New readers start here... After Cheeky Weekly folded and was
incorporated into Whoopee as of February 1980 six strips that had
originated in the toothy funster's title survived the merge and
continued to appear in the amalgamated comic. Whoopee itself foundered
in March 1985 and was merged into Whizzer and Chips. Three of the
surviving Cheeky Weekly strips successfully negotiated this second merge
and went on to appear in the newly combined publication, rather
inelegantly titled 'Whizzer and Chips now including Whoopee'. The
survivors were Mustapha Million, Calculator Kid and (appearing only
twice) Stage School. Cheeky continued to appear, but as a member of The
Krazy Gang, who had moved into W&C when Krazy, the comic in which
the Gang originated, expired in April 1978. However, the Krazy Gang's
Whizzer and Chips run ended in the issue dated 08 February 1986.
You know how this works by now - see if you can spot the intruder in this strip. The identity of the plucky raider will be revealed if you scroll down...
Whizzer and Chips 29 March 1986
Art: Cliff Brown |
Yes, two weeks after being
the victims of a raid by Odd-Ball, resilient
Charlie and Calc mounted a revenge sortie across the border into Whizzer, targeting newcomer Master P Brain. Cliff Brown's strip featuring the juvenile boffin had commenced in the aforementioned 15 March 1986 issue wherein Calculator Kid's story was infiltrated by the rubbery red rascal.
At this point the tally of raids involving ex-Cheeky Weekly characters
since the incorporation of Whoopee into Whizzer and Chips as of April 1985 was as follows;
Ex-Cheeky Weekly folk perpetrating raids on other characters - 9
Characters originating elsewhere raiding ex-Cheeky Weekly strips - 16
Despite the welcome hint of a reversal of fortunes with this latest raid, there's still a way to go to redress the balance, and with only two Cheeky-related fun pals surviving at this juncture, it's going to be a struggle to reach parity, let alone triumph. But don't get disheartened, as there will be more raiding fun soon!
Its all adding up!
ReplyDeleteWhat does Charlie say when his silicon sidekick turns up 30 minutes after the time they agreed to meet?
DeleteCalc, you late.