The third Cheeky Special appeared a couple of months after Cheeky Weekly’s final issue dated 02 February 1980. Since that time a number of the features that originated in the toothy funster’s comic had been appearing in Whoopee! following the customary ‘merge’ of the defunct Cheeky Weekly into its longer-running counterpart. However it was publisher IPC’s habit to continue issuing summer specials and annuals based on comics whose weekly versions had ceased to be produced. Presumably demand for juvenile reading material increased during the school summer holidays as parents sought to keep their offspring occupied either at home on rainy days, or on journeys to and from vacation destinations. The publication of annuals was timed to coincide with the run-up to Christmas, because the hardback collections of comic strips offered an easy and much-appreciated by the recipients (in most cases), solution to the perennial ‘what to buy’ dilemma of parents and relatives of youngsters. I imagine there weren’t many kids in the 60s, 70s and 80s who didn’t wake up on Christmas mornings without at least one annual-shaped parcel among the intriguing selection at the foot of their bed.
Whereas the Cheeky Summer Specials of 1978 and 79 were first advertised in Cheeky Weeklies dated 08 July and 23 June in their respective years, readers were first alerted to the presence of a new Cheeky spin-off in Whoopee! and Cheeky dated 05 April 1980. This earlier-than-previously publication date explains why this year’s is described as a Holiday Special – the Good Friday and Easter Monday bank holidays that year occurred on 04 and 07 April.
The cover depiction of the toothy funster finds our pal once again on the promenade with the sea in the background, as has been the case with the previous Summer Specials. Whereas our toothy pal was limited to a modest ice cream on the cover of the 1978 Special, and none at all on last year’s, this time he seems to have blown all his holiday money on a 101-flavoured megacone. Mike Lacey is the illustrator for this scene, the blazing sun being maybe a little optimistic for April, but IPC no doubt hope that the sunny front page will extend the shelf life of any unsold copies of this mag over the coming months.
The fun gets under way on page 2 with more Mike Lacey art, this time on a feature entitled On Holiday with Cheeky. The equivalent features in last year’s Summer Special were entitled Cheeky on Holiday, but as I’ve remarked before, the compilers of Annuals and Specials seem to have no regard for those of us seeking reassuring consistency from our reading matter. This 3-page dream sequence is drawn by Mike Lacey, who was an occasional contributor of Cheeky (and other) pages in the weekly comic, as well as being the regular artist on Disaster Des. Mike contributes pages with margins, unlike all the Cheeky pages in the previous Specials and Annuals, in which the grinning gagster had appeared in marginless artwork mirroring the design of his solo pages in Krazy comic. In the final panel of this section, a caption tells us that Cheeky will be back on page 20 with more holiday hilarity.
A nice Soggy the Sea Monster reprint occupies page 5, and the story is very appropriate for a Holiday Special as it concerns the barmy behemoth’s visit to the seaside town of Rocksea, where he livens up proceedings for the holidaymakers who previously found the place to be a little boring. The original title banner has been expanded so there is no need for resizing the artwork due to the differing page height/width ratios of Shiver and Shake and this Special. Soggy had been absent from the 1980 Cheeky Annual, although he had appeared in the 1978 and 79 Summer Specials and the 1979 Annual. However, he had appeared in 12 issues of Cheeky Weekly between those cover-dated 17 November 1979 and 02 February 1980.
Jack Clayton provides 2 pages of single-panel coastal corkers featuring Cheeky Weekly’s resident buffoon and entitled Paddywack at the Seaside. The dithering dunderhead was among the lucky few characters whose strips made the transition into Whoopee following the cancellation of Cheeky Weekly.
Readers’ grey matter is then put to the test with a 2-page section entitled Cheeky’s Holiday Puzzle Challenge. Cliff Brown is the artist and our toothy chum features prominently in the various teasers so this is clearly not reprint material. Included among the brainteasers is a maze based on Cliff’’s drawing of Cheeky about to tuck into a hefty portion of fish and chips, a delicacy that our grinning chum was known to enjoy in his Cheeky Weekly days, so that’s a nice connection to the now defunct comic. Answers on page 31.
