: Mark Bennington

The diminutive demon's strip made its final appearance in the issue dated 06 October 1990, just 3 short of the comic's 27 October 1990 ultimate edition. 23 issues were published between 05 May 1990 and 06 October 1990 (inclusive), but Little Devil's strip was absent from the comic dated 26 May 1990 and it would seem that the obtrusive ogre didn't impose himself on any of the other pages that week. I have been able to locate the inimitable imp in 20 of the issues in which he supposedly appeared on other pages (09 June and 22 September being the editions in which LD has evaded my searches), and I can report that on one occasion, in the 08 September 1990 comic, the hell-spawned character invaded Mustapha Million's page. In that episode, Mustapha travels to Australia with a sack of cash in order to persuade a number of TV soap stars who have departed Neighbours to return to their roles in the popular antipodean drama.

Whizzer and Chips 08 September 1990. Art: Frank McDiarmid

Whizzer and Chips Cover Date Raider Raided
06 April 1985Mustapha MillionSuper Steve
04 May 1985Bloggs (Store Wars)Mustapha Million
11 May 1985JokerThe Krazy Gang (Cheeky)
18 May 1985Calculator Kid & CalcOdd-Ball
01 June 1985
Mustapha Million
The Krazy Gang (Cheeky)
Boy Boss
08 June 1985Odd-BallCalculator Kid
06 July 1985Toy BoyCalculator Kid
13 July 1985Pa BumpkinThe Krazy Gang (Cheeky)
27 July 1985JokerMustapha Million
24 August 1985CheekySid's Snake
14 September 1985
Calculator Kid
Calculator Kid
Store Wars
05 October 1985Mustapha MillionAnimalad
19 October 1985Odd-BallMustapha Million
23 November 1985
Sweeny Toddler
Sweeny Toddler
Sweeny Toddler
Calculator Kid
The Krazy Gang (Cheeky)
Mustapha Million
18 January 1986Mustapha MillionSuper Steve
25 January 1986
Mustapha Million
08 February 1986
The Krazy Gang ends this issue
AnimaladMustapha Million
15 February 1986Lazy BonesCalculator Kid
15 March 1986Odd-BallCalculator Kid
29 March 1986Calculator KidMaster P Brain
05 April 1986Bumpkin BillionairesMustapha Million
12 April 1986AnimaladCalculator Kid
31 May 1986Lazy BonesCalculator Kid
07 June 1986Mustapha MillionJoker
28 June 1986Sweet ToothMustapha Million
26 July 1986
Calculator Kid ends this issue
No Cheeky-related raid this issueNo Cheeky-related raid this issue
16 August 1986Mustapha MillionJoker
23 August 1986Sweet ToothMustapha Million
18 October 1986Winnie the Royal NagMustapha Million
06 December 1986Toy BoyMustapha Million
13 December 1986Mustapha MillionOdd-Ball
17 January 1987SidMustapha Million
14 February 1987Odd-BallMustapha Million
11 April 1987Pa BumpkinMustapha Million
25 April 1987Mustapha MillionOdd-Ball
20 June 1987Toy BoyMustapha Million
27 June 1987Mustapha MillionMemory Banks
25 July 1987Lazy BonesMustapha Million
22 August 1987Winnie the Royal NagMustapha Million
12 September 1987Mustapha MillionSweet Tooth
19 September 1987Odd-BallMustapha Million
24 October 1987Odd-BallMustapha Million
12 December 1987JokerMustapha Million
13 February 1988Bloggs (Store Wars)Mustapha Million
20 February 1988Mustapha MillionJoker
12 March 1988Odd-BallMustapha Million
23 April 1988JokerMustapha Million
28 May 1988
Readers asked not to let their Whizz-kid or Chip-ite sympathies colour their favourite strip votes
No Cheeky-related raid this issueNo Cheeky-related raid this issue
11 June 1988SlippyMustapha Million
16 July 1988Toy BoyMustapha Million
30 July 1988 New raids halted

05 August 1989 (raid reprinted from 25 Aug 1984)CheekyStore Wars
12 August 1989 Resumption of new raids (one per week)No Cheeky-related raid this issueNo Cheeky-related raid this issue
02 September 1989JokerMustapha Million
16 September 1989SlippyMustapha Million
23 September 1989 Weekly reciprocal raids resumeNo Cheeky-related raid this issueNo Cheeky-related raid this issue
28 October 1989
Mustapha Million

Sweeny Toddler
Bobby's Ghoul

Mustapha Million
11 November 1989 - Tarman is the Chip-ite raider into Whizzer, but I have been unable to identify any raider into Chips

18 November 1989 Mustapha MillionSid's Whizz-kids page
02 December 1989 JokerMustapha Million
23 December 1989 - Junior Rotter is the Chip-ite raider into Whizzer, but I have been unable to identify any raider into Chips

30 December 1989 - Slippy is the Whizz-kid raider into Chips, but I have been unable to identify any raider into Whizzer

27 January 1990 - Slippy is the Whizz-kid raider into Chips, but I have been unable to identify any raider into Whizzer

24 February 1990 - Joker is the Whizz-kid raider into Chips, but I have been unable to identify any raider into Whizzer

10 March 1990 - Sweeny Toddler intrudes upon Lazy Bones in a reprinted 'raid' from Whizzer and Chips dated 06 April 1985. I have been unable to identify any raider into Whizzer.Joker
Mustapha Million
31 March 1990
Mustapha Million
28 April 1990 The final 32-page edition. The concept of a Whizzer and a Chips section is dropped from the subsequent 24-page issues, and consequently there are no further raids (although the Little Devil character can often be found on another character's page).
No Cheeky-related raid this issueNo Cheeky-related raid this issue

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