Pete and Pauline Potts persuade 6 Million Dollar Gran to visit the seaside in her 3 page adventure which follows. There’s no explicit explanation of the aged automaton’s true nature for the benefit of readers unfamiliar with the character and wondering how she can perform the superhuman feats on display in this story, drawn by Nigel Edwards. However, in the final panel Pete tells Gran, whose desire for a quiet snooze has been thwarted by various emergencies throughout the day, that she can now enjoy ‘a bionic kip’ (although she is of course a robot). The strip is introduced with the title panel familiar to readers of Cheeky Weekly, although Gran’s adventures in Whoopee! and Cheeky at this time are appearing under the title $6,000,000 Gran.
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Young Pauline appears to have forgotten that Gran is mechanical, not human |
Over the page, in a reprint sourced from the pages of Whizzer and Chips, Ringer Dinger dials up an expert on the Highway Code on behalf of his dad, who’s considering buying a car. Due to the inevitable communication confusion, a highwayman with horse and pistols materialises and proceeds to take Dinger and his perplexed pater along as he raids a post office van, followed by an attempted bank robbery. The masked miscreant evaporates in the final panel as the police arrive at the bank and find Dad holding a purloined mail bag. Dad comments, ‘Seems daft to me’, but we’ll never know how he explains his possession of the stolen property. This reprint is the first feature in this Special not to have a holiday theme, and there is evidence of resizing to make it fill the page.
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Art: Terry Bave |
More artwork resizing
can be seen on the following page which contains a Copy Kate reprint.
Kate was becoming familiar to Friends of Cheeky, having first been
recruited from the ranks of retired IPC funny folk to bolster the
contents of the 1979 Summer Special, and a few months later the 1980
Cheeky Annual. Unlike Soggy and Dinger, Kate never appeared in the
regular comic. This particular adventure in the 1980 Holiday Special
has no holiday element as the titular mimic tries her hand at
sculpting. I have attributed all Copy Kate artwork seen so far to Tom
Williams, although only some of it does seem to exhibit Tom’s
style. My assumption has been that Kate was some of Tom’s early
work (the strip originally appeared in Knockout in the early 1970s),
and his distinctive style was emerging at the time. This particular
strip I must admit doesn’t resemble Tom’s work to any great
degree. Stephen Archer earlier suggested that Kate may be drawn by John
Geering, and I can definitely see the resemblance to John's work. As I'm now in something of a quandary over the attribution of artwork credits on this strip, I've decided not to assign an artist credit for the Kate strips in this Special. What I can say is that the art has been resized.
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Art: ? |
A third consecutive reprint page follows as Soggy the Sea Monster is once again dredged from the tank he shares with Fishboy in IPC's basement, and we find him swimming off the coast of the USA, eventually evading capture by the owner of a dolphinarium. I suppose the visitor attraction element of the script lends it a holiday connection.
Mustapha Million then
enjoys a visit to the summer fair in a 2-page set in colour. The
somewhat off-register printing makes it difficult to identify the illustrator, but I’m going to say it’s Colin Whittock, who deputised
for regular Mustapha artist Joe McCaffrey in Cheeky Weekly dated 17
November 1979. Young Master Million had been bestowed a new title banner design on his adoption by Whoopee! and, unlike Gran a few pages ago, Mustapha's new title has been ported over into this Special (although actually a second new MM title, featuring curlicued, 'middle eastern' type text, was introduced in Whoopee! and Cheeky dated 22 March 1980).
After that brief foray into glorious (albeit slightly askew) colour we’re back into black and white and reprint again. This time the revived subject is one which has not previously appeared in any Cheeky Special or Annual, but is well-known to loyal followers of the toothy funster. The Gang, a rerun of the Double Deckers from Whizzer and Chips, ran in Cheeky Weekly from July 1979 to the final issue. Never a favourite of mine, it’s disappointing to have it inflicted on us in this Special. However, the story concerns the carnival parade so at least it fits the holiday theme. The final row of panels (spoiler alert) below shows that the artwork has been expanded to fill out the page, in addition to the other adjustments carried out in preparation for the strip's reappearance, as explained in the link earlier in this paragraph.
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Art: Robert MacGillivray |
Page 20 is, as promised earlier, the location of another On Holiday with Cheeky sequence. Once again the events are occurring in Cheeky’s mind rather than reality, as he considers a holiday in the USA. The toothy funster’s vivid imagination conjures Lily Pop as the Statue of Liberty, and Six Gun Sam is the first person our grinning pal meets on the streets of New York. Herman the traffic warden, distributing parking tickets freely, is possibly a less likely Stateside encounter. However, since this is all happening in fantasy, we can’t really be surprised to see several of Cheeky’s pals wandering in the Big Apple just as if it was Krazy Town. The final panel of this 3-pager drawn by Mike Lacey informs us there will be more of the same on page 40.
On the next page Ringer Dinger dials up a putter to help improve his dad’s golf, (his father having clearly avoided the lengthy jail sentence which seemed inevitable at the conclusion of the previous Dinger tale), but the flawed phone delivers a shot-putter who, in the manner to which we’ve become accustomed, proceeds to cause havoc with his weighty sporting implement. Once again Dad is apprehended by the police at the end of this escapade. Golf, being a leisure time activity just about gives the story a holiday aspect.
IPC’s archive is raided again for the feature on page 24, and this time the mouldering files relating to Buster have been eased open and from the considerable amount of artwork produced for that venerable title, a Cave Kids story has been freed of cobwebs and selected for reprinting. The events depicted therein are clearly happening in the summer (or maybe the winter climate in neolithic times was much warmer than now), fitting the holiday theme. This is the first appearance by the Cave Kids in any Cheeky-related title, and I’m assuming the art is by Leo Baxendale, but I’ll admit that my Baxendale-identification skills are not highly developed so this may be by Mike Brown or one of the many LB imitators of the time. Thankfully there is no evidence of resizing.
However, artwork alteration can be seen on the following page as we are presented with a reprinted Copy Kate tale concerning the young imitator’s visit to the zoo.
Whereas Kate’s zoo adventure is not explicitly holiday-focused, the next story definitely is, as it’s set in a holiday camp, where the pachyderm fugitive from Elephant on the Run has secured employment. This is the first time this feature, which failed to transfer into Whoopee! following the cancellation of Cheeky Weekly, has appeared in a Special or Annual. Barry Glennard draws this single-page story (which sadly doesn’t enlighten us as to the central mystery, which remained unresolved when Cheeky’s comic folded), substituting for Robert Nixon who was the regular artist on the strip in the weekly comic. This is the second time Barry has illustrated the adventures of the titular Walter and his dogged pursuer The Man in the Plastic Mac, as he had previously contributed artwork on the feature in Cheeky Weekly dated 11 August 1979.
A resized reprint of Ringer Dinger follows, and the plot concerns a spring cleaning effort which (of course) goes seriously awry. I suppose the connection to spring (the season rather than the flexible metal components, the confusion between the two meanings being the driver of the script) does make this episode appropriate for inclusion.
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Art: Terry Bave |
Pages 28 and 29 refer back to a feature which ran in Cheeky Weekly – it’s Flash Harry’s Holiday Snaps – a vacation-based variant of the Silly Snaps filler in the regular comic. With one exception (a woman feeding some swans) all the photos featured in this Special are pleasingly holiday-related. A pity the pages are in black and white.
There then follows another reprint (there seems to be an abundance of recycled material this year) as Soggy thwarts some maritime diamond smugglers. Following that holiday-reference-free tale is a feature entitled Cheeky’s Chuckles which consists of 4 single-panel, and vacation-unrelated, gags drawn by Styx aka Leslie Harding. I would guess that these have been sourced from IPC’s archives, Maybe I’m being unreasonable (I’m not) but if I was selecting gags to be included in a Holiday Special, I’d choose ones relating to the seaside, or camping or hotels or caravans. Maybe the contents of IPC’s repository of jokes weren’t filed by subject (something I would have insisted on had I been in charge). There was a one-off filler with the almost-identical title of Cheeky Chuckles (consisting of 3 single-panel gags by Mike Lacey, one of which was set on a beach!), in Cheeky Weekly dated 15 December 1979. Below the jokes are the solutions to the puzzles on page 8.
Home-made windsurfers are the mode of transport chosen by Speed Squad, who appear in a colour, single-page adventure on page 32, drawn by Jimmy Hansen. Sadly the Squad were not among the strips selected to transfer into Whoopee! when Cheeky’s comic foundered. Alongside the terrific trio is a colour page featuring another Cheeky Weekly feature that failed to secure a new home in Whoopee! - it’s Why, Dad, Why? Poor, put-upon Dad takes son to a recording of the radio programme ‘Questions and Answers’ (a reference to the BBC’s long-running Any Questions), hoping that the panel of pundits can satisfy Son’s inquisitive probing.
Another strip that originated in Cheeky Weekly follows, as the Special reverts to black and white – it’s Stage School, which did survive the cancellation of the toothy funster’s comic and is concurrently appearing in Whoopee! and Cheeky. The ‘real’ school teacher threatens to cancel the summer holidays in the 2-page tale ghosted by Barry Glennard in place of regular artist Robert Nixon.
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The rather basic title banner doesn't match the title panel currently in use in Whoopee! and Cheeky |
The Copy Kate episode
which follows is one with which the script writer seems to have
struggled to fit into the usual format, as the young heroine abandons all intention of copying
anyone. Contrary to her assertion, the mattress spring shtick has already been essayed by young
Dinger a few pages ago. A cynical reader could conclude that the compiler of this Special was unconcerned about throwing any old crud into it to pad it out.
Another character who
wasn’t among those to transfer from Cheeky Weekly to Whoopee! follows – it’s our portly pal Tub, drawn by his regular artist
Nigel Edwards. The script does nothing to change my opinion of this
feature, which was often rather too nasty and violent for my liking. No holiday connection, either.
Yet more material exhumed from IPC's foetid mausoleum of expired comic strips follows as The Cave Kids enjoy a game of follow-the-leader through the strange amalgam of historic eras they appear to inhabit, following which there’s confusion over the word ‘plane’ in another revivified tale sourced from the mould-encrusted, dank catacombs beneath King's Reach Tower - this time it’s Ringer Dinger.
We can enjoy a (no doubt brief) respite from material salvaged from IPC’s vaults starting on page 40, as once again we’re On Holiday with Cheeky. This time our toothy pal is fantasising about a tropical island. As Cheeky emerges from his reverie at the conclusion of this 3-page set drawn by Mike Lacey, his dad says he’s decided where they will go on holiday. A caption tells us we’ll learn their destination on page 61
We’re again spared from reprinted material as over the page Artie Jackson draws a fiendishly-designed maze, challenging readers to direct Snail across the beach (not a place conducive to molluscs, I would suggest), avoiding hazards such as a crab and octopus, to be safely reunited with his gagster pal. This feature is entitled The A-Maze-Ing Snail.
The tedious doings of the Gang are in evidence again on pages 44 and 45, but at least this reprint concerns a camping holiday.
Paul Ailey illustrates the Disaster Des single-page episode which follows and the tale catalogues the consequences resulting from the invention of a Disaster Des Detector, but features no holiday element. Des suffered his own disaster a few months earlier when he failed to make the transfer into Whoopee!
A hovercraft, aboard which some comic readers of the time will have travelled from Southampton to the Isle of Wight, thus providing holiday a connotation, proves an annoyance to Soggy the Sea Monster whose page appears next.
Following that are two colour pages featuring more Paddywack at the Seaside single-panel gags. The foray into colour printing is short-lived, as over the page we’re back into monochrome territory with another holiday-reference-free Copy Kate reprint, this time documenting her attempt to give a dog a hairdo.
This Holiday Special’s sole advert occurs on page 51, as IPC publicise ‘4 Top Comics’ - Whoopee! and Cheeky, Whizzer and Chips, Buster, and Jackpot. Buster has replaced Cheeky Weekly which occupied one of the slots in an ad of the same name in the 1979 Cheeky Summer Special.
Mammoth mischief is then concerning The Cave Kids in another reprint of antediluvian antics. Unlike their previous outings in this Special, the artwork on this page has been tinkered with to widen it.
Another collection of single-panel gags under the title Cheeky’s Chuckles follows, drawn by Leslie ‘Styx’ Harding as before, and similarly non-holiday-related as was the earlier grab-bag of gags from the dusty, cobweb-strewn filing cabinets of IPC.
Cheeky’s slithering sidekick, clearly having extricated himself from his earlier maze dilemma, then gets his own 2-page feature entitled Snail on the Beach. The format of this set is based on that of Snail of the Century in Cheeky Weekly, but transported to the seashore, as our shell-bearing chum enjoys some gags with the wildlife to be found in this liminal location. Mike Lacey does a nice job of depicting the crabs, lobsters, jellyfish and assorted rock-pool denizens who were portrayed as threats when present in the earlier maze but with whom Snail seems to now have developed friendly relations.
We stay on the seashore over the page as we find young Charlie Counter sauntering along the beach at the commencement of a Calculator Kid adventure. Sadly for our hero, the holiday atmosphere is shattered by the arrival of Bully Cummings, but at the conclusion of this one-and-a-half page episode drawn by Terry Bave using ink shading Charlie, aided of course by his number-crunching associate, has rescued an unfortunate yacht-owner from drowning and thus earned a trip on the grateful chap’s luxury vessel. Calculator Kid was one of the Cheeky Weekly strips to have survived the sinking of our grinning pal’s comic by being welcomed aboard Whoopee! Occupying the bottom half of the page on which the closing element of Calculator Kid’s seaside story is located, is a word search under the title Cheeky’s Seaside Word-Game, in which readers are challenged to isolate ten seafront-related terms from the seemingly jumbled grid.
Dad is hoping for a rest in his deckchair in the Why, Dad, Why? story which follows, so that does lend it a sort-of-holiday-or-at-least-leisure-time connection. John Geering is the artist on this set, which is another page-and-a-halfer. By this stage in the Special, readers will no doubt be getting anxious since there has been no sign of the seemingly obligatory spot-the-difference feature. Those fans of Cheeky Weekly who have been honing their variance-identification skills in readiness since publication of the Cheeky Annual 1980 can relax as they are challenged to locate the 10 (not 12, but it’s only half a page) variations in 2 images of Cheeky and Farmer Giles that appear below the concluding portion of WDW, in a feature entitled Farm Fun. The Mike Lacey artwork used to tax readers’ powers of observation is reprinted from Cheeky Weekly dated 04 November 1978, but with some alterations to the content and positioning of the speech balloons.
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Cheeky Weekly 04 November 1978 |
Sidney Folbigg, shipwrecked on a desert island, comes to the attention of Soggy the Sea Monster in the final reprint of this Special. The kind-hearted leviathan returns Sidney to his home and the story ends with the ‘nagging wife’ cliché.
We join Cheeky on a walking holiday in the final On Holiday with Cheeky sequence. As Cheeky fans have come to expect, a number of his pals are also in the vicinity.
Following a cameo appearance by a certain scarf-sporting Gallifreyan, Cheeky signs off with best holiday wishes.
It’s left to Tub to round off (if you’ll pardon the pun) this Holiday Special with a colour episode on the back page. The beach-based story in which our portly pal routs a couple of bullies ends the Special on a suitably holiday-centric note.
This Special, which designates itself as being of the Holiday variety rather than the two previous Cheeky Summer Specials, conforms to the format of the earlier ones, consisting as it does of 64 pages, 8 in colour. The price has risen from 40p last year to 45p, an increase of 11.11%, seeming quite reasonable when compared to average UK inflation across 1980 which is18.07%.
Reprinted elements amount to 32.31% of the total non-advert elements (and though I suspect the 2 Cheeky’s Chuckles pages consist of recycled gags, I haven’t recorded them as reprints), whereas rehashed features accounted for 33% and 23% of the 1978 and 1979 Specials respectively.
I found the reprints to be particularly annoying in this Special. There certainly were more of them than in last year’s. I realise that it’s a budgetary requirement to include them, but I feel a little more imagination could have been employed, based on the way reprints were presented during the run of the Old Comic feature in Cheeky Weekly. As I’ve mentioned before, the Cheeky Specials could have seen Cheeky entering a junk shop and discovering a pile of vintage Specials from which a selection of holiday-related strips could have been printed. However, the framing of strips within Cheeky's universe, a unique feature of Cheeky Weekly which was gradually scaled back then eventually dropped entirely in the summer of 1979, was flirted with a little in the first Cheeky Summer Special but then forgotten.
Mike Lacey does a great job drawing all 14 Cheeky-related elements in this Special, including the cover (and I’m including the 2 Snail on the Beach pages in that total, but not the Farm Fun repurposed reprint). Last year’s Summer Special contained 20 Cheeky elements, 16 of which were by Frank McDiarmid, with Jimmy Hansen contributing 4. Sadly there is no work by Frank in this Special - no doubt he's been too busy illustrating the Cheeky pages currently appearing in Whoopee!
All the features in the Special which originated in Cheeky Weekly are ones which survived to the end of that comic’s run, although not all of them transferred into Whoopee! Those who failed to continue their weekly comic careers after the demise of the toothy funster’s title, yet appear in this Special, are
- Why, Dad, Why?
- Elephant On The Run
- Tub
- Disaster Des
- Speed Squad
Among the reprints in this Special are three features which for a time ran as reprints in Cheeky Weekly, namely
- The Gang
- Ringer Dinger
- Soggy the Sea Monster
...none of which transferred into Whoopee!
The elements in this Special which did transfer into Whoopee! are
- 6 Million Dollar Gran
- Calculator Kid
- Stage School
- Paddywack
- Snail
...and of course Cheeky himself.
Thus all of the comic strips which were running in Cheeky Weekly at the time of its cancellation are represented in this Special.
Cheeky of course continues to appear in Whoopee!, although the title of his sequences
in this Special don’t match those of any of his Cheeky Weekly or Whoopee ! vehicles. The strip Snail on the Beach in this Special is analogous
to Snail of the Century in Cheeky Weekly. Thus if we include the On
Holiday with Cheeky and Snail on the Beach elements in this Special
with those featuring 6 Million Dollar Gran, Mustapha Million, Stage
School, Calculator Kid and Paddywack, we find that this Special contains a total of 27 elements
based on ex-Cheeky Weekly strips which transferred into Whoopee!
There are 8 elements based on ex-Cheeky Weekly strips which failed to
transfer into Whoopee! Thus there are a total of 35 elements relating
to ex-Cheeky Weekly strips, meaning the ex-Cheeky Weekly elements
which failed to transfer represent 22.86% of the total ex-Cheeky
Weekly elements in this Special. This emphasis on features which made the transfer is as one would expect, since presumably those strips that merged into Whoopee! are those which were felt by IPC management to be the most popular among erstwhile readers of the toothy funster's expired title.
Sadly, other than on the cover, Cheeky doesn't benefit from any of the 7 other colour pages available in this Special, and all his internal strips are in monochrome. This is probably because the internal colour pages are paired (no doubt as a necessity of the printing process), and all the Cheeky on Holiday sequences span 3 pages.
I'm sure this Holiday Special was enjoyed by many kids during the spring and summer months of 1980, in holiday camps, boarding houses, caravans and on the beach when the elements allowed (in the UK and beyond).
Cheeky Holiday Special Features ending earlier in Cheeky Weekly
Cheeky Holiday Special Feature | Cheeky Weekly Dates |
Mustapha Million | 22-Oct-77 to 02-Feb-80 |
6 Million Dollar Gran | 22-Oct-77 to 02-Feb-80 |
Why, Dad, Why? | 30-Sep-78 to 02-Feb-80 |
Calculator Kid | 01-Jul-78 to 02-Feb-80 |
Elephant On The Run | 30-Sep-78 to 02-Feb-80 |
Tub | 30-Sep-78 to 02-Feb-80 |
Disaster Des | 30-Sep-78 to 02-Feb-80 |
Speed Squad | 26-May-79 to 02-Feb-80 |
Stage School | 07-Jul-79 to 02-Feb-80 |
The Gang | 07-Jul-79 to 02-Feb-80 |
Ringer Dinger | 06-Oct-79 to 02-Feb-80 |
Soggy the Sea Monster | 17-Nov-79 to 02-Feb-80 |
Cheeky Holiday Special Features never running in Cheeky Weekly
Cheeky Holiday Special Feature |
Cheeky's Chuckles |
Cheeky's Holiday Puzzle Challenge |
Cheeky's Seaside Word-Game |
Copy Kate |
Cover |
Farm Fun |
Flash Harry's Holiday Snaps |
On Holiday with Cheeky |
Paddywack at the Seaside |
Snail on the Beach |
The A-Maze-Ing Snail |
The Cave Kids |
Cheeky Holiday Special Reprint Feature Elements by %
Total Feature Elements | Original Feature Elements | Reprint Feature Elements | Reprint % |
65 | 44 | 21 | 32.31 |
Features in Cheeky Holiday Special 1980 and Earlier Specials
01/07/78 | Cheeky Summer Special | 6 Million Dollar Gran | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | 6 Million Dollar Gran |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | 6 Million Dollar Gran | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | 6 Million Dollar Gran |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Calculator Kid | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Calculator Kid |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Copy Kate | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Copy Kate |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Cover | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Cover |
01/07/78 | Cheeky Summer Special | Cover | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Cover |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Disaster Des | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Disaster Des |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | IPC | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | IPC |
01/07/78 | Cheeky Summer Special | IPC | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | IPC |
01/07/78 | Cheeky Summer Special | Mustapha Million | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Mustapha Million |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Mustapha Million | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Mustapha Million |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Ringer Dinger | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Ringer Dinger |
01/07/78 | Cheeky Summer Special | Ringer Dinger | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Ringer Dinger |
01/07/78 | Cheeky Summer Special | Soggy the Sea Monster | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Soggy the Sea Monster |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Soggy the Sea Monster | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Soggy the Sea Monster |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Speed Squad | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Speed Squad |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Tub | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Tub |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Why, Dad, Why? | 01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Why, Dad, Why? |
Features in Cheeky Holiday Special 1980 But Not In Earlier Specials
01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Cheeky's Chuckles |
01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Cheeky's Holiday Puzzle Challenge |
01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Cheeky's Seaside Word-Game |
01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Elephant On The Run |
01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Farm Fun |
01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Flash Harry's Holiday Snaps |
01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | On Holiday with Cheeky |
01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Paddywack at the Seaside |
01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Snail on the Beach |
01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | Stage School |
01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | The A-Maze-Ing Snail |
01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | The Cave Kids |
01/04/80 | Cheeky Holiday Special | The Gang |
Features In Earlier Specials But Not In Cheeky Holiday Special 1980
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Beauty Parade |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Bertie Bumpkin |
01/07/78 | Cheeky Summer Special | Cheeky |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Cheeky on Holiday |
01/07/78 | Cheeky Summer Special | Cheeky's A-Z of Seaside Jokes |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Cheeky's Summer Tease Break |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Great Martian Brain Maze |
01/07/78 | Cheeky Summer Special | Home Movie |
01/07/78 | Cheeky Summer Special | Malice in Wonderland |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Paddywack Around the World |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Paddywack by the Sea |
01/07/78 | Cheeky Summer Special | Skateboard Squad |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Spot the Difference |
01/07/78 | Cheeky Summer Special | Treasure Hunt Game |
01/07/78 | Cheeky Summer Special | Tweety and Sylvester |
01/06/79 | Cheeky Summer Special | Wipe-Out Skateboard Maze |
Cheeky Holiday Special - published April 1980 | |
Page | Details |
1 | Cover 'Giant Ice Cream' - Art Mike Lacey |
2 | On Holiday with Cheeky - Art Mike Lacey |
3 | On Holiday with Cheeky - Art Mike Lacey |
4 | On Holiday with Cheeky - Art Mike Lacey |
5 | Soggy the Sea Monster reprint from Shiver and Shake - Art Robert Nixon |
6 | Paddywack at the Seaside - Art Jack Clayton |
7 | Paddywack at the Seaside - Art Jack Clayton |
8 | Cheeky's Holiday Puzzle Challenge - Art Cliff Brown |
9 | Cheeky's Holiday Puzzle Challenge - Art Cliff Brown |
10 | 6 Million Dollar Gran - Art Nigel Edwards |
11 | 6 Million Dollar Gran - Art Nigel Edwards |
12 | 6 Million Dollar Gran - Art Nigel Edwards |
13 | Ringer Dinger reprint from Whizzer and Chips - Art Terry Bave |
14 | Copy Kate reprint from Knockout (IPC) |
15 | Soggy the Sea Monster reprint from Shiver and Shake - Art Robert Nixon |
16 | Mustapha Million - Art Colin Whittock |
17 | Mustapha Million - Art Colin Whittock |
18 | The Gang reprint from Whizzer and Chips - Art Robert MacGillivray |
19 | The Gang reprint from Whizzer and Chips - Art Robert MacGillivray |
20 | On Holiday with Cheeky - Art Mike Lacey |
21 | On Holiday with Cheeky - Art Mike Lacey |
22 | On Holiday with Cheeky - Art Mike Lacey |
23 | Ringer Dinger reprint from Whizzer and Chips - Art Terry Bave |
24 | The Cave Kids reprint from Buster - Art Leo Baxendale |
25 | Copy Kate reprint from Knockout (IPC) |
26 | Elephant On The Run - Art Barry Glennard |
27 | Ringer Dinger reprint from Whizzer and Chips - Art Terry Bave |
28 | Flash Harry's Holiday Snaps |
29 | Flash Harry's Holiday Snaps |
30 | Soggy the Sea Monster reprint from Shiver and Shake - Art Robert Nixon |
31 | Cheeky's Chuckles - Art Leslie Harding (Styx) |
32 | Speed Squad - Art Jimmy Hansen |
33 | Why, Dad, Why? - Art John K. Geering |
34 | Stage School - Art Barry Glennard |
35 | Stage School - Art Barry Glennard |
36 | Copy Kate reprint from Knockout (IPC) |
37 | Tub - Art Nigel Edwards |
38 | The Cave Kids reprint from Buster - Art Leo Baxendale |
39 | Ringer Dinger reprint from Whizzer and Chips - Art Terry Bave |
40 | On Holiday with Cheeky - Art Mike Lacey |
41 | On Holiday with Cheeky - Art Mike Lacey |
42 | On Holiday with Cheeky - Art Mike Lacey |
43 | The A-Maze-Ing Snail |
44 | The Gang reprint from Whizzer and Chips - Art Robert MacGillivray |
45 | The Gang reprint from Whizzer and Chips - Art Robert MacGillivray |
46 | Disaster Des - Art Paul Ailey |
47 | Soggy the Sea Monster reprint from Shiver and Shake - Art Robert Nixon |
48 | Paddywack at the Seaside - Art Jack Clayton |
49 | Paddywack at the Seaside - Art Jack Clayton |
50 | Copy Kate reprint from Knockout (IPC) |
51 | Ad: IPC '4 Top Comics' |
52 | The Cave Kids reprint from Buster - Art Leo Baxendale |
53 | Cheeky's Chuckles - Art Leslie Harding (Styx) |
54 | Snail on the Beach - Art Mike Lacey |
55 | Snail on the Beach - Art Mike Lacey |
56 | Calculator Kid - Art Terry Bave |
57 | Calculator Kid - Art Terry Bave\Cheeky's Seaside Word-Game |
58 | Why, Dad, Why? - Art John K. Geering |
59 | Why, Dad, Why? - Art John K. Geering\Farm Fun reprint from Cheeky Weekly - Art Mike Lacey |
60 | Soggy the Sea Monster reprint from Shiver and Shake - Art Robert Nixon |
61 | On Holiday with Cheeky - Art Mike Lacey |
62 | On Holiday with Cheeky - Art Mike Lacey |
63 | On Holiday with Cheeky - Art Mike Lacey |
64 | Tub - Art Nigel Edwards |